• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

my wife fucked me over real bad! if it werent for my kids id be in the hospital!


Well-Known Member
yea i know! i feel a little refreshed right now i actuly slept for about 3 1/2 hours this time i just got up about 30 min ago and feed the kids! but now i got to here my kids keep askin to go to the park and shit but we caint cuz i dont have a car. we onle had one car and she took it. my cuzin came over last night so the kids could see fire works or they would not had a 4th. so im stranded at the house and i caint just go get another car cuz the bond took all my money now i got all last mounth bills saying past due! thats whats been fuckin with me now instead of my wife. she left me the way she did then fuck it (stay gone) peace out bro
Damn that sucks to hear man. well at least the kids had a good 4th so thats all that matters. hang in there man.


Well-Known Member
You sound like a dedicated dad bro. your 3 kids are lucky to have a father like you. fuck that heartless bitch that left you, hurting the kids, regardless of who's they are, is unacceptable and selfish.. stay cool bro, im rooting for you. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
thankx yall! and yea i am a dedicated dad! i love my kids more then anything! i know iv done some wrong in my life but when it comes to my 3 little heartbreakers man their just aint no sronger love i can give. man i feel like im on a roller coaster i`ll feel all good and shit for a little bit! then down down down! i wish i had some smoke! its been a while since i had a toke. and i guess it will be a while longer since she trashed my crop and im have to start over. maybe i should grow one little plant that has maybe 3gms on it so i get something lol i wouldnt do that i can be pataint! peace out yall stay cool like the breez but dont freez if you do wear a coat :peace:


Well-Known Member
man im str8 tripping out right now. i have had my kids all this time and now my ex wife ( not current ) i let the kids stay the night with her tonight. i havent really been sleepin and durnin the day the kids can tell somethings up! but besides all that i think im FUCKED UP normaly i wolud take three d.bones and a ambian and 1 topamax b4 trying to go to sleep and it pretty much never works. i stay awake cuz of constant thoughts and just i cant stop moveing i get up then back down off and on through out the night well some thing different is happenin to me to night and i dont know why. i only took 1 d.bone insteat of the 3 along with the topamax and ambain after the kids left and i feel like iv never taken ad.bone in my life im off ballanc i keep seein shit when i walk through the house (its mostly dark in here right now) its takein me 30min. just to get this far in the post my computer screen looks like its kind of rockin side-2-side like if it where listen to my mp3 files i know thats crazy ands its probly just me being off ballance but come yall 1 d.bone when i normally take 1 4xs a day since the kids wasnt here i was gonna pop about 6 of tem so i can get some straight sleep for a change but fuck that now my body telling me to go to bed but my mind is tellin me to go play my D.B.Z game and when i lay down 10min later i`ll be right back up but sorry yall i just thought it was crazy that i normaly take 1 d.b 4xs a day then out of no where i only take one out the whole and its like it was my first time ever takein one. i dont know about yall but that shits crazy to me! peace out yall. stay cool yall but dont freez and if you do wear a coat


Well-Known Member
pretend you are in the jungle and crawl around on your belly. turn out all the lights. have some fun. :hump:


Well-Known Member
pretend you are in the jungle and crawl around on your belly. turn out all the lights. have some fun. :hump:
yea im gonna do something. the effects of that one are startin 2 wear off so im gonna probly go ahead and pop those 3 bones and cut the lights off and play my d.b.z infinite world game till i fall alseep with the controler in my hand. hopefully that will work cuz like i said my sleepin problems are pretty bad! peace out 4 now and stay cool im gonna go ahead and pop those and play that game. and if anyone wounders im not a pill head they are prescribe to me justsome times i take more then i should (NOT TO GET HIGH ) but to try to sleep. stay cool like a breez but dont freez and if you do wear a coat! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I dont know the whole story because I dont know her side of it, but the ring is hers when you GIFT it to her. She has every right to keep it and thats completely up to her. Its kind of a dick move to leave you like that with no money, but honestly...if you had as bad a temper as it sounds like you have from what you yourself described...I would up and leave you too. Im sure she was scared REGARDLESS of if you ever laid a finger on her or not....if you react a certain way over little arguements a girl is going to think..."well if he acts that way about an arguement then how is he going to act when I tell him Im leaving?"

