Doob's complete grow journal, got twins?


Well-Known Member
Doobs, I hate to read that you gotta get the tests on you. What symptoms have you had? Unless thats too personal of a question, if it is I'm sorry for asking, just concerned to see one of my mentors might have something wrong with them.
I've had them for awhile and they've progressively have gotten worse. My symptoms are random numbness, vision loss, extreme fatigue and I can't explain it but I guess the best is dizziness.

The numbness started with just the lower 1/4 of my face around my chin/lip, then my hands started going weird and when my hands go numb my thumbs shake but I'm not trying to shake them, and now my toe is going numb and that's spreading. The face and hands still happens but the toe/foot thing is totally new. It goes numb and it feels like it's just not there but I can still feel some pain, but not as much as if I were to pinch my other toes. I don't know how to explain it.... it's weird.

When I lose my vision, it's not really losing it, but more so like.... If you had your eyes crossed and someone spun you around in a chair or put your ass on a roller coaster at the same time as your eyes were crossed. It's really blurry and weird, but it happens randomly and goes away again randomly, it's weird.

The fatigue/pain, it's like no matter how much rest I try and get, it feels like I haven't gotten any sleep at all and I'm always aching.

The dizziness is weird, it's like I'm really drunk and I don't drink so it's kind of weird. I can't talk right when it happens and I can't think or anything really, when that happens. It actually really scares me sometimes.

I don't really know what's going on, but my girl's friend who has MS said that his symptoms were the same as mine when he got diagnosed. So the girl wants me to go to the doctor for all this stuff, which I do need to do, I just really REALLY hate the hospital.

It's not too personal of a question really, and I appreciate your concern :hug:. You think of me as a mentor? Wow.... I'm really flattered, really flattered thanks Altered :hug:.


bud bootlegger
damn doobieus..
soooo sorry to hear of your woo's.. that totally sucks.. but whatever you do, make sure you go and get that shit checked out.. i am also one who hates not only the hospital, but also dr.s and such.. only go when i feel like if i don't i am going to die.. but there are some times when we have to just bite the bullet and do what is best for us.. i am far from a dr., and wouldn't even try to diagnos your symptoms, thats what the experts are for......
and fcuk your journal for now if it means your getting better or going to the dr or whatnot.. you are the most important thing in your life..
i hate to hear that people have health issues.. we don't know how lucky we are untill something crumby happens to us or some one we love or even just look up to or even just enjoy hearing from on the internet.. i truely hope that there is nothing seriously wrong with you and that you are back to your normal self in no time at all...


Well-Known Member
damn doobieus..
soooo sorry to hear of your woo's.. that totally sucks.. but whatever you do, make sure you go and get that shit checked out.. i am also one who hates not only the hospital, but also dr.s and such.. only go when i feel like if i don't i am going to die.. but there are some times when we have to just bite the bullet and do what is best for us.. i am far from a dr., and wouldn't even try to diagnos your symptoms, thats what the experts are for......
and fcuk your journal for now if it means your getting better or going to the dr or whatnot.. you are the most important thing in your life..
i hate to hear that people have health issues.. we don't know how lucky we are untill something crumby happens to us or some one we love or even just look up to or even just enjoy hearing from on the internet.. i truely hope that there is nothing seriously wrong with you and that you are back to your normal self in no time at all...
It's ok Racer, things happen in life, and well the best thing we can do sometimes is just keep positive, move forward and survive. I'm taking care of it, Altered just asked what was going on so I answered him.

The journal isn't preventing me at all from going to the doctor, so no worries there. Trust me if things got that bad I'd totally leave the forum for awhile. It's just not that bad right now, it's bad but not to the point of not being able to live with it day to day. Plus if I had to leave for awhile I'd give my email to the people who asked for it or the people I'm close to on here.

I appreciate the support from you and everyone else on this forum :hug:. It's really nice to know that complete strangers have such great hearts, it makes me think better about the world and the people in it.

We'll know in a couple of weeks or so, I'll keep you guys updated :hug:.


Well-Known Member
The fatigue/pain, it's like no matter how much rest I try and get, it feels like I haven't gotten any sleep at all and I'm always aching.
oh shit yea keep me up to date on that because i have that same thing. I wake up feels like i just got to close my eyes and when i breath in to much my sides hurt and its not like the outside of me it is the inside of me, and the pain in my back and stomach feels like i did a back flip off a building and landed on my back and m stomach at the same time, and it lasts anywhere from 10minutes to 1hr.


Well-Known Member
oh shit yea keep me up to date on that because i have that same thing. I wake up feels like i just got to close my eyes and when i breath in to much my sides hurt and its not like the outside of me it is the inside of me, and the pain in my back and stomach feels like i did a back flip off a building and landed on my back and m stomach at the same time, and it lasts anywhere from 10minutes to 1hr.
Yeah I'll keep you guys updated for sure, that sucks about your back and stomach dude, you should probably go get that checked out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'll keep you guys updated for sure, that sucks about your back and stomach dude, you should probably go get that checked out.
Not just back and front it's also my sides :( but yea i would if i had the money i don't have none so i don't know and i fucking hate doctors all they do is rack up the bills and barely help you out.

Here is a picture of my 9mm plinker:lol:
Lol very interesting.... i want it... :weed:


Well-Known Member
I've had them for awhile and they've progressively have gotten worse. My symptoms are random numbness, vision loss, extreme fatigue and I can't explain it but I guess the best is dizziness.

The numbness started with just the lower 1/4 of my face around my chin/lip, then my hands started going weird and when my hands go numb my thumbs shake but I'm not trying to shake them, and now my toe is going numb and that's spreading. The face and hands still happens but the toe/foot thing is totally new. It goes numb and it feels like it's just not there but I can still feel some pain, but not as much as if I were to pinch my other toes. I don't know how to explain it.... it's weird.

