Well-Known Member
Trust me it gets old after a while. I went in after HS and stayed for a good amount of time. Definately reaping the benefits for the rest of my life now. We are doing amazing things in the middle east but unfortunately good things dont make the news...only bad things. Its a slap in the face to our young men and women that are volunteering to serve. The ones that need to be punished for their actions are dealt with swiftly and professionally. Everyone else, 99.99% are doing a fabulous job and making an everlasting impression. So if you aint been there and seen it first hand...STFU with your negative BS.
Stay motivated
You speak the truth boneman. You also said that you can get screwed over by the military which is 100% true. My friend went in last year out of high school and is deploying this year. He has 4 more years to go (He fixes planes and has a 5 year contract). At first he regretted going in but now he loves it. He likes the benefits and the guaranteed paychecks. Hell while the unemployment is 10% now he just got a fucking raise lol so he has nothing to worry about.
That being said he did say he wished he went in a little later than at 18. And it is really tough from living in NYC all your life to being in the back country of fucking north carolina lol. Personally I'd never join the military but thats because I've got it perfect right at home. If you look at your living situation its a pretty easy desicion to make. I smoke my weed, watch my tv and do good in school until I graduate. No shooting up any freedom fighters for me