• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

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Big P

Well-Known Member
I'm in good enough shape not to worry too, but the problem is you never know when something catastrophic will happen...slip on some steps and crack your head open...or when some disease that could have been detected with regular health screenings goes unnoticed for years because you haven't had those regular screenings.

its called life, you know everything in life is not rosey you do know you could die of many number of things at any time and everyone will just move on, its life. It tough and scary

when you complete your masters degree and are trying to pay off you massive loans, come back here and let us know how much the government left you out of you $200,000 masters degree salary cuz guess what you will end up taking home $85,000

you come back here after doing all your hard work and tell me you think its fair to end up with $85,000 out of you $200,000 of your blood sweat and tears.

all your hard work an sacrifice will end up going to a bunch of slouches that dropped out of college had a zillion babies and chill at home all day and smoke weed. Trust me half my friends sit at home and bleed out the government for food health and anytyhing else they can get thier hands on

thats how it is out here in the working world.

trust me man its ugly how they rape us. Im tired of it. i was seriously contemplating getting a divorce on paper and having my wife collect off the government that way I can get back some of the money they are Stealing from me. Im a real revengy type of guy and I hate being bamboozled raped and ripped off.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Isn't the reason we have health insurance to cover the things we can't predict? Isn't that the point of insurance...car insurance for when you unexpectedly get rear ended? Home owners insurance for when your house gets broken into by some poor thugs who sit around all day smoking weed and bleeding the government and in turn our pockets?

I know those people are out there, by the way. I see it every single day of my life. But maybe our country has been long overdue for a social revolution so we can fix these fundamental problems that simply will not go away on their own. Affordable health care and some preventative education could go a long way.


New Member
You have car insurance mainly for the "other guy" you impact. health insurance is just YOU. No one else.

Health care is affordable, and could be made to be even MORE affordable. There is one big problem though. The folks who want to give you THEIR insurance plan (GOVT.), don't want the health care prices to drop. How else can they gain power if health care is cheap? They sic the lawyers on the hospitals, the Pharms, the doctors. They make them produce reams and reams of duplicate paperwork and jump through all sorts of regulatory hoops turning a once small doctors office into something akin to the DMV with paper flying and YOUR cost going up up up.

Then they vilify the very process and blame everyone but themselves (much like the economic meltdown recently). Incredibly, the next step is for the Govt. to tell you THEY can do it better!!!! It's a canard.....a hoax of the worst sort, and the Govt. has decided to pursue this methodology with every sector of your life.

This is just the beginning of it....

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Other countries seem to manage a socialized health care system without these problems...why don't you think this country could do it too?

And why would the government not want health care prices to drop? A healthier country=a more productive country=more economic activity.

If small businesses could pay less for health insurance for their employees using a government system, that would free up enormous amounts of capital which they can invest in more employees, better facilities, etc.

I agree health care is just for YOU, but aren't you being a little selfish/cynical in saying that some people don't deserve it? I get it, you think they don't deserve it because they are lazy bums who collect unemployment checks and leach off the government, but they are still HUMANS and residents of this country.

At some point the cycle of apathy must be broken.

Big P

Well-Known Member
think about it man whats the best way to control people?

to control thier life and death. If the government control the medicine you get. they control your life or death

just wait till you do things the gov doesnt like u may end up with no medicine and dead

or else u better vote for them........ see it all cames back to somthing they want. u to keep voting for them or you may be blacklisted

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I think this piece sums up my argument nicely. It is from the man himself. I highlighted some selected passages in bold. Please read the entire passage carefully...its a quick read.

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release
July 18, 2009 WEEKLY ADDRESS: President Obama Says Health Care Reform Cannot Wait
WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Barack Obama called on Congress to seize this opportunity – one that may not come again for decades – and finally pass health care reform. With families unable to keep up with skyrocketing costs, premiums rising three times faster than wages, businesses shedding jobs, and deficits piling up every year, reform simply cannot wait. The American people and the American economy need reform that improves care, lowers costs, strengthens businesses, and gives families the choices and security they deserve.

