Right on! right on! looks good. Did you just use trim? If so you can imagine what the oil is like when you add some chopped up goods in there too. our last batch we put in about 1/8-1/4 of good bud in. Wow 1-2 hits is all you need.
yeah I think you pretty much nailed it. I have smoked iso oil all my life, every now and then I would be lucky enough to get some honey. I way prefer the honey. the iso oil seems to get me just as high, but I also get the worst burn outs and always a headache. Never agian.I alwayz do this method with the 600 ml, except last time we used a 2 litre and got about 6 grams of kief. Tasted good, but you can also do honey oil with iso, what i do is freeze the shake and keep the iso cold. Get a filter and do a quick wash, in 3-4 minutes the iso will turn green if it sits to long, just means the green from the plant material will make your oil green and its not so pure. But using bud it works killer, So i slowly pour it over making sure it goes into the jar fast, use a white pot that you can see the bottom good, easier for collecting th kief. Then i use a hot plate, meaning no spark cause it will blow up, just like butane. It cooks for 2 to 3 hrs depended on how many ML of iso you use. After its a yellow, clear color with a brown shade, Thats with leaf and trimmings. With pure buds its a bright yellow and taste just like dankness and it seems i get 2 times more then Butane. Like butane is a good fast method but, I wonder if the bottle collects some of the resin too, after I seen a cap with a gram of kief on it lol, I think iso washes gets quanity and butane gets quailty.~peace![]()
right now my area is flooded with honey oil,i never really go a big thing out of it,itwas probly justbunk or is it just for taste?
Just one question. Is it worth it to make it with just fan leaves? Or do you recommend throwing in at least some of the small buds?
if the leaves are crystally it is worth. even more so with some ground up popcorn buds.![]()
How do you smoke the honey oil. Maybe I should say in what?
Aren't you worried about the quality of your final product using this method? Commercial extractors (like the Honey-Bee eXtractor) use high-grade PVC instead of thin PET plastic for a reason. The same reason people who grow at home only use certain metals when making theirs; the solvent apparently dissolves minute amounts of toxic material from the surface plastic into the finished material.
I'm not sure if this is true, but I've heard it repeated often enough by the people who pioneered butane extraction that I'm inclined to believe it. It's always recommended that people make their home-made ones out of pvc or copper.
um...... it's a pepsi bottle.... used for pepsi.... something you drink.... pretty sure it's safe plastic.
good idea man!
safe for storing food doesn't necessarily mean safe to hold a solvent. Orange juice cartons hold OJ great, but they make a shitty gas can.
yeah, but just cuz it's a shitty gas can dosen't mean the structure of the plastic breaks down and contaminates the gasoline.