the "chill, bro" mentality: pot culture at it's worst!


Well-Known Member
Dude do you have any idea how many people smoke weed or atleast support legalization? Millions. if that many people got fuckin motivated and got on the same page they would be in control not the government, back in the early days people really were in control, if a law or tax was passed and the people didnt like it, everybody got together and said we wont stand for this and literally forced a change, but now days we just take it up the ass and bitch about it.
this is exactly what i am talking about. thanks, highclub, i totally agree with you. it'd be nice if a community of like minded people really stood up and made a real change in our government. not like obama's bullshit "change". i haven't seen much difference. get the government off our backs!

ps. i guess this is turning a little political. oh well. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Not everyone is trying to achieve YOUR goals. For example, I dont really want MJ to be legalized, that would put a huge damper on my income. But since i have the chill bro mentality and i dont go out and be an activist trying to legalize it, that means im a lazy stoner right? Or cause im not a political person, im a lazy stoner right? Your view and my view on life are very different.
Im not one of those people who go out and try to make a change in the world, because frankly, i dont give a shit. I dont give a shit because i have my own life to live, I have my own problems to worry about. Yes PROBLEMS, just because you have the chill mentality dosent mean you dont reconize when somthings actually wrong. You need to get your facts straight.
I smoke and have the "chill" mentality, I work my ass off to achieve what I want in life, and so far im getting it. Obviously you dont understand what a chill mentality is. Or you just dont know how to be chill and productive at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Well, I Used to have a anxiety problem, To High strung at times, I blame a lot of it on society and the pressures of working life in America and expectations, I took a break from smoking worked my ass off drank like a fish and hated the world I created, Now Whenever I smoke it's all good to be like Hey Bro Relax, Got the good shit,,,Aghhhhh sweet!
I couldn't agree with this more. I work on average 10 - 13 hours a day. I HAVE to be sober at work because I don't have the luxury of relaxing at work, everything is a fire that must be put out all the time.

When I tuck the wife in bed, sit down in front of my PC, load up RIU, fire up the hotbox and gaze at my plants life becomes much more calm and relaxing. From about 6 am - 9pm I'm moving like a mad man and working like there's no tomorrow.

I get a call to go out of drinks and I get the Vapir O2 mini out and take a few pulls in the john or my car and then I sit and drink water or Root Beer while everyone else get's drunk and I just smile and chill.

There's no reason to stress like the worlds ending every day all day. I was stuck there for 13 years and then I started toking again and I remembered, "Oh ya, I function better when I've been truly relaxed the night before." So when I know the world isn't going to end on my watch, my goal is, "Chill bro, relax.... it'll all be okay!"



Well-Known Member
Not everyone is trying to achieve YOUR goals. For example, I dont really want MJ to be legalized, that would put a huge damper on my income. But since i have the chill bro mentality and i dont go out and be an activist trying to legalize it, that means im a lazy stoner right? Or cause im not a political person, im a lazy stoner right? Your view and my view on life are very different.
Im not one of those people who go out and try to make a change in the world, because frankly, i dont give a shit. I dont give a shit because i have my own life to live, I have my own problems to worry about. Yes PROBLEMS, just because you have the chill mentality dosent mean you dont reconize when somthings actually wrong. You need to get your facts straight.
I smoke and have the "chill" mentality, I work my ass off to achieve what I want in life, and so far im getting it. Obviously you dont understand what a chill mentality is. Or you just dont know how to be chill and productive at the same time.
i think you are misunderstanding what i am saying. i don't want people to achieve MY goals. i didn't actually state what my goals were anywhere in my posts. i said i was passionate about medical marijuana and that maybe if the pot community got together as one, legalization could be achieved. i'm not saying you have to be a political activist. and i'm not saying you can't worry about yourself and no one else (though i do think that it is selfish and speaks poorly of you... not gonna lie.:-?) i also never made the claim that the "chill, bro" mentality negated the recognition of social ills. what i said was that the "chill, bro" mentality seems to negate the action towards social ills. and i also never said that anyone had to do anything about them (but i did say i wish people would). i was merely stating that if a united group of people with like-minded interests put their effort into acheiving a goal, they could. (ie. the pot community)

what i was trying to say was that the general perception of pot smoker's is that we are bunch of lazy, stupid stoner's. and i think that part of that notoriety is put on us because we have a "chill, bro" mentality. and i don't like that. i'm not a lazy, stupid stoner. i have a phd and teach at a university in nyc. i'm actually quite chill, too. but i do care about my fellow man, and i do care about the social and political change.

oh, and one more thing... you may not be "one of those people who go out and try to make a change in the world, because frankly, [you] dont give a shit." i sure hope you never have a problem that you requires you to ask for help. maybe you'll get some else who has their "own life to live" and has their "own problems to worry about" and leaves your ass high and dry when you need it the most. no one is an island, pal. :roll:


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is, almost all the people truly "chilled out" won't bother to post in this thread. Lol.