The full audio of the address is HERE. The video can be viewed online at www.whitehouse.gov.

Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
Saturday, July 18th, 2009

Right now in Washington, our Senate and House of Representatives are both debating proposals for health insurance reform. Today, I want to speak with you about the stakes of this debate, for our people and for the future of our nation.
This is an issue that affects the health and financial well-being of every single American and the stability of our entire economy.

It’s about every family unable to keep up with soaring out of pocket costs and premiums rising three times faster than wages. Every worker afraid of losing health insurance if they lose their job, or change jobs. Everyone who’s worried that they may not be able to get insurance or change insurance if someone in their family has a pre-existing condition.

It’s about a woman in Colorado who told us that when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, her insurance company – the one she’d paid over $700 a month to – refused to pay for her treatment. She had to use up her retirement funds to save her own life.

It’s about a man from Maryland who sent us his story – a middle class college graduate whose health insurance expired when he changed jobs. During that time, he needed emergency surgery, and woke up $10,000 in debt – debt that has left him unable to save, buy a home, or make a career change.

It’s about every business forced to shut their doors, or shed jobs, or ship them overseas. It’s about state governments overwhelmed by Medicaid, federal budgets consumed by Medicare, and deficits piling higher year after year.

This is the status quo. This is the system we have today. This is what the debate in Congress is all about: Whether we’ll keep talking and tinkering and letting this problem fester as more families and businesses go under, and more Americans lose their coverage. Or whether we’ll seize this opportunity – one we might not have again for generations – and finally pass health insurance reform this year, in 2009.

Now we know there are those who will oppose reform no matter what. We know the same special interests and their agents in Congress will make the same old arguments, and use the same scare tactics that have stopped reform before because they profit from this relentless escalation in health care costs. And I know that once you’ve seen enough ads and heard enough people yelling on TV, you might begin to wonder whether there’s a grain of truth to what they’re saying. So let me take a moment to answer a few of their arguments.

First, the same folks who controlled the White House and Congress for the past eight years as we ran up record deficits will argue – believe it or not – that health reform will lead to record deficits. That’s simply not true. Our proposals cut hundreds of billions of dollars in unnecessary spending and unwarranted giveaways to insurance companies in Medicare and Medicaid. They change incentives so providers will give patients the best care, not just the most expensive care, which will mean big savings over time. And we have urged Congress to include a proposal for a standing commission of doctors and medical experts to oversee cost-saving measures.

I want to be very clear: I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade. And by helping improve quality and efficiency, the reforms we make will help bring our deficits under control in the long-term.

Those who oppose reform will also tell you that under our plan, you won’t get to choose your doctor – that some bureaucrat will choose for you. That’s also not true. Michelle and I don’t want anyone telling us who our family’s doctor should be – and no one should decide that for you either. Under our proposals, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor. If you like your current insurance, you keep that insurance. Period, end of story.

Finally, opponents of health reform warn that this is all some big plot for socialized medicine or government-run health care with long lines and rationed care. That’s not true either. I don’t believe that government can or should run health care. But I also don’t think insurance companies should have free reign to do as they please.

That’s why any plan I sign must include an insurance exchange: a one-stop shopping marketplace where you can compare the benefits, cost and track records of a variety of plans – including a public option to increase competition and keep insurance companies honest – and choose what’s best for your family. And that’s why we’ll put an end to the worst practices of the insurance industry: no more yearly caps or lifetime caps; no more denying people care because of pre-existing conditions; and no more dropping people from a plan when they get too sick. No longer will you be without health insurance, even if you lose your job or change jobs.

The good news is that people who know the system best are rallying to the cause of change. Just this past week, the American Nurses Association, representing millions of nurses across America, and the American Medical Association, representing doctors across our nation, announced their support because they’ve seen first-hand the need for health insurance reform.