I don't think she needed to get the police/courts involved from your side of the story, but coming from an abusive father and having been in an abusive relationship in the past I know that there are always two sides to the story. So if she felt assaulted then she had the right to protect herself.

Personally, lonleyness does suck, but I have a feeling after 2 failed marriages that either a) you're picking the wrong people or b) you're too angry and Im guessing b is more likely. No one wants to be with a guy with a hot head and if you were like that to me you'd be gone LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before you ever placed a ring on my finger. Its okay to be upset, but you can speak using words that do not verbally abuse someone because verbal abuse is STILL abuse even if there isnt physical bruises. you are still mentally brusing the persons self esteem and self worth. All in all...I would guess to say that until you learn to control your words/anger you will be destined for this outcome in every relationship you try to start with any woman. In due time they will be completely fed up with it.

my advice to you: get over what happened the best you can. don't hold all the problems against her. DO NOT CONTACT HER. Take care of your children cause they need you. seek MORE help for your anger because likely you probably have a temper with your children too. and work on your own self worth first because someone who isn't self confident and self reliant isn't going to be someone a good woman will want to date.

Just my two sense. sorry if you dont like what I have to say.


Well-Known Member
I dont know the whole story because I dont know her side of it, but the ring is hers when you GIFT it to her. She has every right to keep it and thats completely up to her. Its kind of a dick move to leave you like that with no money, but honestly...if you had as bad a temper as it sounds like you have from what you yourself described...I would up and leave you too. Im sure she was scared REGARDLESS of if you ever laid a finger on her or not....if you react a certain way over little arguements a girl is going to think..."well if he acts that way about an arguement then how is he going to act when I tell him Im leaving?"

I don't think she needed to get the police/courts involved from your side of the story, but coming from an abusive father and having been in an abusive relationship in the past I know that there are always two sides to the story. So if she felt assaulted then she had the right to protect herself.

Personally, lonleyness does suck, but I have a feeling after 2 failed marriages that either a) you're picking the wrong people or b) you're too angry and Im guessing b is more likely. No one wants to be with a guy with a hot head and if you were like that to me you'd be gone LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before you ever placed a ring on my finger. Its okay to be upset, but you can speak using words that do not verbally abuse someone because verbal abuse is STILL abuse even if there isnt physical bruises. you are still mentally brusing the persons self esteem and self worth. All in all...I would guess to say that until you learn to control your words/anger you will be destined for this outcome in every relationship you try to start with any woman. In due time they will be completely fed up with it.

my advice to you: get over what happened the best you can. don't hold all the problems against her. DO NOT CONTACT HER. Take care of your children cause they need you. seek MORE help for your anger because likely you probably have a temper with your children too. and work on your own self worth first because someone who isn't self confident and self reliant isn't going to be someone a good woman will want to date.

Just my two sense. sorry if you dont like what I have to say.
i respect what your saying. but its a little backwards. yes i have a temper and its verbal but the verbal is only yellin or raise my voice when we argure. i NEVER not once put her down about anything even when im mad. every mourning we wake up id look at her tell her good moruning beautifull!i love you did you sleep good and shell say yea then id get up and run her
some bath water while she gets undressed
for her bath she always catches me peekin at her and she like what are u looking at and i`ll be like im sorry i caint help that i think my wife has
a sexy body and she`ll just roll her eyes at me and say whatever! but i
always go in their
andwash her back for her and shit and
help her out the tub
and get dried off! but i never ever ever ever put her down. when we argue the anger just makes my voice gets louder but i dont put her down. i swear even thoug she left i still love her! the coment about haveing a temper to my kids two your 100% wrong their i love them more then anything their is and one other i didnt have 2 faild merriges cuz i get angry. my first one failed cuz she cheating on me and got pregnet by a nother man then left me for him. i ended up takeing her back and i raised that baby for a yr when i found out she was cheating again with the same dude an she left again then a few mounths later she tried to come back and i said not this time! and last thing i know the ring was a gift an im very sorry for trying to take it back i know it was my fault but besides me trying to get the ring iv never done nothin to her for her to go as far as she did and i have been respecting her wishes. i havent not once tried to call or get ahold of her in any shape form or fasion! just cuz i got anger problems dont make me a bad guy im not voilent and i dont go out partying and shit and just stay home and play with my kids take care of the yard play some ps2 and shit but mainly my kids! :peace: oh sorry if this post is difficult to read im compleatly wore out! peace out


