Yogi's 2012, new found interest


Well-Known Member
I've been picking up strange times on the clock. Here are a few I noticed this week:
Day 1
4:44 4:55
Day 3
3:33 10:10
Day 5
Day 6
When I was moving a cardboard box, I noticed a clock underneath it and it read 11:11

I took a huge break from recording because I noticed a different set of times from the norm and didn't think to record all of them, but
they were numbers like 3:32 2:24 2:21; that sort of thing.

Day who knows
I got txted by somebody at 2:22
I txted back at 4:20 [:)]
The next day I woke up at 1:11


Active Member
stock you house with magnets so the polar offset dosnt effect you? is that what your gonna do? or build a bomb shelter out of your basement? stock up on suplys and weapons and ammo for judgement day? or live your live in fear of something thats never going to happen anyways

i hope in the year 2013 we will still be alive so i can say i was right and you were wrong
Lol not the kinda preparation i had in mind. I meant get prepare as a nation and come to together with other nations to prepare for the environmental changes.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
I was just thinking to myself of the number sequence on the mayan calendar for the events in 2012. A member named Yogifresh posted something on this and it piqued my interest. the number sequence came to me like a light from above; December 21, 2012... break it down to actual numbers and you get: 12-21-21(21st century)-12 at 11:11... Astronomical! So we get 12-21-21-12 11:11. What kind of Binary code is this? I'm sure they did not use ones and zeros because that is Techie jargon for on and off switches; zero cannot be a number unit as it is void/null. My guess is that the ones and twos might be the equivalent to zeros and ones. Simple, yet effective. Could it be that this is a binary code in a lost language or in mayan? Could it be an access code (in case it was about aliens and their technology)? Any input would be appreciated.:peace::peace::peace:
Aliens arent proven yet and i doubt theyll be here any time soon do u know how big the universe is it would take them thousands of years 2 get here and also all living things die so i doubt any alien would make it to earth

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Lol not the kinda preparation i had in mind. I meant get prepare as a nation and come to together with other nations to prepare for the environmental changes.
the nations will never come together because mankind will never get along in society that revolves around Money and War
the world seems to care more about those than anything "stupid enviornmentalists" may say. The Government doesnt beleive in Global Warming.
They belive in destroying the world and pitting us all against each other further shortening our chances to ever get along with each other.
For The government:War is Profit,Bloodshed for Oil is apparantly in these days.
our chances of ever coming together as a "Global Family" to actually have the balls to speak out against the Government are very slim.
Hate mail and protests will not help we need to do somthing fast because in this ever-expanding ressession things are just going to get worse.


Active Member
LMAO! Some people can't seem to get the stick out of their asses. Oh well, I'm not going to get ruffled over some he said; she said. I make a thread for entertainment and folks can't seem to respect other's interests and intellectualism. Big deal! Anyone out there that isn't so anal have any 'real input' on this matter? Remember kids, this is just for fun and should not be taken seriously so please respect or stay the F*** away from the reply box. Thanks!:peace::peace::peace:


1's and 2's binary? 0's void and null? Techie jargon? Those null and void numbers and techie jargon have made billions of dollars and are the reason why you're typing online and actually reading this nut-job trash.

Jesus Christ you're more out there than YogiFresh himself.

This is all I have to say about "end of the world" and "2012" threads.

Honestly we as humans are gonna nuke ourselves before some new interesting race appears. Deal with it, we're too fucking stupid to be bothered by Aliens. I mean come on we talk about shit like this!


Active Member
1's and 2's binary? 0's void and null? Techie jargon? Those null and void numbers and techie jargon have made billions of dollars and are the reason why you're typing online and actually reading this nut-job trash.

Jesus Christ you're more out there than YogiFresh himself.

This is all I have to say about "end of the world" and "2012" threads.