They know we cannot continue to cling to health industry practices that are bankrupting families, and undermining American businesses, large and small.

They know we cannot let special interests and partisan politics stand in the way of reform – not this time around.

The opponents of health insurance reform would have us do nothing. But think about what doing nothing, in the face of ever increasing costs, will do to you and your family.

So today, I am urging the House and the Senate, Democrats and Republicans, to seize this opportunity, and vote for reform that gives the American people the best care at the lowest cost; that reins in insurance companies, strengthens businesses and finally gives families the choices they need and the security they deserve.


Big P

Well-Known Member
and guess what you dont have to pay your hospitol bills and anything medical cannot be counted as part of your debt when applying for a mortgage loan

i use to be a loan officer for a bank:hump:

they calculate your debt to income ratio but they dont include any medical debts by law.


New Member
I guess he didn't mention the 800,000 Canadians waiting on a hospital bed. Didn't mention 1.2 million Brits in the same PAINFUL boat.

It's a ruse, a canard, of the very worst kind.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Too bad he's lying through his teeth.... :sad:
What facts do you have to back your accusation? Why would he be lying about anything?

AT LEAST HE'S FUCKING TRYING TO DO SOMETHING. Which is more that can be said for the last 8 years of George W. Bush making all of our lives worse off.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I guess he didn't mention the 800,000 Canadians waiting on a hospital bed. Didn't mention 1.2 million Brits in the same PAINFUL boat.

It's a ruse, a canard, of the very worst kind.
I'll have you know my father is Canadian, and I have many relatives residing in Canada who all are quite satisfied with their health care system. I have spoken to them about this very issue and they laugh at me when I say "some American people think your system sucks." They don't have any trouble getting immediate medical care, prescription drugs, etc. FOR FREE.

If our national spending does not increase to fund additional health care for those who need it, why is it a bad idea?

Why do you continue to defend the private profit-based insurance companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers?

The National Association of Nurses endorses Obama's plan...I think they know a little more about the state of medical care in this country than any of you could pretend to know.

Big P

Well-Known Member
What facts do you have to back your accusation? Why would he be lying about anything?

AT LEAST HE'S FUCKING TRYING TO DO SOMETHING. Which is more that can be said for the last 8 years of George W. Bush making all of our lives worse off.

how did george bush make your life worse off. he warned the senate about the impending doom of the housing bubble that they created this is well documented

he freed 40 million people and created the first and only democray in the middle east and the nation of Iraq is thankful' and flurishing, i wish we can say the same about america under obama

in doing so he thrwarted and nearly destroy Al qeuda and also stopped several attachs on america that you have to dig for to find because the bias media will not talk about it.

you have nothing to back up that bush sucked except a bunch of band wagoneers spewing lies with the help of most of the us media,

and now you have the gaul to say what is Obama lieing about? when he has all the media spewing his lies for him while he has gone back on almost every campain promise he made in the last measly 7 months he has been in office,

and in those measly 7 months he has already spent more money the bush did in all 8 years of his terms, while fighting and winning 2 wars during one of the worst calamities that has hit this nation in the pas 60 years all the while with all the us and world media against him because he has an abrasive personality? What a bunch of childish bitches you guys are.

man oh man either you are stupid or a fuckin bold face lier who knows nothing of the intellect of the people he is lieing to.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I'll have you know my father is Canadian, and I have many relatives residing in Canada who all are quite satisfied with their health care system. I have spoken to them about this very issue and they laugh at me when I say "some American people think your system sucks." They don't have any trouble getting immediate medical care, prescription drugs, etc. FOR FREE.

If our national spending does not increase to fund additional health care for those who need it, why is it a bad idea?

Why do you continue to defend the private profit-based insurance companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers?

