advice on my setup please


Well-Known Member
Using the filter part myself. KNow nothing about the fan. The question about that is what are you using to exhaust out the area? You need a fan for that and cool tube if and you should go the 400 watter route for flower if you truely want good bud and not constant fildling with those dam cfl lights (gets old very quickly/ fun for about a month). Having a combo like that doesn't remove the air from the room. Remember you need air being pushed in and out the room in addition to inside room fan curculation/heat reducer on plants. Cost money but the T & D 150 is powerful enough (zero sound other then air movement unlike other good fans) on the low setting to have a filter then air cool hood exit out the room in one move. I actually have a Y and exhaust also the veg room just fine. Takes care of what some use 3 fans for....
well i am a kid (student) and dont know if i can get some hid's just yet maybe i can upgrade later but for now its cfl's if i wanna still be able to afford my other purchases

and ok i think im convinced on the T & D...wat carbon filter do u use with ur fan or others that i can use?


Well-Known Member
I have the S & P 150 and the 6 inch carbon filter. Don't mess around with smell issues and venting...The best way to get busted my friend....

Alright my next tip for you. Dream about what you need from HTG supply hoping you have not started buying? If your going to have 8-10 cfls the cost of the bulbs/light fixtures/Y spliters etc. will run you what
50-75 bucks or more? Look over the web site. Then call Tony/owner- he takes calls from customers. Only Tony.... Have a wish list and ask for suggestions... Tell him what size room or your needs and his suggestion. Mention you heard great things about his company (complitements always help). Mention your shopping online for lights hps and cfl for a package deal and any help on shipping costs. You won't believe the deal you may get. Just to mention Lumatek 400 watter should be a goal and ask about his best price...Any hps watts less go for HO cfl lighting until you can afford a 400 watt hps. Using the 2 ft ho cfl from HTG has great up about it. You wont believe the deals he will (may give you). I am embarassed at how much a deal i received from Tony for my Lumatek 400 watter. People would shit a brick paying list price or ebay costs vs. what i paid. Maybe I was lucky b/c his wife had a baby the next week (I know b/c I called the next week to see if it shipped) and it may just have been my luck.....
Do your research and don't waste your money....
i have not started buying yet, i wanna make sure i have kno everything that i need first.

and yeah i may have to skimp on the lights for u kno anything about the dual spectrum II lights that can be included in the bubbleponics system i have been considering them greatly right now

but ill give htg a call today and see how it goes :)


Well-Known Member
Good I am a researcher before spending money. Read many a threads on this site for a couple months before buying. Don't mess with junk. A plant takes 4 months of care to get you some results. At least 4 months and with cfls longer. You are spending money thru out those months on time, effort and electricity. Make sure what you buy has multiple success rates on this site before spending money. These people have it down and short cuts only cost you money and bud. In the end my research tells me a full grow on cfls cost a hell of a lot b/c of much smaller buds and fluffy vs. 400 hps hard/tight/huge. The cost of a full cfl grow most likely will cost you more then just buying on the streets in the end.

On the other hand. some believe using a HO cfl like you can buy at HTG can produce nice buds but clearly not as good as hps. Most use a HO cfl for vegging and it is super for that. Don't go for anything less of a hps then 400 watts. Get a air cooled hood for it and heat wont be an issue. let me know how it works? If you spend money on any of those ready made tents do your research here on them. specially on the light leak issue. Make sure the people have used it for yrs. to succes...Most are junk....
Good I am a researcher before spending money. Read many a threads on this site for a couple months before buying. Don't mess with junk. A plant takes 4 months of care to get you some results. At least 4 months and with cfls longer. You are spending money thru out those months on time, effort and electricity. Make sure what you buy has multiple success rates on this site before spending money. These people have it down and short cuts only cost you money and bud. In the end my research tells me a full grow on cfls cost a hell of a lot b/c of much smaller buds and fluffy vs. 400 hps hard/tight/huge. The cost of a full cfl grow most likely will cost you more then just buying on the streets in the end.

On the other hand. some believe using a HO cfl like you can buy at HTG can produce nice buds but clearly not as good as hps. Most use a HO cfl for vegging and it is super for that. Don't go for anything less of a hps then 400 watts. Get a air cooled hood for it and heat wont be an issue. let me know how it works? If you spend money on any of those ready made tents do your research here on them. specially on the light leak issue. Make sure the people have used it for yrs. to succes...Most are junk....
i ve been online all day and am thinking that a 400w hps might be a little too hot for my grow tent unless i spend another couple hundred on some good ventilation which i cant afford right now so i think for now im gonna have to do some cfl's

OR...wat about getting some cfl's now maybe two 85 watters and then buy a cheaper hps light such as a 150watt since those r under a hundred with built in ballast n everything


Well-Known Member
call Tony and ask his opinion. 150 watt hps is a waste imo of electricity and you will have heat issues unless you have an air cooled hood. Yes heat is an issue with a 400 watter unless you get an air cooled hood. Now you need to talk to Tony and get his opinion based on your budget and needs. Tell him your concerns. I would think all his sales experience he can point you in the right direction. He wants you to be a customer for life....Good research though. I was affraid of a 400 watter until my research found those who bought 100, 150, 250 watt hps upgraded to a 400 watter quickly. There was not much if any heat difference between them except results....and they all ultimatley got the aircooled reflector to help with heat.

