N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow


Well-Known Member
Slab, I gotta water 'em about once a week right now, maybe a little longer on the smaller ones. I have some SoilMoist natural stuff mixed in. It's an organic based starch or something that absorbs water then slow releases it. Also have the growbags pretty camo'd and covered, so that helps keep the direct sun off of 'em. As the summer progresses I might end up packing some loose coco-coir onto the top of the soil to help with retention also. We'll see how it goes!! Thank's for the props!!:peace:
Quality Time....:hump:
What the fuck is going on with this plant??? I've never seen anything like it. The plant is freaking out and doing some bizarro mutation, genetic abnormality psycho funk bullshit! I've got no clues. Same strain as everything else, started and put outside at same time, same feeding schedule, medium, conditions, everything.

I started running out of soil, so i have a few holes with 2 and in one case 3 plants in them. This plant is sharing her hole with another, and that other is completely normal....go figure.

If anyone has any thoughts on the matter, please let me know!!! Anyone ever seen this before? I don't really care how the plant turns out, just curious at this point. It is still growing though, so i haven't decided whether to pull it or just let it go and see what funky kinda shit happens.
that is some some crazy shit:weed:


Well-Known Member
that is some some crazy shit:weed:
Indeed it is!! What up Samsquamch!! Yeah, it's still growin too, and it's still the wierdest shit i've ever seen an MJ plant do. Still haven't decided what to do with it yet. Curiosity is the only thing keepin it alive at this point. Lucky it.:neutral:

Here's a couple new pics of it from earlier today.....



Well-Known Member
I'm tired as hell. I went and did work on my gardens today, and it's startin to get hot. Did alot of sweating. Goddamn biting flies were drivin me nuts; musta killed 30 of 'em while they were bitin' the shit outta me. Some of the watering sources are startin to run dry; gonna have to find some pools. Planes and choppers flyin overhead all day. Chased a deer. Came home and played outside with my kids in the pool. Yeah, I'm tired.

But what a glorious day!!! My girls are really startin to grow, and every week it's like free porn when I go to see them! Now, my plants pale in comparison with Fdd or Hodge's, but when I factor in what I'm workin with here, I'm quite pleased up to this point. I'm thinkin some of them are gonna top 7-8 ft tall, maybe taller. Fuckin a. They're startin to fill out pretty good too! I'm expecting they're gonna get alot bigger in the next month, then comes the stretch for flowering. I hope I don't fuck this up somehow. I haven't lost a single plant yet, not counting the frankenstein plant, and if I can get these to completion, i'm gonna be shittin purple twinkies!!! Feelin' me?:weed:

So, as before, so it is again. I went camera happy and have a crapload of pics, so I hope you have some popcorn, or at least a fatty bowl to blaze while you puruse this shit.........:peace:



Well-Known Member
Tired of this yet?:-P



Well-Known Member
Are ya still with me?



Well-Known Member
Yeah sorry, still more, but this is it I swear!!



Well-Known Member
Yeah, but my fingers were crossed, you just couldn't see them!!

Just a couple of interesting shots, thought i'd share

In this one you see an aphid infested fireweed with a couple of Ladybugs stoppin by for Sunday brunch.....I think they might actually be screwin while they're chewin!!!!!

And in these two you can see two different phenos, purp an' green, comin from the same strain. These are two plants sharin one hole......




Well-Known Member
Scout's Honor...

I haven't shown this one yet today. This is the one that had the main stalk eaten literally half way through by the slugs.

Like I said before, she seems to have pulled through fairly well and is startin to hit her stride. The recovery potential is simply amazing for these plants!!

Here's where they were chewin.....it's pretty well healed over now..

