Gun Control

Stricter Gun Control In US

  • Yes, stricter control.

    Votes: 22 17.2%
  • No, we love our guns!

    Votes: 106 82.8%

  • Total voters
Someone said that even if we had guns we would not be able to defend ourselves from our own government? I bet they said that to our founding Fathers too. Where I'm from the citizens have bigger guns than the police or Nat guard does. You can't forget that a huge number of the citizens are former military veterans, many have seen combat since the good ole USA is always killing someone somewhere.

Gun Control won't be happening anytime soon around here. I wonder how many violent crimes are committed in the UK each year with guns? Would you be surprised to learn that except for murder and rape, the UK has overtaken the US as the leader for ALL major crimes.
Don't think for one minute that people are not using guns in the UK, there are plenty of examples of armed robbery and blatant theft at gunpoint. especially now that the criminals know that no one is going to be able to stop them since normal citizens do not carry guns anymore.
Someone said that even if we had guns we would not be able to defend ourselves from our own government? I bet they said that to our founding Fathers too. Where I'm from the citizens have bigger guns than the police or Nat guard does. You can't forget that a huge number of the citizens are former military veterans, many have seen combat since the good ole USA is always killing someone somewhere.

Gun Control won't be happening anytime soon around here. I wonder how many violent crimes are committed in the UK each year with guns? Would you be surprised to learn that except for murder and rape, the UK has overtaken the US as the leader for ALL major crimes.
Don't think for one minute that people are not using guns in the UK, there are plenty of examples of armed robbery and blatant theft at gunpoint. especially now that the criminals know that no one is going to be able to stop them since normal citizens do not carry guns anymore.

3.5x higher here than there, but here the numbers are skewed upwards (obviously in an attempt to brainwash the public into believing that we have a gun problem) over there the numbers are skewed down (obviously in an attempt to brainwash the public into believing that they don't have an illegal gun problem.) One can only wonder if the entirety of the 350% is due to the differences in reporting, or if the numbers are actually, in truth, higher over in London where the common citizens are deprived of their right of self-defense.
No sir. I've not stolen anything. No Im gonna kill you with it cause I'm better at fighting than you. The gangbanger that tried to shoot me in the back of the head thought he was gonna get me too and he had the drop on me. Sic vis pacem, parabellum. (If you want peace prepare for war). Come after the warlord you gonna be pushin up daisies :peace:

never stolen anything?? your quote in your sig doesn't sound like your too honest of a guy... and internet stories are for children... lets see pics..
hey, not being allowed a gun does not mean you're not allowed self defense.. that's stupid, if you can only defend yourself WITH a gun, then you've got some big problems in your life.

as i've said, i can defend myself just fine, and in any situation, i don't want a gun. i'll defend myself with my hands thanks, i'm more than capable. and if the other guy has a gun, then that's just tough cookies, doesn't mean it's a reason for you to have a gun as well, it's just exacerbating the whole thing.

i've lived in the UK for 21 years now. smart areas, the slummiest dodgiest areas, and places in between. i've never once in that time seen a real pistol or heard one being fired, seen bullet holes, etc etc, never lived in london, so can't talk about that, but most of the crazy killing and such that goes down in london, i hate to say this, but it's immigrants or black gangs, not trying to be racist, but that's pretty much how it is.
hey, not being allowed a gun does not mean you're not allowed self defense.. that's stupid, if you can only defend yourself WITH a gun, then you've got some big problems in your life.

as i've said, i can defend myself just fine, and in any situation, i don't want a gun. i'll defend myself with my hands thanks, i'm more than capable. and if the other guy has a gun, then that's just tough cookies, doesn't mean it's a reason for you to have a gun as well, it's just exacerbating the whole thing.

i've lived in the UK for 21 years now. smart areas, the slummiest dodgiest areas, and places in between. i've never once in that time seen a real pistol or heard one being fired, seen bullet holes, etc etc, never lived in london, so can't talk about that, but most of the crazy killing and such that goes down in london, i hate to say this, but it's immigrants or black gangs, not trying to be racist, but that's pretty much how it is.

If I am confronted by some one wielding a knife, I would reach for a gun and attempt to knee cap them, or disable them so I could call the police with out worrying about them attacking me.