Well-Known Member
Nope. As a matter of fact if you read ANY etiquette book it will tell you that if the wife decides to end the marriage she is to give the ring back. If the man ends it she can keep it.


Well-Known Member
Nope. As a matter of fact if you read ANY etiquette book it will tell you that if the wife decides to end the marriage she is to give the ring back. If the man ends it she can keep it.

you're talking about etiquette, not LAW. etiquette means the proper thing to do in a given situation. However the law would say different. The law would say the ring was a gift during a time which you still loved her and therefore even if she wants to leave you cannot legally take the ring from her hand. However, if you chose to fight for the ring you could take her to court.

She has the right to keep the ring. should she have? thats another debate! but she is allowed to by law.


Well-Known Member
The law also says weed is illegal. Next!
Okay....Im not sure how that has anything to do with the ring? You're saying its proper etiquette to give the ring back, but she didn't so tough shit for the person who gave it to her because she decided to keep it and its her legal right.

the law says weed is illegal and it is unless you have a medical license and even then its only legal in your state, but still not on a federal level. So.... Im not really catching how your statement even makes any fucking sense? you should probably just stop talking.


Active Member
:cry: a while back i asked some higher uppers to remove 2 post that i made in reply of the girl of the mounth! in all honesty i didnt mean any harm by my post! i love my wife even though she fucked me up my ass with a 20in dildo! we had are fight about that post a long time ago i thought it was done and over with! well since we have had are little arguments and shit! and i will admit that i do have an anger problem! i explode i rage sometimes not meaning to ! i get help for it! now even though i got these anger problems and shit iv never hit her or nothing my anger is just verble! i yell a haller but i dont mean to and i tell her im sorry and i always kiss her ass and do everything i can to make things work with her!now a week and a half ago i agreed to go to marrige counsling! cuz i do love her! we had our first sesson last week! now i dont know what the fuck happen but friday night we were lying in bed and we had a little arguement i mean little! then out of no where she says shes leaving me on the 3rd! thats when shes gets her disability check! and that she had already told my moms that she was leaveing me! so of course i get mad as shit cuz this came out of no where! i thought we were trying to better our marrige! we just seen a consler and was soposed to go again friday! and i thought why didnt my mom give me a heads up! but shes just up and leaving! i got 3 kids that love her to death! well n-e-way saterday im fucking mad shes gettin her check for like $900 and i have $0 so i have no money t0 keep the power on for the kids or to buy them food! so i told her to give me the ring i bought her! she said fuck you! now ladies im sorry im not a women beater but i did grab her hand and try to take the ring off! i did not hit or nothing i just tried to get the ring back so i could get my kids some food and keep the power on! now she fucking goes ant takes out charges on me! saterday for assult on a female! so i go to jail for a 48hr hold then when i go to court monday my xwife comes with my daughter just to see if i get out cuz i really didnt do anything! well the juge ask my wife if she had anything to say about my realease and she fuckings says i want him to stay in jail! she said i hit her in the chest and shit! ( lie ) then my daughter stands up cryin sayin my daddy didnt hit her he was just trying to get his ring! man i starting cring my ass off when i seen my daughter crying! the juge asked i i had anthing to say! i told him i said your honer i dont know why this is going on i did not hit but she is leaving my home and i will respect her wishes and stay compleatly away from i dont have any violent offences on my record at all no assult nothing like that she has noth to fear from me! them damn juge says alright $2500 bond! im like fuck i dont have that ! thats $375 with a bondsman but i dont got that ether! i just got out yesterday! but i got cusdudy of my kid and iv never been with out them like that so iv done nothing but cried everyday cuz not being