Well-Known Member
Ok v12 ^^. I like having my journal here instead of where i had it.
Don't you hate it when that happens? Sorry to hear about the male there, Mental.God fucking damnit >.< i see what looks like a cluster of balls on yoshi >.< god damnit but imma wait till they get bigger so i can be 100% sure before i fuck it up.
Lol yeah that happened to me this round and yeah.... I feel your pain man.It had to w8 60 days more i believe but idc now but it had to w8 that long to piss me off >.< atleast the other male did it real early.
Ouch Mental that sucks, I'm sorry, better luck this time around hopefully, just keep your head up dude.Today i killed all the male's and 3 of the 5 came up out of the jiffy pots so i moved them in my pc case and have them going for 24/0 then i will switch to 18/6 later on in the week maybe after the first 3 or 4 days. So now im basically back at where i started >..<
Buy a timer when you can dude lol, it'll make life SOOO much easier for you lol.Thanks you 2. I had to kill them so i could have space for new grow and i dont really need any males for seeds because i always buy a sack after i get paid so i dont have to worry about weed or seeds i got 1000 seeds anywayz but only from the good shit i get but thanks for the info. All 5 of the seeds have made it and are in my grow cases. I got 2 sproutling in my pc case on 24/0 till i see the next set of fan leafs forming then imma put them on 18/6 if i can find a good time to where i can turn it on when im still home and awake and turn off at a good time before i sleep (if someone could think of a time to turn on and turn off when im awake and home it would really help me). i got the other 3 sproutlings on 12/12 from start to finish i wanna see which will do better. So wish me luck.
Hermit crabs are cool, they're cute lol. I get you though, you should be able to get an adapter pretty cheap though, hope you get one soon, to ease some of that stress of you dude lol.i got a timer the only problem is it takes up both outlets and it has one outlet coming off it which i have everything hooked up to including my hermit crabs and they need like when my plants don't lol know what im saying? But yet i need to get another outlet adapter so i can get my pc case off that timer since right now it is 24/0 and ill be doing update late today or early tomorrow. lol alright thank you ^^.
Yeah, I hear that for sure.Lol yea i will onc i get paid. Yea i really need that stress off me because i already got a shit load of stress in my life.
Oh no I'm chill lol, I'm calmer than a narcoleptic in a mattress store lol.Lol calm down ever hear of enjoying a bowl.