Mexi's D.I.Y butane extractor

Hey guys ;) I uses a turkey baster you can use the glass ones and they have stainless steel ones... no drilling and make sure that you use the cleanest butane you can get..... "Colibri" of london has near zero impurities. and here is a pic ;)


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nice. I was in the city a few weeks ago at a pipe shop and they had that exact butane there. I bought em out. hehehe.
I've never seen honey oil for sale in my country. How could you put a price on something so precious?

How is it measured? How much does it cost?

Flooded with honey oil? Remarkable.:eyesmoke:
When I was in Amsterdam in Oct 08, I smoked some great honey oil called Terminator at Basjoe. It was 50 euro a gram. That stuff was killer
Here is a simple but effective homeade butane exrtactor that I made using a 600ml pepsi bottle. Please read Fdd2blk's butane extractor thread for a great idea of how this method works.

First! All the parts you need!

Soda bottle. I used a 600ml.
Re-usable coffee filter.
Paper coffee filter.

The pic is pretty self explanitory! I used 3 screens overlapped, could porbably use just 1-2.

You can see the cap has a few small holes in it! I taped the lid once I filled the bottle.

I tape the paper filter over the lid and for good measure!

Small hole on bottom of bottle for butane tip!

Thats about it. As I said up top. please read fdd's honey oil thread to get a good idea of how to use this. I do not want to be responsible for ppl blowing shit up so I will not explain the method, just how to build one.

Right on.

Just so everyone knows... using stainless steel or glass is much better for you... these items will not transfer any "contaminants"[SIZE=+0] to your precious nectar....[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]but hey... it's up to you and what is easily available[/SIZE]
Aren't you worried about the quality of your final product using this method? Commercial extractors (like the Honey-Bee eXtractor) use high-grade PVC instead of thin PET plastic for a reason. The same reason people who grow at home only use certain metals when making theirs; the solvent apparently dissolves minute amounts of toxic material from the surface plastic into the finished material.

I'm not sure if this is true, but I've heard it repeated often enough by the people who pioneered butane extraction that I'm inclined to believe it. It's always recommended that people make their home-made ones out of pvc or copper.


Others will go further to say glass and stainless steel. Copper only if you don't allow it to oxidize. Never use CPVC, that is bad stuff!

I'm not flamin' just sharin' honest!:-o
What a great post!! I will be trying this out on my next harvest without a doubt... Happy growing and +rep to u
I Tried this technique and yes i did obtained some thing oily and green in color . Well i want to get something more pure..

let me tell u what i did..

I used 60 grams of Hemp almost 60 grams . a bottle of 1.5 litre of coke. 3 (300 ml) chinese butane cylinders i can only get these. and drilled almost 15 holes on the top of the cap of the bottle and used 3 layers of coffee filters..

and the product was bit disappointing. please help if i can get something better..
I Tried this technique and yes i did obtained some thing oily and green in color . Well i want to get something more pure..

let me tell u what i did..

I used 60 grams of Hemp almost 60 grams . a bottle of 1.5 litre of coke. 3 (300 ml) chinese butane cylinders i can only get these. and drilled almost 15 holes on the top of the cap of the bottle and used 3 layers of coffee filters..

and the product was bit disappointing. please help if i can get something better..

Old thread but what the hell....
Your butane ratio seems Ok. It's likely poor quality shake, or too many/large holes in your filter, if the butane escapes through too fast it won't have a chance to extract properly. See some tips below, been doing this for years. You'll need to experiment a bit, well worth it though ;)

Use the cleanest butane you can find.
Use a stainless or glass container to avoid bleaching shit into your oil (my current container is a modified stainless steel martini shaker)
Use approx. 10 times the amount of butane to shake/bud ratio e.g. 1 oz pot = 10 oz butane (28g pot = 300 ml butane)
Use the small leaves closest to the buds, essentially any that are covered in frost
For strength, add your small/popcorn buds
Mix a 75% ratio of good/frosty shake and 25% popcorn for killer but smokable honey (any more and you better be going to sleep after toking it)

Happy toking :)
No no no,
PVC = poly vinyl chloride! when heated a poisonous fume is released.
Copper is not safe to smoke out of so WHY should it be safe to use with a Solvent?

use Stainless Steel, get a turkey baster.
Buy a glass tube, I spent 25 bucks and got a glass tube.

we are already dying, no need to poison yourself to expedite the process.
make sure you use good clean butane and don't do what I did for the first time ever.. I had used Ronson butane lmao cancer as fuq..
but I really like the blueflame or puretane butane brands they're something like 11x refined 10x filtered you should get some, mostly N butane.
I just smoke rosin nowdayz or full melt bubble
Here is a simple but effective homeade butane exrtactor that I made using a 600ml pepsi bottle. Please read Fdd2blk's butane extractor thread for a great idea of how this method works.

First! All the parts you need!

Soda bottle. I used a 600ml.
Re-usable coffee filter.
Paper coffee filter.

The pic is pretty self explanitory! I used 3 screens overlapped, could porbably use just 1-2.

You can see the cap has a few small holes in it! I taped the lid once I filled the bottle.

I tape the paper filter over the lid and for good measure!

Small hole on bottom of bottle for butane tip!

Thats about it. As I said up top. please read fdd's honey oil thread to get a good idea of how to use this. I do not want to be responsible for ppl blowing shit up so I will not explain the method, just how to build one.
I always used a metal aluminum tubing about 3' long much better and easier to make can fit alot in a 2 liter pop bottle save alot of time during Thanksgiving blasting all the pounds of trim and sugar leaves from past summer grow