The National Association of Nurses endorses Obama's plan...I think they know a little more about the state of medical care in this country than any of you could pretend to know.

do me a favour ask your relitive if they new anyone who needed a cat scan and how long they waited for it. then ask them if they died before they got the scan?

until its your loved one who has died over red tape I would shut my mouth.


New Member
Better to do nothing than the wrong thing. National health care is the wrong thing if the Govt. handles it. There is nothing wrong with the private health care system which cannot be fixed.... and Obama knows this full well. His entire angle is a lie.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
how did george bush make your life worse off. he warned the senate about the impending doom of the housing bubble that they created this is well documented

Great, he warned us of it and did nothing to stop it.

he freed 40 million people and created the first and only democray in the middle east and the nation of Iraq is thankful' and flurishing, i wish we can say the same about america under obama

What makes you think Iraq wanted us there? SOME of them may have, but certainly not all. People have been at war in the middle east for 5,000 years...is that going to stop because an oil producing country bases a flimsy democracy upon a single resource?

And obama has been in office for 7 months. Give the guy 8 years and you can continue that line of reasoning.

in doing so he thrwarted and nearly destroy Al qeuda and also stopped several attachs on america that you have to dig for to find because the bias media will not talk about it.

Is Al QAEDA really destroyed? I think they just moved to the mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan...where the problem originated.

you have nothing to back up that bush sucked except a bunch of band wagoneers spewing lies with the help of most of the us media,

How about a DEPRESSION? Katrina? Failing to catch Osama when he had the chance? Bush was never the leader of this country during his entire term...the man couldn't make an informed decision to save his life.

and now you have the gaul to say what is Obama lieing about? when he has all the media spewing his lies for him while he has gone back on almost every campain promise he made in the last measly 7 months he has been in office,

It's hard to go back on promises when you haven't had the chance to address them all yet. Again, he's got over 3 years left. He's fought against republicans tooth and claw over ever issue so far. Certain things, like health care, are priorities for this country, so his other promises will have to wait. But you can't see he's gone back on them already.

and in those measly 7 months he has already spent more money the bush did in all 8 years of his terms

Are you referring to the ECONOMIC STIMULUS THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HELP THE ENTIRE COUNTRY? Even with that 700 billion it pales in comparison to the money spent by Bush.

while fighting and winning 2 wars

Mission Accomplished 2,500+ days ago right? That's why we're still fighting over there right?

during one of the worst calamities that has hit this nation in the pas 60 years all the while with all the us and world media against him because he has an abrasive personality?

No, he has NO PERSONALITY. NO INTELLIGENCE. NEVER AN INDEPENDENT THOUGHT. He was given everything he had in life, and fucked it up at every step of the way.

What a bunch of childish bitches you guys are.

Why does it always resort to name calling?

man oh man either you are stupid or a fuckin bold face lier who knows nothing of the intellect of the people he is lieing to.

I know nothing of your intellect indeed. You have yet to display anything for me to regard as intellectual. :roll:


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member

until its your loved one who has died over red tape I would shut my mouth.
No, my loved ones have lived because they haven't had to overcome the mythical RED TAPE. All 30+ of them are alive and kicking.

And don't tell me to shut my mouth about anything. Again with the personal attacks.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Better to do nothing than the wrong thing. National health care is the wrong thing if the Govt. handles it. There is nothing wrong with the private health care system which cannot be fixed.... and Obama knows this full well. His entire angle is a lie.
So what EXACTLY is he lying about then?

What does he hope to gain by LYING?


New Member
So what EXACTLY is he lying about then?

What does he hope to gain by LYING?
The entire premise is a lie. Our health care system is not in "crisis" mode. there is no need to eliminate the private sector which has served us so well and replace it with Orwellian medicine. Ever take a look at ANY govt. program that is run with any sense of fiscal responsibility? Like a needle in a haystack.

What does he hope to gain? How about 17% of the GDP under his control?! Nuff said.... Obama thinks everything should be solved by the Govt.

The only change needed is at Congress and the White House.
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