A Pro Palin thread

Well... specifically... for the fourth time...

I believe that Palin is resigning due to some scandal for which the accusation has yet to be waged publicly.

If you believe it was for some other reason, and that proves to be true I will wear a signature of your design for one year. If indeed she is amidst a scandal you will agree to wear one for a year. If you believe her to be competent to lead our nation, then you must certainly believe that she is innocent of wrongdoing. Put your money where your mouth is... where money is your word on a free forum.

I faith mine.

Your "challenge" is flawed in so many ways. Let me count them...

1- I have no desire to label you with a signature of my choosing. If I "win", I get nothing.

2- I believe she is in the midst of a huge scandal as we speak. The majority of the national media, for going on a year now, besmirching a citizen at every opportunity, contrived or otherwise, in such an atrocious fashion? Family not off limits? No blow too low? Scandalous to be sure. So your premise is flawed.

3- Because I believe her competent and just does not mean that I excuse her from being human. That includes making mistakes. I do have "faith" that her word is the truth, in this resignation matter specifically. If it's not, she should have resigned, and should not run for elected office in the future. On this we can agree.

4- Every time a supposed scandal surfaces as the culprit for the resignation, you will claim victory and shut your mind to any further debate, whether the allegations are confirmed or not, over and over, as the media, and by extension you, are prone to do.

So sure, you're on. I win by not having you mention the "challenge" in the interim. That's good enough for me.:-P

PS- You never answered my Ted Stevens question. Before he was vindicated, he was guilty of all charges, in your mind, right?
Everyone is hypocritical at some point in their lives. The problem with public politics is that any change of mind is seen as hypocrisy. But you cannot name a single politician in the last 30 years who was not a hypocrite, including your beloved Palin (and just wait for this debacle to unravel).

I think Ron Paul comes pretty close.
I have not claimed victory. I have stated that I am committed enough to put my money where my mouth is. I am willing to carry any signature, anyone willing to faith their commitment to this woman, who they would have serve as second to an ailing commander in chief.

I want some real level of commitment.

I don't believe you faith your words.

D) or whatever number we are on, this challenge is not to you specifically. You do not have to participate, or provide any reason for it. You simply cannot support your vote. That is the point. You can claim whatever reason you like. The proof is in the pudding. The odds favor me... and you know it. Your unwillingness to admit it demonstrates intellectual dishonesty. You is plural when I use it btw. Do not take what I say personally, unless what I say personally offends you.

I believe in what I say. When I am wrong, I own it.
I have not claimed victory. I have stated that I am committed enough to put my money where my mouth is. I am willing to carry any signature, anyone willing to faith their commitment to this woman, who they would have serve as second to an ailing commander in chief.

I want some real level of commitment.

I don't believe you faith your words.

D) or whatever number we are on, this challenge is not to you specifically. You do not have to participate, or provide any reason for it. You simply cannot support your vote. That is the point. You can claim whatever reason you like. The proof is in the pudding. The odds favor me... and you know it. Your unwillingness to admit it demonstrates intellectual dishonesty. You is plural when I use it btw. Do not take what I say personally, unless what I say personally offends you.

I believe in what I say. When I am wrong, I own it.

So now you want to back out? And only one person can give you a sig, right? I'll just own the one you choose for yourself. Or will you put it on the smallest font so you can fit them all in?
You do not know me, so I will not take offense at your implication that I would "cheat".

No small font, no quoting the person in the sig as if they said it... no fonts lost in bg... how about no cheating...

and I am all in.
Every time a supposed scandal surfaces as the culprit for the resignation, you will claim victory and shut your mind to any further debate, whether the allegations are confirmed or not, over and over, as the media, and by extension you, are prone to do.

Would you admit that you, Max, Vi, Cracker, and company all do the same with Obama? You're psychological analysis is dead on, but you fall prey to it as well.
I stated a few pages ago that you are left to your own conscience as to submitting victory. It is completely arbitrary.

I believe in your word. Why don't you?
What if Willow WERE pregnant? Would anyone be shocked?

Her other daughter was a victim of statutory rape... really... who would be shocked?

This really speaks more to the David Letterman thing... never apologize for comedy. If you are an anchor, with the presumed responsibility of actually briefing facts, then an apology is required. If you are joking, it is implicit that it is not true. The only time you get in trouble with a joke is when it broaches reality. Never apologize for humor. Apologize for that which is not humorous.

Which of you would be shocked?

*ridiculous speculation sure... but I am left to speculate, as she "refused to answer questions". Generally the earmark of the innocent.

Her timing, the day before Independence day, is odd... don't you think? Doesn't look like an escape from falling polls amid congressional inquiries into misconduct...

You do realize that not only is there more time than she has held office between now and the next presidential election, that there is more time between now and MID term elections than there has been since the VP bid. Sound judgment regardless... even if I am wrong... which I am not afraid to admit.

If McCain passed over tomorrow... who would be shocked? Anyone?
she can't match her own shoes in the morning without help, like she has some big plan to rule the country.
she can't match her own shoes in the morning without help, like she has some big plan to rule the country.

Agreed. I could see her doing a reality television show in the near future. Levi will move back in, kids will have sex, mom will pose with guns and slaughter animals.

Plus, by abandoning her duties, she will have more time to watch the Russians. Someone has to do it. Those sneaky Russians...
Agreed. I could see her doing a reality television show in the near future. Levi will move back in, kids will have sex, mom will pose with guns and slaughter animals.

Plus, by abandoning her duties, she will have more time to watch the Russians. Someone has to do it. Those sneaky Russians...

it's like we are supposed to believe she is pretending she is stupid. come on, all it takes is to see her talk for 5 mins, about anything. :hump:
I'm not a fan of Palin and yeah she is pretty "simple minded".

But, look at how well a smooth talking guy that always has the right things to say is running this country.

I'll take a real person over an actor any day.
It's all about image with these folks... :sad:

I follow her record, which is impressive. Obama's record is abysmal and worsening each day.

Have no fear, by the time election time rolls around, most will realize. Tick tock.....
You follow her record? You find it impressive?

Awesome. Put your money where your mouth is.
Take my challenge... Show me how impressed you are with Mrs. Palin...

Hypocrites. None of you believe what you are saying. You are just mouthing your hopes and pretending that they are your beliefs. Show your faith, or STFU. You are just wasting my time.
people are voting for obama with their pocket books..
how you liberals like the 500 to 700K jobs obama is taking out of the economy every month>?
funny shit hu unemployed liberals?dont worry obama will give you some change..LOL
you fucks are going to starve and live under bridges you are so fucking dumb.
AGIA License bill signed August 27, 2008

Energy Package signed August 25, 2008.

Administrative Order 242 signed August 20, 2008.

Bridge to Nowhere

In 2 years, and I'm just hitting some biggies......