When I lose my vision, it's not really losing it, but more so like.... If you had your eyes crossed and someone spun you around in a chair or put your ass on a roller coaster at the same time as your eyes were crossed. It's really blurry and weird, but it happens randomly and goes away again randomly, it's weird.

The fatigue/pain, it's like no matter how much rest I try and get, it feels like I haven't gotten any sleep at all and I'm always aching.

The dizziness is weird, it's like I'm really drunk and I don't drink so it's kind of weird. I can't talk right when it happens and I can't think or anything really, when that happens. It actually really scares me sometimes.

I don't really know what's going on, but my girl's friend who has MS said that his symptoms were the same as mine when he got diagnosed. So the girl wants me to go to the doctor for all this stuff, which I do need to do, I just really REALLY hate the hospital.

It's not too personal of a question really, and I appreciate your concern :hug:. You think of me as a mentor? Wow.... I'm really flattered, really flattered thanks Altered :hug:.
Wow Doobs :-(. That really does make me sad. The best advice I can possibly give you is to stay on the doctor's ass until you are fixed up right. I started having problems with my colon 6 years ago. All the doctors seemed like they wanted to give me the quick fix just giving me antibiotics to get rid of the infection. All that did was temporarily cure the symptoms and it would come right back in a couple months. So after 5 years of going to the doctor only to get a quick fix I got fed up. I switched doctors and stayed on their asses until they finally took out that F****D UP portion of my colon. I can finally do things again that are physically demanding without crapping out blood and being in crazy pain in my gut. I feel better than I have in years. So dont let them blow you off and if they do just go to a different one. You'll see that most of them are in it for the money but a select few really want to heal your problems. My heart goes out to you. You have alot of friends here for you and lots of positive vibes heading your way. Best of luck to you.:hug:

And yes I really do think of you as a mentor. I can't give you enough thanks for all the help and knowledge you've given me. I would have paid for what you gave me for free. Its like Chronic College on here and you are one of the professors. And that goes for you too Mind, Wretched, Crazy, and many others, you know who you are. Thanks to you Doobs and everyone else, I owe you and will try to pay you back in the next life, Lol.


Well-Known Member
Wow Doobs :-(. That really does make me sad. The best advice I can possibly give you is to stay on the doctor's ass until you are fixed up right. I started having problems with my colon 6 years ago. All the doctors seemed like they wanted to give me the quick fix just giving me antibiotics to get rid of the infection. All that did was temporarily cure the symptoms and it would come right back in a couple months. So after 5 years of going to the doctor only to get a quick fix I got fed up. I switched doctors and stayed on their asses until they finally took out that F****D UP portion of my colon. I can finally do things again that are physically demanding without crapping out blood and being in crazy pain in my gut. I feel better than I have in years. So dont let them blow you off and if they do just go to a different one. You'll see that most of them are in it for the money but a select few really want to heal your problems. My heart goes out to you. You have alot of friends here for you and lots of positive vibes heading your way. Best of luck to you.:hug:

And yes I really do think of you as a mentor. I can't give you enough thanks for all the help and knowledge you've given me. I would have paid for what you gave me for free. Its like Chronic College on here and you are one of the professors. And that goes for you too Mind, Wretched, Crazy, and many others, you know who you are. Thanks to you Doobs and everyone else, I owe you and will try to pay you back in the next life, Lol.
Yeah I had a nurse practitioner as my primary but, she just.... wow yeah. Needless to say I learned to not let any of them blow smoke up my ass, especially with this. Hence the reason I'm getting a new primary, but when I go to get the tests we're going to an actual neurologist, and apparently he's really good.

I'm really flattered to know that you think of us as mentors/professors, personally I don't think I know that much, just enough to keep my plants alive and healthy lol.

Yeah it's crazy, when I first joined this site, I wouldn't have imagined having actual deep conversations with people, and having so much support, even though you guys don't know me in my personal life. Not that I'm complaining lol, because it's cool, I just never thought it'd happen.

Again thanks for the support Altered and the rest of you guys thank you too, it means a lot :hug:.


Well-Known Member
People like to put the brand down because it is not a glock,ruger,s&w,berreta,ect;

But for $300 total it is a kick-ass plnker and if need be will take ya out.
Pffft whatever a brand is a brand is another brand. As long as you keep it clean, maintained and it can go pew pew, that's all that matters.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's crazy, when I first joined this site, I wouldn't have imagined having actual deep conversations with people, and having so much support, even though you guys don't know me in my personal life. Not that I'm complaining lol, because it's cool, I just never thought it'd happen.

I feel you there. I dont keep very many friends in person, just one that I hang out with really. But he lives 3 hours away so we only see each other every couple of months, and we've been friends for fifteen years now. I live a family life and occasionally hang out with other kids parents ( I really dont like that tho since I have to make small talk and not breathe a word about what we discuss on here). I get to share my hobby and learn about it with a bunch of cool people who share the same hobby. Its a great experience that I never thought I'd have.


Well-Known Member
I feel you there. I dont keep very many friends in person, just one that I hang out with really. But he lives 3 hours away so we only see each other every couple of months, and we've been friends for fifteen years now. I live a family life and occasionally hang out with other kids parents ( I really dont like that tho since I have to make small talk and not breathe a word about what we discuss on here). I get to share my hobby and learn about it with a bunch of cool people who share the same hobby. Its a great experience that I never thought I'd have.
I second that dude, I've met a lot of great people on here. It's nice to have a place to be able to talk to people about this hobby.

I always make friends on site's ^^.
Well now aren't you just a social butterfly lol.