Btw, I think they deleted my thread that spawned this one. Lolol!


Well-Known Member
i think you are misunderstanding what i am saying. i don't want people to achieve MY goals. i didn't actually state what my goals were anywhere in my posts. i said i was passionate about medical marijuana and that maybe if the pot community got together as one, legalization could be achieved. i'm not saying you have to be a political activist. and i'm not saying you can't worry about yourself and no one else (though i do think that it is selfish and speaks poorly of you... not gonna lie.:-?) i also never made the claim that the "chill, bro" mentality negated the recognition of social ills. what i said was that the "chill, bro" mentality seems to negate the action towards social ills. and i also never said that anyone had to do anything about them (but i did say i wish people would). i was merely stating that if a united group of people with like-minded interests put their effort into acheiving a goal, they could. (ie. the pot community)

what i was trying to say was that the general perception of pot smoker's is that we are bunch of lazy, stupid stoner's. and i think that part of that notoriety is put on us because we have a "chill, bro" mentality. and i don't like that. i'm not a lazy, stupid stoner. i have a phd and teach at a university in nyc. i'm actually quite chill, too. but i do care about my fellow man, and i do care about the social and political change.

oh, and one more thing... you may not be "one of those people who go out and try to make a change in the world, because frankly, [you] dont give a shit." i sure hope you never have a problem that you requires you to ask for help. maybe you'll get some else who has their "own life to live" and has their "own problems to worry about" and leaves your ass high and dry when you need it the most. no one is an island, pal. :roll:
Alright, whatever. Im not trying to get into arguments. (ha maybe cause im "chill" and dont want to get into STUPID ARGUMENTS with a guy over the internet) Btw, i dont only care about myself. And i have had problems which require me to ask for help? My work requires me to be good at working with other people... you misunderstood my post :roll:


Active Member
it seems that the common perception of pot culture is that we are a bunch of lazy said:
Why is it depressing to not get overly emotional about shit? I feel passionately about the legalization of marijuana that doesn't mean that I should get angry when people don't agree. I do get annoyed at "stupid" people, that doesn't mean I have to voice my opinion in an emotional way and cause unnecessary strife. Just because things aren't ok or people have what a "stupid" view point doent mean emotions should become involved. A calm and logical debate is a better way to go about it.


Well-Known Member

This thread is frustrating... But I totally get what you're saying. I'm one of those people that whether I'm high or sober, I know a stupid thing when I see one. Being high or drunk is not a good excuse for being dumb. If weed or alcohol, or both "make" you do stupid things, then STOP using them!

I also feel pessimistic because I've seen soooo many people in high school and college smoke out and try to act "funny".... I wish Marijuana had a reputation that boring old people smoked it from the old school wooden tobacco pipes... Or purely just as a homeopathic remedy... Maybe then they wouldn't see cannabis use as a sign of incompetence.


Well-Known Member

This thread is frustrating... But I totally get what you're saying. I'm one of those people that whether I'm high or sober, I know a stupid thing when I see one. Being high or drunk is not a good excuse for being dumb. If weed or alcohol, or both "make" you do stupid things, then STOP using them!

I also feel pessimistic because I've seen soooo many people in high school and college smoke out and try to act "funny".... I wish Marijuana had a reputation that boring old people smoked it from the old school wooden tobacco pipes... Or purely just as a homeopathic remedy... Maybe then they wouldn't see cannabis use as a sign of incompetence.
i know what you mean. i used to have a buddy who would act ridiculous and dumb whenever he was drunk or high. and when people would ask him wtf? he would instantly act sober and shit and say "what i just use the fact that im "fucked up" to act dumb and do stupid shit"


Well-Known Member
I usually take the chill bro mentality but if something goes against my principals or makes no logical sense/irrational I usually get pissed off and take the opposite of the chill bro mentality.

it all depends on the situation really.

I agree with that statement also.