Grow log from a 1st timer! Luv some help!


Active Member
Thanks for the beginning guide...I just started and get curious at the progress and whether or not im having issues but after looking at the pics it calmed me down. thanks for the wip and good luck
No problem, this being my first grow I was freakin' out over every little thing! I've calmed down a bit, being reminded that after all, this is a "weed"! :weed:

Hey SoCal - Things are looking really good man. Just about the same pace my plants were on at that age. Your lights should work fine. And considering they've done no damage thus far, you should be just fine. On the subject of peat pots, I can't really say what you should do because I've never used them. But if you decide to take them out, make sure you do it before the roots grow through the pot or you will have no choice but to leave them in. Anyways, congrats on your success man. Im subscribed. Take it easy.
I think I'm going to go with the peat pots and just bury them when the time comes. Girlz are gonna' get a good sun tan over the holiday weekend. They are going to be out in the beautiful SoCali sun for the next 4 days.


Active Member
Wow! So yesterday I started the extended weekend off by lettin' the girlz bask in the sun for about 7 - 8 hours. Took some pics when I put them out. Put them back in their CFL home for the night.

Today I took the girlz outside again for some more basking in the sun 'au natural' if i may throw some french at ya'! hehe Took pictures this morning.

WOOF! Amazing at the difference one day in the sun can make. Check it out!

Pic 1 is from yesterday morning. Pic 2 is from this morning.



Active Member
So, I have been taking my 18 Day old plants out into the sun (see above posts). They grow like crazy out in the sun. But I only plan on doing this every so often on the weekends. I know I need to watch out for bugs, but by doing this, does it affect the plant once I put them back into the CFL box? This won't put them into premature flower will it?


interesting that they seem to be doing well in natural sun. I might try this on some slow growing seedlings I have...


Active Member
So, today I decided to transplant my two tallest plants. They have currently resided in peat pots, so, I'm going to give a go with these two and just drop them right into their new 3 gal. pots. I found a great hydro store and I highly recommend you guys check out their site. I bought a bag of FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil, a bag of worm castings, and Botanicare Pure Blend Grow and Bloom. On top of that, they gave me a bunch of 'sample' nutes from Botanicare that they said would help out along the way. Like 20 2 oz. samples! They also gave me 5 oz. bottle of Floralicious Plus as a sample! Also sent me home with a DVD on growing techniques and a bunch of literature on nutes and Canna products.

Check them out!

Anyway, here are some pics of the girlz in their new home! I'll prolly transplant the other two tomorrow after letting them stretch out in the sun for a few hours.



Active Member
Ok, so I woke up this morning to a beautiful day. I grabbed my two little ones and headed out and transplanted them the same way I did the two bigger ones yesterday. The two yesterday REALLY seemed to like their new diggs! Never seen them perk up under the cfl's like they were this morning. Here are some pic's of the the two little ones and also of all 4 of the girlz layin' out in the SoCal sun catchin' some rayz!



Active Member
Anyone know why one of my Strawberry Cough's would grow sooo much bigger than the other 3 plants? One of the others is another Strawberry Cough which you would think would grow at the same rate (Mostly sativa). The other two are Blue Hash and Cali Hash which I'm assuming are predominantly indica. Just kinda' strange since they all germ'd and veg'd under the same lights with the same soil and feeding schedule.


Active Member
interesting that they seem to be doing well in natural sun. I might try this on some slow growing seedlings I have...

Man, it is crazy how much difference there is when they get to soak in sunlight. I can tell a difference in just a couple of hours!


Active Member
I'm thinking of doing a little light bondage on my tall lanky Strawberry cough. I'm on day 24 of veg right now, is it too early/late to start? Any help would be appreciated!


Active Member
So here it is day 26. I'll give a quick recap as to where I'm at in the grow so far.

-- Germ'd 2 Strawberry Cough's(Fem), 1 California Hash(Fem) and 1 Blue Hash(Fem). Got these from Attitude.

-- Put the seeds into 6" peat pots using EB Stone Seed Starter. (Little did I know)!

-- Vegging under 8 26W 6400K CFL's and 4 14W 6400K CFL's.

-- Sprouts started out ok, but then started taking a turn for not so good.

-- Fellow RUI'er found some info on the EB Stone that I wasn't able to find. It had ZERO fertilizer in it.

-- Gave the girlz a 1/4 shot of Alaskan Fish Fertilizer every other watering. That did the trick.

-- Takin' the girlz out into the socal sun about every weekend. WOW, what a difference!

-- Day 23 I planted the girlz, peat pot and all, into 3gal pots using FFOF soil. While I was at IGS (you guys should really check this place out!) one of the guys there suggested Botanicare nutes. He got the sale when he threw in about 20 free samples of Liquid Karma, CalMag and a 6oz. bottle of Floralicious Plus. So I bought the Pure Blend PRO Grow and the Pure Blend PRO Bloom.

-- So, for the last 3 days the girlz have been drinkin' up the Botanicare and lovin' every minute of it!

-- Last night (after a couple of martini's, I know.... dangerous!!! hehe) I decided to put my tall, lanky Strawberry Cough into bondage. She's a kinky little beotch, cause she LOVE'S it and she exploded!

-- Also, I've abandoned the idea of growing in the shed. Just too friggin' hot and a pain in the ass to try and cool. So, I butchered a shelving unit and made a 2'd x 3'w x 4'h ghetto grow cabinet. Not done yet, just need to get the walls and ventilation done before going into flower.

So that's it. So how do you think the girlz look? Aside from a few yellow leaves on the lower portion of the plant, I think they look ok. But this is my first grow!!! hehe.

Question for you guys.... when do you think I should go into flower considering the space I have.

Here are a few pics I took today. Enjoy!



Active Member
I like Them very much actually
plannin to top or lst?

Whats your total lighting gonna be for flower?


Active Member
I like Them very much actually
plannin to top or lst?

Whats your total lighting gonna be for flower?
I'm probably going to start off with 6 42W 2700 cfl's and 6 26W 2700 cfl's. I can add more lighting to the sides later on if I need to. Thanks for checkin' out my grow! Peace


Well-Known Member
I jumped from page 2 to 6, so I don't know if you solved the heating in the shed issue, but if you painted the roof white, or covered it with a white material, it would help reflect a lot of the sunlight away.


Active Member
I jumped from page 2 to 6, so I don't know if you solved the heating in the shed issue, but if you painted the roof white, or covered it with a white material, it would help reflect a lot of the sunlight away.
I decided to move my grow into my garage. I've been monitoring temps in my shed and it would be a nightmare to try and keep the temps at a respectable 85deg. So, I'm building a 2'D x 3'W x 4'H cabinet out of an old shelving unit and some panel board. Thanks for checkin' out my grow! Peace


Well-Known Member
i had major probs with heat in my shed over summer and the only way for me was lots of fans and inline fan venting the heat out
i was growing in a big mdf box that i made
my temps were over 106 some days and it was pure hell i used passive intake and a real big inline fan up on the top of the box to suck it out
also if you put ceiling fans (like in your bathroom)in they work well but u gotta put a few in
btw goonie$$$ your a helpful dickhead, if your so pro try to help and not be a dick