If I have a lawful right to be in the place where the attack was made against me, then there is no reason why I should be obligated to retreat from some one that does not have a legal right to force me to leave a place where I have the legal right to be.
and you can do that if you like, i won't stop you. but if i'm confronted by someone with a knife, well i'll do what i decide at the time, it's the luck of the draw, i always go into a fight with the intention of getting badly hurt, keeps me going.

whether the guy take my wallet or cuts me or whatever, fine, i'm not gonna pull a gun out and shoot someone though.

it is to each their own, and however pretty guns can be, i would never shoot someone, i have a pretty high set of morals on the whole, i'd have to have the gun on me anyways, which would suck, basically a life revolving around paranoia and fear of an attack, and i'd also feel like a pretty big pussy if i brought a gun to a knife fight, i'll do it my way thanks
haha, liking the avatar tim :D can't say i agree with it, but damned if it isn't good :D

question for tim and strangerdude, what are the guns in your avatars normally used for? weapons like this i don't really mind, as on the whole, well they're not gonna be used in a mugging :D i figure there#s some kind of sporting reason (pun! :P) to them
Banning guns from the public would only work if it were impossible to find guns anywhere, by citizen and criminal alike. Seeing as how there are plenty of heavy-armed assholes to the south of the US that would just love to make a buck off of a newly created black market for guns, that's not even remotely possible. And what will the military and police use to enfore this ban? Guns of course, meaning that somewhere out there there will always be a factory making guns and somebody will be selling (or stealing) a few under the table to criminals, while the citizens remain unarmed.

Any accidental death related to a gun is purely a result of stupidity, not the gun. Even if you managed to "save their life" by taking the gun away, a person that negligent and stupid can just as easily blow their face off with fireworks. That being said I believe a mandatory training course should be enforced for gun owners.

And apparently no anti gun supporter has ever heard of a zip gun before. :? If criminals want guns, they will get them, period. If they can't be found, they can just as easily be made.

For any fool who thinks that a spike in black market prices will stop a criminal, use your head for once. What do criminals rob people for.......?
Home protection. Uh sport shooting. Uh paramilitary tactical situations. Lol. I just love my guns. They are assault weopons. But what if the assault comes to you in your homes with your kids ? Are you gonna wait for the police to save you and your family ? Or take action before the threat even reaches you? I vote for the latter. I'm not sayin to tote a gun around to your local wal mart to shop for dinner but a gun in the house is a smart decision.
3.5x higher here than there, but here the numbers are skewed upwards (obviously in an attempt to brainwash the public into believing that we have a gun problem) over there the numbers are skewed down (obviously in an attempt to brainwash the public into believing that they don't have an illegal gun problem.) One can only wonder if the entirety of the 350% is due to the differences in reporting, or if the numbers are actually, in truth, higher over in London where the common citizens are deprived of their right of self-defense.

Canada has handgun control, and our crime rates are on a steady decline, a trend instituted from the idea of treating the root cause of crime, and forgetting "tough on crime mentality" . In fact most of our homicides/gun crimes (I live in Toronto) are from illegal guns smuggled in from America. Those guns purchased in stores legally, and traverse the "blue steel highway" and into our country. According to several reports there is a direct correlation between the weak U.S. gun laws and people dying on the urban streets of Canada. This whole drug prohibition does not help just adds fuel to the problem. I don't expect things to change though, Americans love their guns just as much as they love hot dogs and baseball. Not to mention it is inscribed in their constitution, although not many people take the time in which that was written into context. The experience in America was very different back then, and I simply think that the 2nd amendment does not translate very well in this day and age.
Canada has handgun control, and our crime rates are on a steady decline, a trend instituted from the idea of treating the root cause of crime, and forgetting "tough on crime mentality" . In fact most of our homicides/gun crimes (I live in Toronto) are from illegal guns smuggled in from America. Those guns purchased in stores legally, and traverse the "blue steel highway" and into our country. According to several reports there is a direct correlation between the weak U.S. gun laws and people dying on the urban streets of Canada. This whole drug prohibition does not help just adds fuel to the problem. I don't expect things to change though, Americans love their guns just as much as they love hot dogs and baseball. Not to mention it is inscribed in their constitution, although not many people take the time in which that was written into context. The experience in America was very different back then, and I simply think that the 2nd amendment does not translate very well in this day and age.

Yeah your'e right we shouldn't be able to defend ourselves and that free speech thing, why do we need that anyway?
Yeah your'e right we shouldn't be able to defend ourselves and that free speech thing, why do we need that anyway?

