Second grow


They are looking good. They will fill out a lot more in the coming weeks for sure. The brown hairs is normal I think. They have more to do with the environment then ripeness I believe.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Hey guys ive been kinda Slow on the updates, shit has been happening everywhere. i gotta be strong. enough withh the rambling lets get to the point.

Ok Day 36 aprox. the buds are sucking in the Nitrogen: leaves are turning yellow, Harvest Soon!!:mrgreen: the buds are totally getting bigger and bigger. much more during the last couple days. i havent seen them grow that fast. Tell me what you guys think.:blsmoke::peace:

Watered them just now.

Minis hairs are just about 12-15% brown.

Biggie and Mini side by side.
You can see mini was plantec couple days earlier. ill harvest mini first:mrgreen::peace:PEACE

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Should i go for one more nute watering before i flush mini or should i flush her next watering???? need some advice here...if you can read, you can post, thank you. Peace


New Member
Should i go for one more nute watering before i flush mini or should i flush her next watering???? need some advice here...if you can read, you can post, thank you. Peace
I'd help, if I knew what you meant???

Have you overnuted? Close to harvest?


Yeah man, give her one more load of nutes before you flush, they are only like 37 days into flowering right? Are you going to let them go for a full 7-8 weeks? You will thank yourself if you let them go for like 20 more days, they will really swell and get fat in the last two weeks of flowering.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
ahhh now someone who knows what im talking about. YES im close to harvest if you have been paying attention to this thread. thanks Schoolie! Peace


Do you have a microscope doctor? That will really help you know how close they are to being done. So are you going to give them one more drink of the nutes before flushing?

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Yeah im going for one more dose on nutrients. then im going for 2 weeks or so flushing depending how the hairs turn out.


Very good, just keep in mind that the hairs turning is not the best way to know if they are ripe as they have more to do with the environment then ripeness.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Well this harvest i cant afford a microscope so ill go with my intuition. And im not sure if that is right schoolie when plants are close to harvest hairs will turn brown reddish. how would it be the envirment changing the colours?


This is true that the hairs will turn close to harvest but I also know that some plant's hairs can turn brown/red weeks before they are done. If, for example, there is alot of heat. This is what I have seen happen with some of my grows and also I have read this on this site. I could be wrong though, hopefully ngt, fdd, or an expert will throw in their 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
good grow, I'm only on the second page and just posting to keep track of the thread



New Member
Very good, just keep in mind that the hairs turning is not the best way to know if they are ripe as they have more to do with the environment then ripeness.
I have witnessed what you speak of... what i think it is though, is that sometimes the top of the plant will display a lot of new growth, so you don't see the brown hairs as much as you would lower down the plant.

I harvest from the bottom up, usually. By the time actual harvest comes I'm usually left with just the colas.

If your plants do brown prematurely, this usually means they are dying. I saw this happen to in one of my dwc grows. 3 plants sharing 18 litres of water is not a good idea. Two of the plants strangled one of the plants, which stopped growing about half way through flower. All the hairs started turning brown.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
its nothing that is happeing to my plants, there tunring bropwn real slow 32-37% brown and i flushed them didint give them a last dose of nutes. 2 weeks and im planning to harvest Mini.