Yogi's 2012, new found interest


Active Member
I was just thinking to myself of the number sequence on the mayan calendar for the events in 2012. A member named Yogifresh posted something on this and it piqued my interest. the number sequence came to me like a light from above; December 21, 2012... break it down to actual numbers and you get: 12-21-21(21st century)-12 at 11:11... Astronomical! So we get 12-21-21-12 11:11. What kind of Binary code is this? I'm sure they did not use ones and zeros because that is Techie jargon for on and off switches; zero cannot be a number unit as it is void/null. My guess is that the ones and twos might be the equivalent to zeros and ones. Simple, yet effective. Could it be that this is a binary code in a lost language or in mayan? Could it be an access code (in case it was about aliens and their technology)? Any input would be appreciated.:peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking to myself of the number sequence on the mayan calendar for the events in 2012. A member named Yogifresh posted something on this and it piqued my interest. the number sequence came to me like a light from above; December 21, 2012... break it down to actual numbers and you get: 12-21-21(21st century)-12 at 11:11... Astronomical! So we get 12-21-21-12 11:11. What kind of Binary code is this? I'm sure they did not use ones and zeros because that is Techie jargon for on and off switches; zero cannot be a number unit as it is void/null. My guess is that the ones and twos might be the equivalent to zeros and ones. Simple, yet effective. Could it be that this is a binary code in a lost language or in mayan? Could it be an access code (in case it was about aliens and their technology)? Any input would be appreciated.:peace::peace::peace:
Now I know why people look down on potheads.


Active Member
those numbers never meant anything to the mayans. the calender ends when some sort of galactic equator aligns with the center of our solar system, it happens every 13000 years, from our perspective the stretch of whiteness we call the milky way will line up with the.....sunset....maybe sunrise. anyways you can't think of the calender as being a different version of our calender, like just in spanish or something, the word calender is more of a title for a mechanism for relating the passing of time with the workings of space. so think of it more like they found a note from the mayans saying that after the milky way aligns with the sun the world ends. and when we did the math it turns out that the winter solstice of 2012 is when this happens.

my therory on this whole thing, it never really says the world is destroyed, it's always explained as "time stops" the spool of fabric of time runs out. i think people may be jumping the gun 13,000 years is a number that reaccures throughout geology and is around how long people have been civilized, so it may be the end of this age. but more likely, this would be as if 1000 years from now someone finds your desktop calender, and figured out that humans of our time were convinced that the world was going to end december 31st.


Active Member
those numbers never meant anything to the mayans. the calender ends when some sort of galactic equator aligns with the center of our solar system, it happens every 13000 years, from our perspective the stretch of whiteness we call the milky way will line up with the.....sunset....maybe sunrise. anyways you can't think of the calender as being a different version of our calender, like just in spanish or something, the word calender is more of a title for a mechanism for relating the passing of time with the workings of space. so think of it more like they found a note from the mayans saying that after the milky way aligns with the sun the world ends. and when we did the math it turns out that the winter solstice of 2012 is when this happens.

my therory on this whole thing, it never really says the world is destroyed, it's always explained as "time stops" the spool of fabric of time runs out. i think people may be jumping the gun 13,000 years is a number that reaccures throughout geology and is around how long people have been civilized, so it may be the end of this age. but more likely, this would be as if 1000 years from now someone finds your desktop calender, and figured out that humans of our time were convinced that the world was going to end december 31st.
Ok, first of all, don't get me wrong. I never said anything or even believe that the world will end. I just read something that someone else posted and the number sequence got my attention.

Why are you saying that "you can't think of the calender as being a different version of our calender"? I did say that so quote me if you like. I am going to tell you this, our modern day calendar is inacurate because we have time adjustments, thus we have summer and winter savings and also leap years. this is not present when looking at the mayan calendar. It is very precise. Anyway, they must have had some knowlege about what was going on today because what are the chances that this number sequence is only reflected on our modern calendar? Unless Jesus has something to do with it since our calendar is based on his death. Too many factors and not a single answer. I understand the theory behind the precession of the equinoxes, but that is only speculation and an educated guess. It might be 100% true but I'm asking a simple question, "How is it possible that the mayans had knowledge of a number sequence 6 centuries before christ was born?" 12-21-21-12 11:11... odd is it not? Food for thought.:peace::peace::peace:


New Member
Now I know why people look down on potheads.
Tell me about it.

The world aint gunna end, it hasnt yet, it aint going to. Fuck 2012... crying out loud, how many times is it meant to have already happened [and the calender only goes to 2012 because they had to stop somewhere!!!! Brains people, brains, WE have brains.... lets use them! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, because you look like a deranged half blind humanoid in a hockey goalie's mask and wearing a lumberjack sweater. So yeah; no wonder people look down on potheads.:peace:
Wow - Yup, this guy the reason people give us a bad name.


New Member
I cant beleive some little retard just insulted bubbles.... WTF? What the hell do you think your doing? Bubbles is fucking awesome, and so is TPB. People are just arses these days.


stays relevant.
Yeah, because you look like a deranged half blind humanoid in a hockey goalie's mask and wearing a lumberjack sweater. So yeah; no wonder people look down on potheads.:peace:

Hey I made that avatar you dick :finger:

That's bubbles from Trailer Park Boys FFS :cry:

grow space

Well-Known Member
2012-will wait 4 that day and then going to laugh hard all the fools who actually think the world is going to end:):):):):):):):):)


Well-Known Member
well i know one is going to happen and that is that the poles magnetic fiels will become weaker and weaker as we approach the 2012. the galaxys alignement with the sun.

This happens evry 26'000 years or so i think. I can tell myself that the weather is getting more extreme and extreme... this year has been worse than last.. winds, lightning.... snow, rain.... Extreme hotness.. !

believe me its coming and theres nothing we can do ! :D

cheers have fun :)


Active Member
well i know one is going to happen and that is that the poles magnetic fiels will become weaker and weaker as we approach the 2012. the galaxys alignement with the sun.

This happens evry 26'000 years or so i think. I can tell myself that the weather is getting more extreme and extreme... this year has been worse than last.. winds, lightning.... snow, rain.... Extreme hotness.. !

believe me its coming and theres nothing we can do ! :D

cheers have fun :)
Of course there's something we can do, we can start by preparing for these changes.

@DWR truest shit i heard all day.


Well-Known Member
stock you house with magnets so the polar offset dosnt effect you? is that what your gonna do? or build a bomb shelter out of your basement? stock up on suplys and weapons and ammo for judgement day? or live your live in fear of something thats never going to happen anyways

i hope in the year 2013 we will still be alive so i can say i was right and you were wrong


Well-Known Member
To all you 2012 people make sure you kill yourself at 11:59pm 12/31/2011 so you won't have to bare the truth, I am sure you all remember Y2K. Please we don't need kookoo's roaming this earth.