Second grow

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Vegged 6 and a half weeks. flower day 29. there now 2 feet tall. flowered at one foot tall. it had about 11 nodes. they now have 14 nodes but i took about 2 sets of braches off for more bud growth. basicly there supose to have 16 nodes.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
you cut the entire top of the plant off just to get a clone?
Dont jump to conculsions there Buddy. i cut 2 lower braches on my plant. fo more upper bud growth. dont take me for an idiot grower. ive done my mistakes and ive elarned. this grow is 4 times betetr than my first:hump:

Dr High

Well-Known Member
yeah id take clones too but i didnt have enough space. and there in flower.. i wont cut off the top bud and attempt to root it. that would be fuckin retarded. lol More pics coming in couple of minutes.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Day 31 flower.

Mini and Biggie. lol:mrgreen: named them just now.

here min i showing the most of its flowers. mini is ahead of about 3 days i think maybe 4


Well-Known Member
nice and dark green, the way i like it,, and you are in your 5th week, same as me, how meny time a week do you feed them naw? im thinking that mine will need 10 weeks of flowering? how long do you think for yours?

Dr High

Well-Known Member
ok i watered immediatley as i got home from work. they were drooping mildly. i bought Grandma molasses:D i put a table spoon in thr gallon of water i gave them all 3. 150% the nutes i usually give them they seem to be taking it very well. second watering at 150% nutes. Peace

Dr High

Well-Known Member
heres whats going on. i thought i was around day 36... im on day 31 flower today. ill take pics quick beforei leave.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Can you guys notice it getting bigger quicker? im loving it. who said cfls were shit to grow with?? hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
I'm loving it too! watching your grow brings me good hope, I can't wait until you are able to harvest, what kind of yield you think you'll end up with?

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Some people told me that i would have at least an ounce Dried off each plants meaning 3 ounces. and dog said 2 ounces dry off every plant.... but i think 1 ounce is more like it. day 32 today. cant wait till the lights open. to see them up close:)

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Hey guys the hairs are about 10% red-brown. so about 3-4 weeks about?? cant wait for this harvest.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Day 32: 12% brown hairs. is this normal?? bud keeps swelling slowly, normal growth rate or what?? slower then normal?? i need advice on this. here the picture after wattering.