Defend yourself? What are you scared of? Why are Americans so keen on arming themselves from these potential threats, all these hypothetical situations. "Oh what if someone is robbing your house?" , just live your life, shit you could fucking get hit by a car, but does that mean you should never walk on the sidewalk. This defend yourself mentality is all bullshit, are you that chicken shit that you need to carry a gun everywhere you go?
Defend yourself? What are you scared of? Why are Americans so keen on arming themselves from these potential threats, all these hypothetical situations. "Oh what if someone is robbing your house?" , just live your life, shit you could fucking get hit by a car, but does that mean you should never walk on the sidewalk. This defend yourself mentality is all bullshit, are you that chicken shit that you need to carry a gun everywhere you go?

If some one is attempting to rob my house, then I want to be able to protect my life, my liberty and my property, the easiest, and most convenient means of doing so is with a gun.

Though your response makes me wonder if you don't make a habit of stealing from other people, and are deathfully afraid that one of these days you'll rob the wrong house and get your brains splattered all over the place, or your guts let loose from your bowels.

Though speaking of just living one's life. Perhaps you should follow your own advice instead of attempting to dictate how others should live theirs. It would prevent you from being a hypocrite.
1. Where do all of these people that are for gun control live? It must be in a place where a cop follows you every minute to protect you from violence. Do they truly believe that a cop will come to their rescue if/when they are threatened.? How long will that take? Rest assured that when a cop DOES show up and he puts down his donut long enough to find a joint on your dead body, he will immediately call it a drug related crime.
2. How many time in history has gun control preceded corrupt/mad governments? I'll keep my guns regardless of gun control laws, and I'll live free till they come to get em.
If some one is attempting to rob my house, then I want to be able to protect my life, my liberty and my property, the easiest, and most convenient means of doing so is with a gun.

Though your response makes me wonder if you don't make a habit of stealing from other people, and are deathfully afraid that one of these days you'll rob the wrong house and get your brains splattered all over the place, or your guts let loose from your bowels.

Though speaking of just living one's life. Perhaps you should follow your own advice instead of attempting to dictate how others should live theirs. It would prevent you from being a hypocrite.

Thanks for showing me you are chickenshit, and where did you get the impression I like to rob houses, cause I don't like to carry a gun? Cause I am not afraid of my own shadow, "oh know big government is gonna get me" or " a minority just moved in the neighborhood, Ima need a gun", I would rather settle disputes like an adult with conversation, not some stupid wild wild west mentality. Even if it gets to a point where a fight is about to happen, you don't even have those fist fights anymore, you have gun fights now even over little stupid shit.

Fuck your 2nd amendment, okay, It is directly attributing to dead Canadians. Fuck your insecurites and fuck your fears. You scared of criminals, deal with it from a societal point of view, not by the gun. Only pussy's need guns cause they scared of everything including their own shadow.
Thanks for showing me you are chickenshit, and where did you get the impression I like to rob houses, cause I don't like to carry a gun? Cause I am not afraid of my own shadow, "oh know big government is gonna get me" or " a minority just moved in the neighborhood, Ima need a gun", I would rather settle disputes like an adult with conversation, not some stupid wild wild west mentality. Even if it gets to a point where a fight is about to happen, you don't even have those fist fights anymore, you have gun fights now even over little stupid shit.

Fuck your 2nd amendment, okay, It is directly attributing to dead Canadians. Fuck your insecurites and fuck your fears. You scared of criminals, deal with it from a societal point of view, not by the gun. Only pussy's need guns cause they scared of everything including their own shadow.

Let's think about this.

Some one breaks into your house, shatters the window, and starts rampaging through your shit.

What makes you think that they are going to listen to a mature, rational conversation.

Of course, for you that might consist of saying, in your tiny, squeeky, effeminate voice, "Please stop robbing me Mr. Robber."
Let's think about this.

Some one breaks into your house, shatters the window, and starts rampaging through your shit.

What makes you think that they are going to listen to a mature, rational conversation.

Of course, for you that might consist of saying, in your tiny, squeeky, effeminate voice, "Please stop robbing me Mr. Robber."

No what I was saying was, I do not not need a gun because I would rather solve disputes through rational conversation, not wild wild west mentality.

But the thing is we here in Canada do not have a high crime rate, cause we deal with the root causes of crime, our only major problem right now is gun violence stemmed from your POS lax laws. Down in America, its all about chauvinistic tough on crime, lock em up forever, fuck the poor, so maybe that is where all this fear is coming from.

If I was getting robbed, I do not know how I would act, I do have an alarm system so that probably would deter that robber in the first place.

Effeminate voice? lol says the pussy American afraid of big governemnt and one of the main reasons he has a big gun is because some girl told him he had a small penis back in highschool.