able to see my kids and the few min. i could talk to them on the phone i cried even more cuz they were cryin plus just hereing ther voice but not being able to hold them! i just think its really fucked up how this all went down like i said i dont even know what happend cuz we just started marrige consling! so im a little depressed and shit but i feel more betrayed then anything! ok i understand even though i was only tring to get the ring! i should not have put not finger on her but still its not like i hit her or bet the shit out of her! but im really hurt cuz she didnt have to keep me in jail knowing my kids are at home waiting on me i really did not deserve that!now my kids hate her for doing that to me! the only reason why im out now is cuz my x wife cuzin knows the bondsman so he got me out on credit and said sha had to pay him $230 by the 3rd! so i gave about 80 dogbones and 62 30mg aderals to sell well sorry to pitty myself on yall but i got all these twisted fellins in me right now and im just tring to get them out with out getting angry! hope yall understand!:peace: all yea while i was in jail she went and took out ex parta papers on me! come on now i didnt do shit to her im fucking sorry for tryin to take the ring of her finger but damn she flipin out like if i just straight beat her down! and i swear i didnt touch her besides her hand when i was trying to get the ring! like i said even my daughter stood up and told the juge that shit! im sorry im just like pulling my hair out my head you know! my moms and sisters say that they think she pysco and that id should never had merried! but to be honest i was merried 9 yrs to my last wife but with her for about 13 1m 31 now and to be straight up i got 3 kids 1 girl 9 2 boys 8 and 5 i got cosdudy of them but me myself im scared to death of being lonely and by myself! to some of yall that might sound like a punk but i love my kids and i will always be there for my kids! but i caint stand lonelyness its to depressing i beleve everybody should have a compainion in life! im not talking about kids well always have our kids but the othe person who we can lay in bed with at night and fall asleep watching tv and shit! whats wrong with that! going to bed every night by your self is just to depressing for! well she did me that way so i got to acept my loses and move its fucking sad! well yall be cool

o buy the way she told my mom about my crop so it got destroyed ( so sad )
well shit thats a lot for someone to take in and deal with, but heres a simple way of putting it, you have your children with you that alone should put a smile on your face, your wife unexpectedly just came out of left field with a divorce, thats the same thing my mom did to my pops and i was more pissed about it than my pops he is "step-dad" but technical terms but i digress it may be hard but its really a time to be a strong figure for the children, you just have to pick up the peices and not just put them back together but make something new out of the whole experience, no matter how bleak, dark, sad, angering, fucked up, remeber dark is yin to yangs light.


Well-Known Member
W/e lady. Odd that's the responce from a chick.

Think about it. Weed is illegal. That doesn't mean it's wrong. Just because she isn't legally obligated to give it back, doesn't mean it's the right way to do it. A wedding ring is a symbol of marriage. he didn't give her that shit. He let her borrow it.


Well-Known Member
hell i dont care about the ring. i care about her! but things happen in the heat of the moment! whats done is done! i keep playin old school slow jamz and reminising! (Tyrese-how you gonna act like that ) and ( Silk-lose control ) and a bunch of other shit! yall know those old school slow jamz love songs! peace out yall

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
man normaly i would never recommend this shit but, fist off you need to get some fuckin seroquil from your fuckin doctor and get normal. thats the shit for bi-polar disorders. also lie and say your hurt and get some fuckin perks and sell um thats a little money. next just apply to everywere you can find. forget about that cunt and take care of your kids, they want to go to the fuckin park, you dont work go for a dam walk with um. man life sux so get used to it, but its ALL in what YOU make of it. some got it easier than others and some got it rough as fuck and you aint the only one lol. just showin some tough love over here lol


