the "chill, bro" mentality: pot culture at it's worst!


Well-Known Member
i took this from my other post, but i figured it could strike up some conversation.

it seems that the common perception of pot culture is that we are a bunch of lazy, dumb stoners who take everything as it comes? why do pot smokers feel the need to always say "chill, bro. relax. everything will be fine." well, what if things aren't fine? what if everything is totally fucked? what if someone is a fucking idiot and you want to say something. i think you can be chill and smoke and still get annoyed with stupid people. i just find it strange/depressing/annoying that being a "pot smoker" has become equivalent with people who can't vehemently voice their opinion/get angry/be annoyed/even be mean sometimes. why must we, as pot smokers, be sedate about everything? that's kinda boring if you ask me.

here's an example:

i'm sure as hell not passive about medical marijuana rights, but i guess if i go by a "chill out, bro" mentality i should just let the legislature tell me what i can and can't do and never speak up as a marijuana patient. if you never speak out, you never get heard. especially when it comes to controversial matters.

ps. there are some funny, sardonic, sarcastic people who say some mean stuff on here sometimes and it is hilarious. so i don't completely despair. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I think you should chill out and smoke a joint bro. :joint::blsmoke:

Im glad I inspired a thread too, makes me feel awfully happy.


Well-Known Member
I always take a chill bro mentality. Why you think I don't get mad when people call me a fag on this website? Cause I'm always high have the chill bro relax lol attitude. I'm glad I have it and as far as telling people their annoying I don't care about anyone that much to letthem know how they act because as adults they should know by now.


Active Member
because most stoners do fit the stereotype thats why, there is only a fraction of us who try to raise the bar

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
nah man. if someone's got an issue with someone or something, sometimes it doesn't matter what you smoke, you still got an issue.

if someone goes off on a wobbly rant, people generally start getting all "chill man, have a blunt", well chances are he's already had a few and can't really contain the madness any more. i certainly get like that at times, and another smoke, well that's probably the alst thing i need :P


Well-Known Member
im only chill when i toke, but i hate people who think all stoners are like brian from HAlfbaked who has fried his mind due to weed,i hate that, i have annoying ass friend who thinks im high all the time and thats when i say chill bro its cool im not high


Well-Known Member
Well, I Used to have a anxiety problem, To High strung at times, I blame a lot of it on society and the pressures of working life in America and expectations, I took a break from smoking worked my ass off drank like a fish and hated the world I created, Now Whenever I smoke it's all good to be like Hey Bro Relax, Got the good shit,,,Aghhhhh sweet!


Well-Known Member
I usually take the chill bro mentality but if something goes against my principals or makes no logical sense/irrational I usually get pissed off and take the opposite of the chill bro mentality.

it all depends on the situation really.


Well-Known Member
because most stoners do fit the stereotype thats why, there is only a fraction of us who try to raise the bar
that's the problem i'm talking about. i wish more stoner's would take some initiative. we might have more states with medical marijuana laws... or even... *gasp* legalization! i'm not trying to turn this into a political debate about legalization, but we are all smokers here so our common theme is weed. if the "chill, bro" mentality were less prevalent, maybe we could get more done as a community? maybe even have an picnic! wouldn't that be awesome? :bigjoint:

nah man. if someone's got an issue with someone or something, sometimes it doesn't matter what you smoke, you still got an issue.

if someone goes off on a wobbly rant, people generally start getting all "chill man, have a blunt", well chances are he's already had a few and can't really contain the madness any more. i certainly get like that at times, and another smoke, well that's probably the alst thing i need :P

im only chill when i toke, but i hate people who think all stoners are like brian from HAlfbaked who has fried his mind due to weed,i hate that, i have annoying ass friend who thinks im high all the time and thats when i say chill bro its cool im not high
me too. its frustrating. half baked is a good movie and all, but its kinda lame after the 7,245,375,245,980 time. even that lame movie "super high me" was a bad representation of pop culture. (i know that it was supposed to be a somewhat ironic movie... but it was still stupid.)

I usually take the chill bro mentality but if something goes against my principals or makes no logical sense/irrational I usually get pissed off and take the opposite of the chill bro mentality.

it all depends on the situation really.
me too. i'm not a fighter in most cases. but i do believe in standing up for things that i care about. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i think im a stoner. a functioning stoner but a stoner none the less. but im notoriously known by people who know me as an angry person who flips out easily. i think it may be because i have anxiety/ MAYBE bipolar issues. but i never fit into that "chill out bro" mentality. when im high and peaking maybe i do. but only cuz im too high to pay attention lol.... this post is probably useless.


Well-Known Member
i am different ways with different smoke: haze and sour-aggresive shit talky, wreck,elvis and ak have me like "chill bro" lol jack herrer , og kush and bubba kush make me talkative so i think its more so WHAT your smokin:hump:


Active Member
Dude do you have any idea how many people smoke weed or atleast support legalization? Millions. if that many people got fuckin motivated and got on the same page they would be in control not the government, back in the early days people really were in control, if a law or tax was passed and the people didnt like it, everybody got together and said we wont stand for this and literally forced a change, but now days we just take it up the ass and bitch about it.