Well-Known Member
Well... specifically... for the fourth time...
I believe that Palin is resigning due to some scandal for which the accusation has yet to be waged publicly.
If you believe it was for some other reason, and that proves to be true I will wear a signature of your design for one year. If indeed she is amidst a scandal you will agree to wear one for a year. If you believe her to be competent to lead our nation, then you must certainly believe that she is innocent of wrongdoing. Put your money where your mouth is... where money is your word on a free forum.
I faith mine.
Your "challenge" is flawed in so many ways. Let me count them...
1- I have no desire to label you with a signature of my choosing. If I "win", I get nothing.
2- I believe she is in the midst of a huge scandal as we speak. The majority of the national media, for going on a year now, besmirching a citizen at every opportunity, contrived or otherwise, in such an atrocious fashion? Family not off limits? No blow too low? Scandalous to be sure. So your premise is flawed.
3- Because I believe her competent and just does not mean that I excuse her from being human. That includes making mistakes. I do have "faith" that her word is the truth, in this resignation matter specifically. If it's not, she should have resigned, and should not run for elected office in the future. On this we can agree.
4- Every time a supposed scandal surfaces as the culprit for the resignation, you will claim victory and shut your mind to any further debate, whether the allegations are confirmed or not, over and over, as the media, and by extension you, are prone to do.
So sure, you're on. I win by not having you mention the "challenge" in the interim. That's good enough for me.

PS- You never answered my Ted Stevens question. Before he was vindicated, he was guilty of all charges, in your mind, right?