And here's what she looks like today:hump:

Alright, I'm really done now......till next week that is!!!:peace:



Well-Known Member
REallYY ReaLLY AwesoME!! Fukin A is all that's needed. And sticking with the slug munched one .... what a great representation of the power of nature to heal itself ..... excellent effort and many many thanks for all the great photos! Walk On!!~~


Well-Known Member
Damn man, no wonder you wuz tired. Lookin' good and healthy.
Thanks Slab! You know what I'm talkin about, guerilla growin with your temps and humidity. It's all about the hydration!!! :peace:

REallYY ReaLLY AwesoME!! Fukin A is all that's needed. And sticking with the slug munched one .... what a great representation of the power of nature to heal itself ..... excellent effort and many many thanks for all the great photos! Walk On!!~~

Thank you Tahoe! And yw for the pics! I know alot of people like to look at the pics to get an idea of what's goin on, especially the newer growers, and pics are worth words, right?

And you are so right about the healing power!! It takes quite a bit to knock these girls out! It seems if they're healthy they can fight off quite a bit.

Here's a couple pics of the damage when I first discovered it. She was already startin to heal herself; you can see how the outer part of the stalk started curving in to cover the wound.....

Anyway, thank's again! And Walk On back when you get the chance!!:peace:

wow dude, this journal inspires me to be a better outdoor-er. stick around RIU, +rep

Thank's Phreak!!! Inspiration's a great thing and can be found almost anywhere!! I'm glad I helped!! Seems if you take the time, try to factor in and control what you can, and do your best, you will be justly rewarded. What you reap is what you sow, that's how the story goes, right?

Thank's for the rep also, and feelin ya right back on your grow!

Grow on Brother!!:peace:



Well-Known Member
very cool there. yea that was some damage. I be walking along a lot so I'm sure I will be back many more times for a visit. thanks for your efforts and updates!


Well-Known Member
Damn, oh damn. I almost screwed the pooch people!! I had somehow confused:eyesmoke: my mind on how long it had been since I tended my growbag garden, and the temps have been pretty hot ( for here ), and I almost inadvertantly killed some of my girls!!

I have 6 at this location, 3 were doin okay, if pretty dry, and 3 were Extra-dry, 2 of them wilting badly. Slab, this one's for you; they went 9 days with no water!!!

I was saddened to see them in such a sorry state, but took heart from the knowledge that it's pretty damn hard to kill these girls. I've seen 'em do some amazing recovering from all sorts of stress and physical damage, so I know they'll be fine. I just have to quit smokin so much fuckin weed!!!!!!

They are still doin good, although I probably short-changed any growth they were tryin to do this week. No water=no growth. They just stayed in survival mode, thankfully.

So, i'm on this shit from now on. No more slips.:evil: I keep a journal of visits, watering quantities, nute schedule, etc. I just forgot to make an entry. Damn.

So here's the pics......

Here's what i saw when I got there......

And here's the same plant an hour later after being watered. On her way to making a full and speedy recovery!!

So, for anyone who encounters the same sort of misfortune, don't be disheartened from a dry plant, and don't do anything drastic. Just give 'em some water ( probably straight H2o would be best, m.o. ) and let them drink. They really, really want to live.

Also, from now through the heat of summer, i'll probably be watering them twice a week. That's my plan anyway!! Now I can't wait for fall!!! I'm tired of sweatin so damn much! I've already lost 10 lbs since I started this adventure, and I don't want to lose anymore!! Brownies in the fall will help pack it back on I'm sure!!!

Thank's for stoppin by!:peace:



Well-Known Member
Hey slacker, Haha. Yeah, that's one hellava exercise program alright. Me and the OL walk 5 miles every morning except for the days I'm just too freakin' exhausted from hauling water. I've already dropped 2 sizes in my jeans this summer. But it looks like you got to them in plenty of time though. They weren't crispy yet. That's my biggest worry about the grow bags. I'd have to water them every day in August and Sept.

But I've got a huge swampy spot I've been considering trying them. If I could just find them. And afford the soil, maybe by Nov the dough will be more plentiful. :leaf: ya know?


Well-Known Member
hey man great save. Glad that it did not turn into anything more serious. A touch with the edge, and pulled back. Keep doing what ur doing. They look really super. I can't wait to be able to grow outdoors. Walking On!!~~~