Honestly we as humans are gonna nuke ourselves before some new interesting race appears. Deal with it, we're too fucking stupid to be bothered by Aliens. I mean come on we talk about shit like this!
I guess that the whole concept on binary is way above your head. I know that we made millions on this but what I am trying to say is that a primitive race would see a zero as nothing. If you were damn nearly a caveman and you had to use a binary type of number system, it would not be zeros and ones. Let me explain a little: The concept of zeros and ones in modern technology applications are considered switches; a zero in binary programing code (raw uncompressed computer language) is considered to be an off state and a 1 is an on state. So lets say you have a "*bite" of ones and zeros; example: 1000 1101 = 8D in hexadecimal. So lets say that 12-21-21-12 11:11 is actually (provided that you change out 0s for 1s and 1s for 2s in decimal code):0000 0001-0001 0000-0001 0000-0000 0001-0000 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000. This is just a theory and not my belief that this is exactly how it is. I'm just speculating the possibilities. LOL, why am I explaining this anyway, it's way over most of your heads. I guess that there MIGHT be someone out there that fully grasps this concept. Like I said, too many anal people answering to this post. If you cannot grasp what I am trying to say, go to school and learn something or lay off the drugs and read up on your own. Don't critisize me for noticing something that is way over your heads. If you have nothing constructive to say or are not at an intelligent level to decipher my theory then stay the F*** off this thread. There will always be a hater out there that will probably die from lack of applied knowledge and smarts when dissaster strikes, not that I'm saying that 2012 is the end; no I am not saying that.:peace::peace::peace:

P.S. There have been some horrendously stupid comments made to this thread; take a chill pill kids and think long and hard before you go making an idiot of yourselves. Better yet, I shouldn't have posted this under toke n talk, to many high ass folks that broke their frontal lobe through too much smoke.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
1's and 2's binary? 0's void and null? Techie jargon? Those null and void numbers and techie jargon have made billions of dollars and are the reason why you're typing online and actually reading this nut-job trash.

Jesus Christ you're more out there than YogiFresh himself.

This is all I have to say about "end of the world" and "2012" threads.

Honestly we as humans are gonna nuke ourselves before some new interesting race appears. Deal with it, we're too fucking stupid to be bothered by Aliens. I mean come on we talk about shit like this!
but he has a point 2012 being binary could and should an attempt to decode absouutly but i doubt there will be any thing interestting about it and then we can lay to rest the 2012 end of the world conspiracy


Active Member
but he has a point 2012 being binary could and should an attempt to decode absouutly but i doubt there will be any thing interestting about it and then we can lay to rest the 2012 end of the world conspiracy
Dude! I'm too stoned to notice you were here before! LOL, my bad. I need to lay off the drugs.:joint::bigjoint:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Then a few years later when it does happen, we'll all throw our heads back and laugh. If you don't believe in 2012, thats fine. But don't put down the people who have open minds. Yes the galactic allignment has already happened, but never at the same time while we will be forming an "x" at the galactic equator. This is where gravity is at its strogest. The influence on our sun will create extreme solar activity. The Mayans used the long count to determine the arrival of the spanish. And they were right. The Mayans did however predict things after 2012 so they obviously didn't think it would be total destruction. In fact, nothing left by the Mayans suggest it will end, but other civilizations on the other side of the world also knew of this date. Nostradomus had connections with 2012. For all we know the Mayans knew what would happen, but when the spanish arrived, they burnt almost all Mayan scriptures. The calander is even called the Sun Stone.


Active Member
Then a few years later when it does happen, we'll all throw our heads back and laugh. If you don't believe in 2012, thats fine. But don't put down the people who have open minds. Yes the galactic allignment has already happened, but never at the same time while we will be forming an "x" at the galactic equator. This is where gravity is at its strogest. The influence on our sun will create extreme solar activity. The Mayans used the long count to determine the arrival of the spanish. And they were right. The Mayans did however predict things after 2012 so they obviously didn't think it would be total destruction. In fact, nothing left by the Mayans suggest it will end, but other civilizations on the other side of the world also knew of this date. Nostradomus had connections with 2012. For all we know the Mayans knew what would happen, but when the spanish arrived, they burnt almost all Mayan scriptures. The calander is even called the Sun Stone.
LOL, I almost forgot about this thread. Thanks for understanding. There has to be a ton of secrets in relation to this date; 2012.


Well-Known Member
Thanx Xeno. Nice number of post by the way. lol I get off on this kinda shit. But then I get to stoned and take an hour putting my thoughts on paper. Like I said I'm not a firm believer of 2012 destruction, but theres to much info to just throw it away.