Those in the professional growing field say get a 400, 600 or 1000 to grow bud. Anything less is pissing in the wind....


Active Member
HPS is the way to go bro High Pressure Sodium they are excellent for both vegging and flowering the cost that your worried about will be repaid 10 fold!! (well maybe not 10 x but heaps more anyway well worth the extra few dollars for sure might be a bit late tho looking at the date on your messages sweet as anyway all good
OK so im closing in on buying my supplies for my first grow and was wondering if there was anything else that i might need or change so here it is:

Grow Box: GLowLab60 (

Medium: Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics (

im gonna add the pro drainage kit, ph control kit, and 6 month SH nutrient pack as well

Lights: 6-8 8 30w cfl's at 6400k for veg and 2700k for flower (

Ventilation: ??? I dont know what i should do for ventilation, i dont think the tent will get too hot using cfl's and i will have a small fan in the tent to circulate the air and help to strengthen the plants but do i need an exhaust at all?

odor control: need help with this as well.

any input will help thanks a lot guys
hmmm.. youll need air exchange or else the plants will exhaust the co2 in the tent. you want to be able to replace all the air in the tent every five minutes.

the bubble kit looks great and its not even that overpriced from what youd pay for the parts to make it yourself. on the other hand youd probably be better getting nutrients from a third party like fox farm. especially because youll want bloom and veg nutes.

HPS you would nice but im assuming you went with cfl for a reason. 8cfls*30w*70lum=16800lum.... sells a 125w cfl that will do 10500 lum... consider that in your grow...

add a carbon filter to your exhaust and everything is taken care of. theres a DIY out there somewhere if youre broke.


Well-Known Member
I can already tell your going to skimp on the cost and go cfl way. Give it 2 grow cycles and you will kick yourself in the ass for not spending the money on experienced stuff in the beginning. In one year email me about I told u so. Do not waste your money until your ready to do it your going down thE wasting money route. Look at it this way, email someone/anyone who has mutiple grows and years in this hobby still using cfl that hasn't gone to hps.....Then send me $100 buck for staying on you for the follishness...sorry 6 beer night....


Well-Known Member
ONE more thing soccer boy......Manu and Yuvi Italy are kings of the champions league next to me soccer boy....
ONE more thing soccer boy......Manu and Yuvi Italy are kings of the champions league next to me soccer boy....

@relaxed...relax dude haha im trying to find an excuse to buy cfl's but i just cant find a legit one and feel that i am going to have to go with some hps/mh bulbs...and i just found out today that HTG SUPPLY has a store 30 min away from pittsburgh where i go to school so that makes my decision so much easier at getting a hps/mh system...they have some good stuff for even 200 but ill prly go over that anyway getting some nice heat control and a cool tube...and i can also get some good relatively cheap odor control and vent there too W/O SHIPPING :)

and dont assume guys, im still a good 3-5 weeks from ordering anythin, i wanna make sure i kno wat im doin and research some more but i think im closing in on a nice setup

AND manu is shit, chelsea will be back ready to roll next will AC (a nice american defensive pick up will do wonders)


Well-Known Member
You can get it done for under $200 if you talk to Tony at HTG. If not you won't. That includes a 400 watt Lumatek ballast and air cooled reflector and bulb. The best on the market for many reasons. Research it....Lower heat, more efficient, digital ballast, combo use hps/mh. If you can ship out of state you won't have taxes and low shipping.
You can get it done for under $200 if you talk to Tony at HTG. If not you won't. That includes a 400 watt Lumatek ballast and air cooled reflector and bulb. The best on the market for many reasons. Research it....Lower heat, more efficient, digital ballast, combo use hps/mh. If you can ship out of state you won't have taxes and low shipping.
Do u kno if tony works at the pitt store or florida store? So u think I can get a lumatek digital 400w ballast, 400w hps, 400w mh conversion, n a cool tube or at least an air cooled reflector for under 200 if I talk to tony about it...I am thinking of buying the light cooling system and exhaust odor control from him as well u think I can pick that up for maybe just another 100? Can u pm me ur name so I can give tell him who referred me, maybe it ll help

N ill still probably pick up the supplies when I get to pitt in early aug


Well-Known Member
I've given you enough info. to get it done. I'd call tony before making the drive there. I believe he is in PA.

Fan - HTG fan will be fine buy much louder then the s & p.
filter- HTG filter can fan is very nice but much larger then the foothill one. Don't scimp on fan and filter. Makes all the difference in air movement and can't afford to screw up on the smell....let me know how the call to tony goes?