does anyone else think guns should be banned?

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Well-Known Member
OP, are you really that dumb? Why don't we ban blowjobs while we're at it? I mean with all the STDs that hookers are passing around, we should just do away with BJs, no?

Also, you assume all stoners are as passive as yourself? Stoners come from all backgrounds my friend. We don't all live in Utopia. Some of us are backwoods redneck hillbillies, my friend. Not me of course. :lol:

What the hell do you think got us this far as a country? Tofu, Lattes, and Botox?

NO... Guns, Guts and Glory, which you obviously do not possess.


Active Member
The founding fathers put the second amendment in the constitution in order to keep the first and protect the people from an authoritarian government. THe second amendment has nothing to do with hunting or shooting some burglar in your home, it is an essential must in order to keep the government in check and our personal liberties secure.


A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

i think our first mistake was letting go of the first four words.... now, the few "militias" we have these days are looked at as "extremist groups" and are watched closely by the government.


Well-Known Member
I really hope that we wise up.
Before its too late. Why the hell is our government building concentration camps here in the U.S.
Duuuh they are for us.
I promise to kill as many as possible.
I will not surrender my guns or my freeedom.
I believe the saying is. from my cold dead hands.


Well-Known Member
o.k i thought we were all going to use intelligent debate but then a guy calls me dumb. typical. he also says i've got no guts. how fucking dare you? you dont know me. i've shot, and been shot at. just because i disagree with you you attack my integrety? i'll tell you one thing mate i've been respectfull al the way through this tread and i shall mantain that. because that takes guts my friend. now if me and you were in a room without a gun we would see who the man is. i dont understand how some poeple can be so disrespectfull. i dont know any of you guys and even though you ridicule me i'm fine with that, but is it right to insinuate im a coward? why would say i've got no guts without knowing me? if you read all my posts yuo would see im not anti hunting and i think its possiable that some people have the right to bear arms. just not pricks like you,.
this post is for daveydoom
i would like to say to everyone else i appreciate that you can all make points like adults without throwing in any personal attacks. my "guts" "integrity" "bravery" should not be questioned in a debate where all these things are irrelavent.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
OP, are you really that dumb? Why don't we ban blowjobs while we're at it? I mean with all the STDs that hookers are passing around, we should just do away with BJs, no?

Also, you assume all stoners are as passive as yourself? Stoners come from all backgrounds my friend. We don't all live in Utopia. Some of us are backwoods redneck hillbillies, my friend. Not me of course. :lol:

What the hell do you think got us this far as a country? Tofu, Lattes, and Botox?

NO... Guns, Guts and Glory, which you obviously do not possess.
You cant get a std from a bj :lol:


Well-Known Member
I love guns they keep me safe form the idiots that don’t know how to use their guns! Might be your opinion, but movie with that mentality we need less of your kind in America.
Just for perspective, in the Middle East kids are running around at a young age (10 years old) same thing in the war torn countries of Africa. Point is that weapons are part of our nature, and that right should never be taken away. It’s part of our constitution that so many good people have died fighting for.
Have your opinion, because that is another one of our freedoms, but I guarantee they will never take our guns away! If they do they will have a world of hurt coming!


Well-Known Member
i love guns they keep me safe form the idiots that don’t know how to use their guns! Might be your opinion, but movie with that mentality we need less of your kind in america.
just for perspective, in the middle east kids are running around at a young age (10 years old) same thing in the war torn countries of africa. Point is that weapons are part of our nature, and that right should never be taken away. It’s part of our constitution that so many good people have died fighting for.
have your opinion, because that is another one of our freedoms, but i guarantee they will never take our guns away! If they do they will have a world of hurt coming!
100% agreed

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I love guns they keep me safe form the idiots that don’t know how to use their guns! Might be your opinion, but movie with that mentality we need less of your kind in America.
Just for perspective, in the Middle East kids are running around at a young age (10 years old) same thing in the war torn countries of Africa. Point is that weapons are part of our nature, and that right should never be taken away. It’s part of our constitution that so many good people have died fighting for.
Have your opinion, because that is another one of our freedoms, but I guarantee they will never take our guns away! If they do they will have a world of hurt coming!
Trust me, im all for my 2nd amendment right. But kids in Africa walking around with guns and shooting people is not part of our nature....:shock:

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
o.k i thought we were all going to use intelligent debate but then a guy calls me dumb. typical. he also says i've got no guts. how fucking dare you? you dont know me. i've shot, and been shot at. just because i disagree with you you attack my integrety? i'll tell you one thing mate i've been respectfull al the way through this tread and i shall mantain that. because that takes guts my friend. now if me and you were in a room without a gun we would see who the man is. i dont understand how some poeple can be so disrespectfull. i dont know any of you guys and even though you ridicule me i'm fine with that, but is it right to insinuate im a coward? why would say i've got no guts without knowing me? if you read all my posts yuo would see im not anti hunting and i think its possiable that some people have the right to bear arms. just not pricks like you,.
this post is for daveydoom
i would like to say to everyone else i appreciate that you can all make points like adults without throwing in any personal attacks. my "guts" "integrity" "bravery" should not be questioned in a debate where all these things are irrelavent.

The thing is people don't like that your talking about (taking away) something they hold so dear. That we/they percieve you as an outsider (UK) trying to talk us out of a RIGHT we have fought and bled and died for. It's really not suprising that people would resort to name calling. What you are saying is offensive to us say the least.

I was reading a thread on here this morning about how you guys over there are now starting to ban knives or at least types of knives due to the high rate of knife crime. All i can do is laugh and feel sorry for your whole country and the way your government thinks. I'm Glad I'm a gun toting American and I have now officially changed my mind about visiting my ancestral home of Ireland. it's too bad but I just can't see going somewhere that I can be put in prison for defending myself.


Well-Known Member
The thing is people don't like that your talking about (taking away) something they hold so dear. That we/they percieve you as an outsider (UK) trying to talk us out of a RIGHT we have fought and bled and died for. It's really not suprising that people would resort to name calling. What you are saying is offensive to us say the least.

I was reading a thread on here this morning about how you guys over there are now starting to ban knives or at least types of knives due to the high rate of knife crime. All i can do is laugh and feel sorry for your whole country and the way your government thinks. I'm Glad I'm a gun toting American and I have now officially changed my mind about visiting my ancestral home of Ireland. it's too bad but I just can't see going somewhere that I can be put in prison for defending myself.
fuck yeah, this explains it best.


No, I think we need to just stop the whole trying to ban guns. It'll never work. And if it does your gonna have tons of pissed off Americans.


Well-Known Member
You cant get a std from a bj :lol:
Yes you can.

Any bodily fluids can pass on an STD.
Pre-cum contains old sperm, and sperm carries stds
(if the person has one)

The only bodily fluid I've heard of not being able to pass
an std is saliva, and thats only in cases where the person

has aids. AIDS cannot be passed by saliva.
Other than that, any bodily fluid that has a mucous membrane
is capable of passing on an std.

So please, be careful.

I don't know who told you that, but I'm glad I'm telling
you this. It might save your life one day.


Well-Known Member
So ok guys...

I live in CA.

I'm not 21 yet, and if I heard right if I'm under
21 I can't get a hand held pistol.

What other gun can I buy for my first gun?

How much to shot guns cost?

How much are rifles?
(an estimate is fine)
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