A Pro Palin thread

I did miss the debate. After R.P. bowed out I didn't much care which brand of evil came to power. Both McCain and Obama gave me alot to dislike as did both of their understudies.

My husband? WTF?

School Teacher? You're kidding right?

Only if you were; so no, it seems I'm not.:-P

Sarah Palin would never make it past the debates, even against the dim bulbs that she'd be running against in the primaries. She'd be exposed. I think her highest level of competence would be a department manager at WALMART.
Okay maybe assistant Store Manager if it wasn't a super Walmart.

Palin strikes fear in the hearts of liberals and wishy-washy Republicans. Think about it for a moment. Think about how Ron Paul was literally ignored by the Main Stream Media during his entire candidacy. They are attacking Palin and ignoring Paul for the very same reasons ... their ideas are repugnant to communists, fascists, liberals and progressives ... all the same thing, by the way.

She is not being attacked for the same reasons as Ron Paul.
She is a Neo-Con She is being attacked because she is seen as a female Bush. (IMO rightfully so)
Frankly she is incapable (IMO) of dealing with the kinds of nastiness that will be leveled at her.

Her religious views while admirable will get her very little in an election these days.
Who would coach her economic policies?
More Keynesians? No thanks.
Who would coach here foreign policy more Neo-Con's?
Where would she stand on Drug policy?
Paul and Palin are two totally different animals.
She is not being attacked for the same reasons as Ron Paul.
She is a Neo-Con She is being attacked because she is seen as a female Bush. (IMO rightfully so)
Frankly she is incapable (IMO) of dealing with the kinds of nastiness that will be leveled at her.

Her religious views while admirable will get her very little in an election these days.
Who would coach her economic policies?
More Keynesians? No thanks.
Who would coach here foreign policy more Neo-Con's?
Where would she stand on Drug policy?
Paul and Palin are two totally different animals.

I don't see her as a NeoCon at all. I see her, as I see Ron Paul ... as a Constitutionalist. Is she using Keynesian economic policies in Alaska? I think she, like Ron Paul, has liberal views on cannabis. Did she stand up to end the corruption in her own party in Alaska? The answer is yes, she did.


And by the way, since the election, the Democrat Party has filed 14 ethics violation suits against Palin. She has beaten every one of them in court. In the process, she has amassed around 700k in legal expenses. Is she such a threat to the fascists in the Democrat Party that they must destroy her?

yes, I pick all my candidates on how well they look on TV :roll:

If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck.....

I see her on TV, I read about her on the news, I follow 'her' state and see the policies she supports. Taking all this in consideration, she seems fairly characterized on the television interviews.
At any rate she will have a hard time running,
considering all the flak she is getting
and the amount of it that sticks in the public mind.

I will admit to not knowing much about her myself.
So whatever.
All you have to do is read her comments and you will realize she is about as smart as miss teen south carolina. I guess bush was voted in twice so it doesnt surprise me that people still support her, there must be people running around thinking bush did a great job also.
She gets flak because she is a formidable opponent. She will have no trouble running. That woman has no fear. Obama should fear.
In the aftermath of the November election, the conventional wisdom among Palin's supporters in the Republican establishment was that she should go home, keep her head down, show that she could govern effectively, and quietly educate herself about foreign and domestic policy with the help of a cadre of experienced advisers. She has done none of this.
the republicans need to try a little harder on finding sensible candidates i really cant believe that anyone considers her qualified i really dont understand it at all. in fact besides on riu i have never spoken with a republican who thinks shes qualified most felt she was one of mcains biggest campaign failures. i just dont get it every time i had the displeasure of hearing her speak i was dumbfounded by her lack of intelligence in general subjects.
The November elections have truly shown that most voters haven't a clue.

Every election shows that most voters haven't a clue. A majority of America is stupid. They think there's actually a difference a between republican and democrat and come to arms over who's better. They vote on looks and not on ideas. They want to impeach someone because he got a blowjob and lied about it but are okay with someone who lied about pretense to start an illegal war. The 40% who do vote are quite stupid. The other 60% are probably just fed up with the lack of choice. In the words of South Park, why vote when the only two choices are a turd sandwich and a douchebag? There's no choice, plain and simple. It's a system designed to keep the same corporations in power.
No, they don't see the difference between self reliance and a nanny state. There are very big contrasts between the two major parties.

One is driving us to the poor house, in a hurry.
No, they don't see the difference between self reliance and a nanny state. There are very big contrasts between the two major parties.

One is driving us to the poor house, in a hurry.

Bush started the bailouts and spending my friend. He was a republican. At least be fair and recognize this FACT.
Bush started the bailouts and spending my friend. He was a republican. At least be fair and recognize this FACT.

FACT- Bush was wrong to do so. FACT- As is Obama. QUESTION- So lets do some more of it? Obama will own this thing, unless, D's win in 2010 and 2012. If that happens, we're screwed, and the rapists will be writing, (and "teaching"), the history books.

Happy In Dependence Day

P.S.- In Palin country, state citizens get a dividend from there gubment. Not a credit, a dividend ($3269 in 2008'). Why? For the same reason that the Caribou are thriving. Thanks Palin!