good info, i've bought from The have quality bark aswellCheck this out,
That is the best place to get mimosa hostillis bark. It is already ground up to a fine dust, its cheap and you can make alot of pure DMT or "spice" as we like to call it. Its a simple extraction called a TECH. DMT nexuss is a good place to look up techs. There are a few really good, inexpensive and easy ways in the forrums on the site:
Dont be afraid to explore both of those sites. Buying the bark is completely legal too
Mimosa hostilis is not a controlled species in the United States. Live plants and seeds are often sold and grown. However, DMT, one of the chemicals contained in the plant, is Schedule I in the U.S. Practically, this means that if an extraction is done on DMT containing Mimosa species, the resulting DMT is illegal to possess (but not the bark powder itself).
haha even the government can stop the conscious breakthrouhgs people are having!
Please people, dont be afriad to try the spice of life... it is wonderful in every aspect. It leads to self improvement and change. It opens your eyes to the way the world and universe work. Dont be afraid and let your heart guide you. Show no fear and everything will be fine
If you can get ayahusaca components... be careful, its alot different from smoking spice...
It lasts ALOT LONGER and can be very intense... Most people have a shaman or sprit guide watching over them, guiding them through expereinces so they dont get scarred. Spice is alot more mild and short lasting. But with the same intensity of visuals and out of body experiences as ayahuasca.
be easy friends
that would be really badassi havent done dmt. But the most effed up ive been and seen electric blue come down over the room (for an example) is while doing Nitrous Oxide while tripping balls on LSD. I know thats a combo of substances but had to enter my input
I know this is over the top but my little bro smoked DMT 3 times while on 4 hits of acid. I don't think I would do this.
He did it 2 weeks ago and I have not really gotten the whole story out of him. He just keeps saying it was "intense." lol. He had only smoked it one time before, I was with him and he had very minimal effects. (didn't rip the bong right) I will get the story out of him eventually. Hell, it may have just been too much and he cannot remember it. That isn't that unusual for a high dose. I told a few friends about it, whom I have talked out of doing this exact thing, and now they are all about it and want to do it. So maybe soon we will have some more stories.
OMG now i have to try that holy fuck. That's a bad ass octopusYes it almost feels liek comign out of a dream/sleep cycle. Ive smoked about 12-15 times, 3 of which i completeyl left this world, flew through hyperspace, was greeted by this psychedelic lion made of symbols and it was the gatekeeper for the temple of oneness. i havnt made it past him yet, he always seems to play tricks with me which i ahev yet toi learn to mimick. Life is getting crazy for me. DMt sure is a life changer that s for damn sure. I have smoke DMt on LSD, was grettied by an octupus like being which was harvestig my bad energy adn filling me with new, each tentacle gtrabbing me and pulsating my shakras. rearranging my brain to fit my conscious needs. It helps you heal mental and emotional problems, even abd habbits. EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ ABOUT THIS SHIT. IT IS THE CLOSES THING TO "alien or spiritual connections. "first contact" as we see it.
jsut some thoughts.
Yes it almost feels liek comign out of a dream/sleep cycle. Ive smoked about 12-15 times, 3 of which i completeyl left this world, flew through hyperspace, was greeted by this psychedelic lion made of symbols and it was the gatekeeper for the temple of oneness. i havnt made it past him yet, he always seems to play tricks with me which i ahev yet toi learn to mimick. Life is getting crazy for me. DMt sure is a life changer that s for damn sure. I have smoke DMt on LSD, was grettied by an octupus like being which was harvestig my bad energy adn filling me with new, each tentacle gtrabbing me and pulsating my shakras. rearranging my brain to fit my conscious needs. It helps you heal mental and emotional problems, even abd habbits. EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ ABOUT THIS SHIT. IT IS THE CLOSES THING TO "alien or spiritual connections. "first contact" as we see it.
jsut some thoughts.
Yeah, this does sound pretty awesome.Yes it almost feels liek comign out of a dream/sleep cycle. Ive smoked about 12-15 times, 3 of which i completeyl left this world, flew through hyperspace, was greeted by this psychedelic lion made of symbols and it was the gatekeeper for the temple of oneness. i havnt made it past him yet, he always seems to play tricks with me which i ahev yet toi learn to mimick. Life is getting crazy for me. DMt sure is a life changer that s for damn sure. I have smoke DMt on LSD, was grettied by an octupus like being which was harvestig my bad energy adn filling me with new, each tentacle gtrabbing me and pulsating my shakras. rearranging my brain to fit my conscious needs. It helps you heal mental and emotional problems, even abd habbits. EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ ABOUT THIS SHIT. IT IS THE CLOSES THING TO "alien or spiritual connections. "first contact" as we see it.
jsut some thoughts.
Yeah, this does sound pretty awesome.
....let me guess, those are the only things you've tried, right?liquid acid is one of my faves, but mushrooms are an alltime winner, everyones different