Well-Known Member
man normaly i would never recommend this shit but, fist off you need to get some fuckin seroquil from your fuckin doctor and get normal. thats the shit for bi-polar disorders. also lie and say your hurt and get some fuckin perks and sell um thats a little money. next just apply to everywere you can find. forget about that cunt and take care of your kids, they want to go to the fuckin park, you dont work go for a dam walk with um. man life sux so get used to it, but its ALL in what YOU make of it. some got it easier than others and some got it rough as fuck and you aint the only one lol. just showin some tough love over here lol
i take 600mg seroquil for my bi polar and man im doing the best i can and i know i cant take the the kids to the park but i have been goin out with them we have 3 dogs and they love walking them so we go for walks with the dogs. and im heavily into m.m.a iv been in martial arts since i was 8 yrs old i take the kids out side everyday and put opened hand gloves on them and we have a blast. well start off with me showin them something to do then all hell breaks loose and then they think their in then w.e.c or u.f.c and their just laying in to each other its fun to watch but i got to keep getting in their to make sure they pratice tecneich cuz they will start brawllin! they need tolearn what to do when a wild mother fucker rushes them and tkes them to the ground! i work with them on their both stand up and ground game! hell you dont need a car when all they want is for you to play with them ya know! stay cool bro:peace:


Well-Known Member
W/e lady. Odd that's the responce from a chick.

Think about it. Weed is illegal. That doesn't mean it's wrong. Just because she isn't legally obligated to give it back, doesn't mean it's the right way to do it. A wedding ring is a symbol of marriage. he didn't give her that shit. He let her borrow it.
how is that a weird response from a chick?

Yeah but what is "right" and what is "Law" is different. He could want it back, but that doesn't mean she has to give it to him because its "right". Legally she can keep it even if you or anyone else thinks its "wrong" to do so.

The ring is not borrowed. Not in the eyes of the law or anyone who is married. You wouldn't give a ring to a girl and say she can borrow it until you decide to leave her and then you want it back. and in marriage you dont say that either.

Tough shit. She gets to keep the ring. Honestly.... if my guy was an asshole...I'd keep the fucking ring too. Plain and Simple. Consider it payment for being a hot headed jerk all the time!

The ring was GIVEN to her as a statement of his LOVE for her. A courtroom would laugh their fucking ass off if you said "I let her borrow the ring and now that she left me I want it back." they'd be laughing you all the way to the poor house ;)


Well-Known Member
i relly didnt want the ring i was just hurt at the time! if she knocked on my door right know id gladly let her in! my ex wife gets the kids friday for a week cuz ny cosody papers says she gets them one week in the summer week out of june july and august b4 school starts back my wife knows the kids wont be here and that i`ll be all by myself all week long. maybe she might stop by and try to talk to me when she knows that one is around! ( mayby thats just wishfull thinking ) i dont want to be all alone all week! i know everone is different but that one week alone is gonna suck for me! stay chill yall! peace out! :peace:


Active Member
i relly didnt want the ring i was just hurt at the time! if she knocked on my door right know id gladly let her in! my ex wife gets the kids friday for a week cuz ny cosody papers says she gets them one week in the summer week out of june july and august b4 school starts back my wife knows the kids wont be here and that i`ll be all by myself all week long. maybe she might stop by and try to talk to me when she knows that one is around! ( mayby thats just wishfull thinking ) i dont want to be all alone all week! i know everone is different but that one week alone is gonna suck for me! stay chill yall! peace out! :peace:
geez man the chics always get their way while the males get shit because they suppose to deal with it.. there is alot of suicides because males get shit all and the chics get everything because they suppose to be better or some crap.. dude hang in there and if you truely feel you are doing the right thing than anything that comes your way you can face it because you know its all you can do.. forget about the bitch if you can and keep doin wats right .. thats the only way and she will see this or she wont, wateva it is its fate