Married stoners w/ non-smoking S/O, where do u smoke?


Active Member
I'm single at the moment, and just reading this stuff makes me angry at those women. Saying shit like 'if you loved me you'd quit' and etc. Especially what TimboSlice said, you told her you smoked 3 years ago and you weren't going to change. Then we act surprised when they complain to us about it. I feel your pain


Well-Known Member
my wife and i have been married for 25 years, she has smoked maybe 3 times. when the kids were still at home i did all my smoking in the barn.
barn = work = no children to be seen.
now that the kids have families of their own and not living here. i smoke in my home. once in awhile my wife will let me know that the smoke either
smells good or bad. but she doesn't bitch about it.


Well-Known Member
she use to bitch when we'd go on vacation and i would sneak a few j's on the plane. she just knew she was going to jail.
i never told her i was carrying until we got to where we were going.


Well-Known Member
How many people's partners who dont toke have tryed it? or do they refuse to try it?

LMAO, my wife tried. She had 3 or 4 drinks with her girlfriends who all have smoked before. She gets home and is feeling all left out because she has never tried it and demands a "blunt". I explain that a blunt would be a very bad idea but I give her a bong hit with ice water. First couple are fine and she says she doesn't fell anything. She takes a big one and coughs a few time running to the toilet green in the gills :spew:. Sits over the john for like 10 min moaning like she has food poisioning. After about 20 more min she wants another hit. So she holds the carb, lights up and starts sucking. She keeps going till the hole things is full and keeps going some more. She then starts coughing like crazy, runs to the bathroom and throws up allllllllllll the nights $8 fruity drinks.

From then on pot is automatically associated with nausea for her and she hates it even more.

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Getting my girl to smoke is Like asking for a blowjob.
Its just a surprise when it happens.

She's totally cool with me smoking cause she knows it calms me down. Just not in the house. I have a couch/ smoke lounge in my Garage.


Well-Known Member
I'm single at the moment, and just reading this stuff makes me angry at those women. Saying shit like 'if you loved me you'd quit' and etc. Especially what TimboSlice said, you told her you smoked 3 years ago and you weren't going to change. Then we act surprised when they complain to us about it. I feel your pain
The thing I hate the most is whenever I drive past a nice headshop and want to go and just "browse around" she makes a big deal about it. "You don't need that stuff," "your wasting you money" etc. etc. Thats what really ticks me off the most..

^^^ If onl"y my girl gave out blowjobs like she smokes, to me of course.
If only my girl smoked as much as she gave blow jobs! :sad:


Well-Known Member
Same story here. Our first christmas together while dating, she got me a $100 bong.

Fast forward about year later, after we got married...SHE decides I am going to quit smoking. That led to a few miserable weeks, before I put my foot down. It was a long hard fight, but 6 years later I grow my own and sometimes she even suggests I go outside for a quick smoke break. I can be one unpleasant SOB to be around if I don't medicate daily, it just took her a while to realize it.

PS- matthew I like the man shack idea. Someday I plan to build a detached garage for the same purpose.
In college we would have sessions where we would get blazed on a Saturday or Sunday and watch funny shit and just enjoy each other. Now she doesn't remember any of our session even though they were some of the best times I had in college.

Now she shakes her head and tells me that I should be able to enjoy a movie without being high. I have to explain that I can but being high makes the movie funnier / more profound.

Although she got a root canal and the pain pills they gave her weren't doing the trick. She asked me to load up the Volcano and within seconds she was feeling no pain.

The worst part about it is that I don't like being around her drunk. She doesn't drink often but when she does she usually has one too many. She is really annoying and swears like a drunken sailor. When she is high she is literally the coolest person in the world.


Well-Known Member
The thing I hate the most is whenever I drive past a nice headshop and want to go and just "browse around" she makes a big deal about it. "You don't need that stuff," "your wasting you money" etc. etc. Thats what really ticks me off the most..

If only my girl smoked as much as she gave blow jobs! :sad:

i dont give a fuck wat anyone says you have to get new peices to smoke out of its a must.if u use the same one all the time it gets boring.if i see a head shop noone can keep me from looking esspecialy if ive never been in it.i think of glass more as art rather than parraphenalia.


Well-Known Member
i think of glass more as art rather than parraphenalia.

That is my main argument I bring up to her... I showed her pictures last week of some illadelph bongs, and asked her how she couldn't consider them pieces of art.
I guess she will either have to join me in the headshops, or wait in the car...


My husband doesn't smoke weed, well...only once in a great while. I am the regular toker, however and he won't let me smoke in the house and my neighbors are too nosy to smoke outside. The comprise has been smoking in the garage. I like the old dorm tactic of dryer sheets stuffed in a cardboard tube, not my style anymore.

indy kuh

Active Member
i just smoke in my room, or the mom doesnt care if i smoke lol....shit...s1he buys it for me!! :)

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
I honestly don't believe I could be in a relationship with a person who doesn't agree with my smoking. If a person is that close-minded about things, then what could we really have in common? It's a harmless drug. I appreciate a guy that's willing to puff and curl up for a movie with me. That's how a good night at home should be. Agreed, children completely complicate the matter, and I can understand problems arising after that point. If you have kids, you should do your best not to expose them to drug use until they are adults. It makes sense to ban smoking to the garage, or the woods out back. By the time a kid hit teenage years, they'll be able to tell that you smoke pot. And then you should have a serious conversation with them. "Yes, I smoke. But it's not an important thing about me. It doesn't make me different from other people, it's just something I do because I enjoy it." Kids will understand that smoking or not, it's okay, and they can make a decision for themselves without being pressured one way or another by their parents.

And happy 4th of July, USA.