Dwc Grow Club


Active Member
I was wondering is a water chiller necessary if room temps reach 80 f,growing dwc ?My mother plant is around 76 f ,no issues so far,I just dont want to lose the clones ,flowering room reaches the 80 f .My mother is thriving ,I just dont want to deal with root rot.I grew in soil with warmer conditions,no issues,I switched to dwc this time, for obvious reasons.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I hate summer time because of that shit. My grow room will get up to 80 if I keep the door closed, (even with central air). I think that might have something to do with why my plant is in such bad shape.

I had my wife take a pic of it since I am not there.

It almost looks like it's starving for water.

Any one have any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I hate summer time because of that shit. My grow room will get up to 80 if I keep the door closed, (even with central air). I think that might have something to do with why my plant is in such bad shape.

I had my wife take a pic of it since I am not there.

It almost looks like it's starving for water.

Any one have any ideas?
They are dying and prolly by now they are gone...damn bro..sorryto hear bout that but man during veg. you gotta baby them seriously!ANY lil thing can kill em..During flower they can take alot more abuse..


Well-Known Member
wow that sucks, I am still a little hopeful that I can fix it in time. The plant still has some life left in it.

If flushing it doesn't help. then ill have to call the T.O.D. :(


Well-Known Member
ahh, yeah my rez temps stay around 72, but I think along with a flush, im going to add some frozen water bottles to mine.
Im not entirely sure. But i discontinued putting frozen water bottles in my res after i got my portable ac unit.. My Room temps reach 82 degrees right now. Im in complete control of this. And this seems to be the temps my plants like judging by the way my fans raise and lift to my lamp. Any colder the fans droop.. Any hotter they do the same thing.
My res will drop to 68 degrees at night but reach 76- all the way up too 78- 80 degrees in the summer when the ac is running full boar..
These seem to be the best operating temps ive found in this system.


Well-Known Member
Well, I got home to a sad site, but still I have hope for this little gal.

I just got done doing a flush, freshly Ph'd R/O water, and even gave the roots a good spray to get rid of any residual salts. Thankfully the roots them selves look white and healthy, no root rot that I can see.

The good news is that my Black Berry Baby is growing up just right. The bigger net pot meant I had to spray the Hydroton a couple of times a day, but after the roots found their way down to the water, it started to take off. I have it on a 1/4 strength nute regiment right now.

So keep your fingers crossed, I'll get my first harvest before 2010 if it's the last thing
I do!:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Well guys, I think I can safely declare this one a goner :(. Not sure what happened it just up and started to die on me. Any one have any ideas, Here is an updated pic.


Well-Known Member
I think it drowned man,

sorry. I do hope the genetics weren't too cool.

I just lost two great phenos; my air stone bubble curtain clogged.

I was away too and my helper didn't catch it.


Well-Known Member
Well, I found the problem.

After I declared the poor thing dead, and started to take it out of the net pot, I noticed that the roots looked ok from the outside.

However the root ball was dense, so I dug in a bit and I found root rot, lots of it.

My only guess is that because the roots where so dense, and my little fish tank air pump really isn't putting out enough bubbles that my plant pretty much drowned.

Time for a new/bigger air pump.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies.I will check res temp,I got the room temp down to 77f with lights on or off,I was going to buy a portable a/c, but I think the 77f is tolerable for now .I ll go for a water chiller or at least for now Im gonna ziploc some ice packs and use them to chill the water.The only other isue I had was some white mold on a regenerated plant ,in a grow tent,Ive aded some ventilation,so far shes ok,it was only on some of the stems,which I cut ,sprayed with a little baking soda water.Im off today to get some neem oil just to be on the safe side.My setup is in a partial basement,but it will only cool down to 77f right now.Im using a ice fishing tent with mylar.I will be puting my clones in it soon,I m just making sure the mold is gone.