Fucking right on, I lobe this idea. I have been looking for something like this for awhile now.
As for all the haters, WTF? Did you get beaten when you were children? A little aggressive about your sexuality? The OP didn't even mention his/her sex. Actually, it was mentioned that they didn't want to know. So chill out? Kthxbai
Anywho. I am in <Sticks up thumb>
I am growing on wal-mart/lowes atm... since where I am at that is all there is. I have two plants flowering under 8 26watt cfls and 2 65 watt cfls... I also have a rubbermade grow box for veg... In which I have 8 26 watt cfls. The small plants are something like 16 days from breaking ground... And they are in rough shape. I have NO IDEA why... Since I thought I was doing things much better this time around. I am currently looking for any help people can offer....
I read *alot* about growing. If it has been done, I have probably read it. I lack the money to be able to just make a perfect grow.... and the resources to make one how I would like... So I have to work with what I have available. I am willing to help with anything someone might wanna know, so simply ask.
Glad to be here!
Double posted somehow, deleted the first.