Yogi's 2012, new found interest


Well-Known Member
Actually, that number is a lottery number they were using way back in the Mayan days... 2012 is how much money they won, come on guys!


Active Member

please... watch this... and learn why the end of the world is all BULLSHIT, courtesy of mr. penn and mr. tellar
Penn & Teller are human after all. They talk a lot of truth but even Rush Limbaugh has fouled up more than once... I'm not saying that it's the end of the world (please read all my posts for this thread), I'm just theorising on an observation that no one that I know has looked into. It's only for fun and not to be taken seriously. Capiche?


Active Member
LOL, I thought this thread was dead. You know you opened up the stinky can of worms again... How did you stumble upon it?:eyesmoke:
i'm baked out of my mind right and when i came upon this topic it interested me till i read and confused me:lol:lol


Active Member
Anyone ever check to see how long the myans first calender was?I saw that shit on an episode of modern marvals>It was was 500 years.guess what they lived past that and made a bigger calender.Worlds gona end oh my god,what will we do every one run,I hope its a rouge planet.we can watch it get closer,how cool would that be?Its to funny.go outside tonight smoke a bowl and look up,the myans aint got shit.neither do we.we think we have an understanding of it all but come on.there is a billion stars in our galaxy,and a billion galaxys,and we gona worry about the end?The end will never come,ever.We all growing so we have a connection to this earth.we get it,We just like them plants,just carbon.And via however i secrete it that plants in me,and when im gone.im in everything,and when the worlds gone,we are in everything


Active Member
Anyone ever check to see how long the myans first calender was?I saw that shit on an episode of modern marvals>It was was 500 years.guess what they lived past that and made a bigger calender.Worlds gona end oh my god,what will we do every one run,I hope its a rouge planet.we can watch it get closer,how cool would that be?Its to funny.go outside tonight smoke a bowl and look up,the myans aint got shit.neither do we.we think we have an understanding of it all but come on.there is a billion stars in our galaxy,and a billion galaxys,and we gona worry about the end?The end will never come,ever.We all growing so we have a connection to this earth.we get it,We just like them plants,just carbon.And via however i secrete it that plants in me,and when im gone.im in everything,and when the worlds gone,we are in everything
Dude, take a set, take a breather, smoke a bowl, and stay still. You're gonna hurt yourself. lol