As Newbie as it gets...


Well as the title states i am a Complete newb. I am just getting into the culture. I have yet to even smoke but i have looked into this for a while and thought it would be safer for me. To explain that i am bi-polar and self medicate i kicked heroin a while back and it has been hard on me. I need something every once and a while to kill the edge before it kills me. SO i have a few questions. What is the market at the top? Any friendlies in my area willing to help, share, sell, meet, or share a good/friendly contact with me.(Thibodaux Louisiana) And will this help me?

Thanks in advance Sab

Illegal Smile

Well as the title states i am a Complete newb. I am just getting into the culture. I have yet to even smoke but i have looked into this for a while and thought it would be safer for me. To explain that i am bi-polar and self medicate i kicked heroin a while back and it has been hard on me. I need something every once and a while to kill the edge before it kills me. SO i have a few questions. What is the market at the top? Any friendlies in my area willing to help, share, sell, meet, or share a good/friendly contact with me.(Thibodaux Louisiana) And will this help me?

Thanks in advance Sab
It is for sure safer than heroin but I don't know that any drug is the answer you need. Self-medication is seldom a good idea. Maybe you should try smoking, and maybe you should get help for the bipolar, and MAYBE those are two separate things.


Well-Known Member
I was a ex heroin user and now i have been clean for ne on 3 years.Cannabis has been a wonder drug for me helping me to sleep but most important when you are comeing of hard drugs you have no appitite and this is where cannabis played a major part.Cannabis is no where near has strong has the drugs that you will need if you have only been clean for a while you would be beter seeing a doctor and getting a methodone or even better subutex...I'm not qualfied to tell you what you may need for your other bi~polar problem but keep at it mate hard class a drugs can be beaten just keep up with the will power and you will get there....I also found but by growing cannabis it helped with the pains sleep eating but most important it gives you another focus it becomes like a hobbie....I get a real buzz of seeing what fine cannabis that i produce and love all the work that goes into growing it....The hardest thing that you will find is getting the money togeather to get your self a decent grow op.


Well-Known Member
glad to hear your off the "heavy" shit.. heroin and shit like that is just no good... moderation is key to everything.. but i dont know many users who moderate themselves at all... its like coke... a line here and there is one thing.. but a line here, and there, and then back here, and one or two more over there, is just the not cool... its very commendable you gave up on the catching that damn dragon...

i have a few friends that are bi-polar too.. they have managed over years and years to be able to "control" it a little better.. but they say smoking weed helps them also... i think as an individual you know better than anyone what helps and what doesnt... if smoking a little herb and growin a garden helps to keep you at peace and calm then do it up... from being around my friends, who are more like family, i see the struggle they have gone through with their problems... i feel for ya... methadone and that shit i think makes the problem worse.. its just another new addiction... if you can keep on an even level with something natural, all the more power to you!

i would advise being careful what you ask tho on RIU... asking for hook ups on drugs, asking where to get it, stuff like that, is completely against site rules and will get you suspended/banned... if your trying to build connections with people, getting banned before you have the chance is no good... you really just have to jump in the site and meet people and go from there.. you'll be hard pressed for anyone to just say "yea, i got some weed, you want some?"... just be cautious with what you say and ask...


It is for sure safer than heroin but I don't know that any drug is the answer you need. Self-medication is seldom a good idea. Maybe you should try smoking, and maybe you should get help for the bipolar, and MAYBE those are two separate things.
I have gone through treatment for the bi-polar thing but the medicine only makes u feel worse just to not there or apathetic to end it. The heroin i kicked the old fashioned hard way cold.


So sorry about that just getting a feel of the waters around my area is all don't mean no harm. Just looking for a friendly face.


Active Member
Damn son I don't know what heroin's like in Thibadoux, but I lived in Natchitoches long ago and from what I saw there I wouldn't fuck with the heroin in LA. You may get lucky and meet someone, but most of the shit that runs through that area is just swag Mexican brick weed. It can get the job done.


Active Member
Well as the title states i am a Complete newb. I am just getting into the culture. I have yet to even smoke but i have looked into this for a while and thought it would be safer for me. To explain that i am bi-polar and self medicate i kicked heroin a while back and it has been hard on me. I need something every once and a while to kill the edge before it kills me. SO i have a few questions. What is the market at the top? Any friendlies in my area willing to help, share, sell, meet, or share a good/friendly contact with me.(Thibodaux Louisiana) And will this help me?

Thanks in advance Sab

Just grow ur own, no mark up and its not that hard.....:joint::joint:


Damn son I don't know what heroin's like in Thibadoux, but I lived in Natchitoches long ago and from what I saw there I wouldn't fuck with the heroin in LA. You may get lucky and meet someone, but most of the shit that runs through that area is just swag Mexican brick weed. It can get the job done.

Had a free ride on it from Houma from a man i help get out of the facility i we were in early said he "owed me one"