You idiots that use fedex

They go to the back room and divvy up the pound. I asked the manager and he said it would have to be turned into the local authorities. So, I'm assuming they will try to find out who the sender is via finger prints, since FedEx workers wear gloves.

lol, i don't wear gloves! Either do a lot of my coworkers.
But a majority of them do, I didn't say it was mandatory to wear gloves there but I've seen some nasty cardboard cuts. Cops were at the location with drug sniffing dogs today!
Then again I also worked with a guy that was fired for stealing a poptart. The union got him his job back.
Then there was a guy that got fired for stealing a baby shoe. Not a pair of shoes. I guess the dude had a one legged baby.

LMFAO! this is a good thread:clap:
there's davie and a flute, a witch, OH he's the Mayor, what the hell is his name????

H.R. Pufnstuf ?

They go to the back room and divvy up the pound. I asked the manager and he said it would have to be turned into the local authorities. So, I'm assuming they will try to find out who the sender is via finger prints, since FedEx workers wear gloves.

I used to load trucks off the belts for Fedex, and I never wore gloves... Perhaps things are different after Sept 11...

I do remember the lame ass finger scanner and the fucking belts that go like 30 miles per hour.

Hard job... but whether you like this guy or not... He's right about how fedex works.
Thanks for the heads up on the Fedex deal.

On a side note, some people really need to learn what the essence of someones words are and not be so quick to the draw, that shit will get you slapped.
I gotta agree with certainun, I use to work at ups when i was 18, the job unloading trucks is so fast paced they don't have people sniffing for drugs or anything like that, and he couldn't have really done much since the other guy went and got the manager, sucks for whoever that package was shipped too and whoever shipped it.
The one that shipped it is in the clear if he was "clever" enough ( I was gonna say "smart enough" but if he were half way smart at all he wouldnt have tried to mail weed lol ) not to use a credit card or his real name or info when he shipped it.. Unless of course the one that it was shipped to decides to roll over on him.. And you can bet your ass that one time will definately try to get the info from the person they arrest for receiving it.. They dont really want him, they want the one that mailed it.. After all, hes the one that actually broke the law and the one that probably has a large quantity of MJ since hes mailing shit, ya know?.. Iunno, just my opinion.
What is it with movers, drivers, packaging people, and bud? Like it's a law or something, lol.

Lol really? Ive never noticed a connection.. Unlike -

truckers and uppers
whores and crack
bikers and meth
rastafari and weed

I just dont think "weed" when I hear "mover,driver, packing people" etc.. lol sry maybe its just me?
Lol really? Ive never noticed a connection.. Unlike -

truckers and uppers
whores and crack
bikers and meth
rastafari and weed

I just dont think "weed" when I hear "mover,driver, packing people" etc.. lol sry maybe its just me?

I don't know where you're from but in Cali it's like that. At least in the LA area.