Minimum yield

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Idk it's like a clear bulb 100w brand is like general electric or some shit. I looked it up all over google and no pictures of the exact one...
...Is it a big ass bulb? Dude make sure you dont put it into a normal socket. I did that once and it turned out to be a 500w HID bulb of some type..I was 12 and it fried the circuits somewhere in the a 3,000 dollar fix :hug::joint:


Active Member




Is it is HALOGEN, cry.

Hopefully this will help you determine what your light is. It is vital to guess a yield. Also, you can tell us EXACTLY what you PLAN, but untill you DO it, we will not know what you can grow. After a time or two, you can predict your yield based from what you have accomplished in the past.

If you are using 100 watts in a box that is 18 inches high, I am assuming only one plant? How long do you plan to veg?

Seeing as you are new, (as am I) I can assume some mistakes will be made along the way to stress the plant.

You want a number? I would say 5-6 Grams tops without knowing anything else. The more info, the better guess can be made.

Don't worry be happy! bongsmilie


Active Member
It looks like the first bulb(INCANDESCENT) but not exactly.

Then you will want to look elsewhere. An incandescent bulb does not put out light in the right spectrum... and also wastes alot of energy with high amounts of heat. all around bad light choice.

If you only want one light, you could use a small ( 150/250Watt) Metal Halide or HPS. If your money is an issue, a few 26 watt cfls or 42 watters would be fine for one plant.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
sounds like one of thoser flood lamps you see keeping fries warm they make more heat then anything
can you not aford 2 or 3 cfls 42w or are you just tring some type of exspriment, you seem to be hung up on this light. why not just get another type of bulb cfls are cheap you could even use the 23w they sell those for 99c at ace hardwere get 5


Active Member
sounds like one of thoser flood lamps you see keeping fries warm they make more heat then anything
can you not aford 2 or 3 cfls 42w or are you just tring some type of exspriment, you seem to be hung up on this light. why not just get another type of bulb cfls are cheap you could even use the 23w they sell those for 99c at ace hardwere get 5

Not to mention 23 Watt CFLs are the most energy efficient of all the CFLs you could use.


Well-Known Member
The minimum yield you will get is 0 grams.

I'm really not trying to harsh on your buzz, only inject a dose of reality into your situation.

Incansescent bulbs are no good for growing marijuana. You might be able to nurse a sprout with one, but to take a grow from seed to weed with one is practically unheard of.

It costs money to grow indoors. You need adequate lighting and ventilation or else you will end up with a dead seedling and a face full of tears.

Can I also suggest not growing in your parent's house. It's really not fair to put them at risk like that.


Active Member
Walmart! Home Depot! Lowes! Pretty much any hardware or surplus store should have them. I live in east bumfuck, and we have them all over the place... You hsould be able to find them with minimal effort.

Just as a precaution though, it seems like you haven't done much looking into the whole growing thing. i would suggest atleast watching a few videos if you don't wanna sit through endless threads of information... If you are interested, I will get you the links even. I hate to see people try then fail when they could have done better iwth just a little time invested. Good luck! bongsmilie

fat sam

Well-Known Member
shit ill help you, ditch the cooking bulb....whatever that is and get some cfl's if your broke or a small hps if you have maybe a hundred or 2 to spend, so with say a 250 hps on your first grow 3 oz is within reason, but the experience you gain on the first grow is worth millions, so as far a nutes go mg will work......but its not the cheapest or the best, any garden store carries fish emulsion and usually boxes of guano and bone meal and shit like that, so when you prep your soil you will also want to add dolomite lime as a ph buffer if your soil is not buffered allready, that way you can go all the way through veg on just plain water, high times recently did an article on making super soil that was great, in some of the jorge cervantes vids he shows how to mix up a propper batch to and those are on youtube, but yeah, once you have the basics of growing down a half gram per watt of hps light is what you should get at least, if i were you i would try my best to get a small hps as they are the best light, but cfl's are decent also
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