A Pro Palin thread

Ditto on that ChChoda..... Both are wrong, but the degree difference is frightening. Bush merely tried to shore it up. Obama just started dredging and dismantling.
In the aftermath of the November election, the conventional wisdom among Palin's supporters in the Republican establishment was that she should go home, keep her head down, show that she could govern effectively, and quietly educate herself about foreign and domestic policy with the help of a cadre of experienced advisers. She has done none of this.

Dear TheDemocrat,

I don't know that you know what you think you know, The Democrat, about "Palin supporting" "Republican establishment" types, and, what these "Palin supporting" "Republican establishment" types considered "conventional wisdom", at any time, TheDemocrat.

I'm merely a Palin supporter, TheDemocrat, but here is what I know. I know that Palin went home, and, kept her head held high. I also know she has continued to govern effectively. I don't know, and tend to think that you don't know, couldn't know, whether she has continued to educate herself on foriegn and domestic policy. I tend to think she has, but I don't know. And, I also don't believe the cadre is necessary, or prudent. That one is just an opinion, TheDemocrat. (Colin Powell?)

A Palin supporter
FACT- Bush was wrong to do so. FACT- As is Obama. QUESTION- So lets do some more of it? Obama will own this thing, unless, D's win in 2010 and 2012. If that happens, we're screwed, and the rapists will be writing, (and "teaching"), the history books.

Happy In Dependence Day

P.S.- In Palin country, state citizens get a dividend from there gubment. Not a credit, a dividend ($3269 in 2008'). Why? For the same reason that the Caribou are thriving. Thanks Palin!
AHA, the one that vehemently opposes all government handouts, is praising Palin for, Guess what, Government handouts. I believe that's called being a hypocrite. I think the Oil companies in the lower 48 should be paying us citizens royality for using the peoples oil and charging an arm and a leg for it, just like in Alaska. It's all about the money. The Alaskan people sold their heritage for a check.
AHA, the one that vehemently opposes all government handouts, is praising Palin for, Guess what, Government handouts. I believe that's called being a hypocrite. I think the Oil companies in the lower 48 should be paying us citizens royality for using the peoples oil and charging an arm and a leg for it, just like in Alaska. It's all about the money. The Alaskan people sold their heritage for a check.

It's a dividend. Not a credit. Like, if when the "bailouts" work, and the government collects the trillions of dollars it handed out ;-), plus interest, they take all the interest they received, our interest by the way, and divide it by 300,000,000, and then, cut us a check.:lol: Instead, they'll take what "profits" they've, the gubment, realized, and throw it into a RAT HOLE (the general fund). See the difference?
So... Palin has announced her resignation.

Couldn't even complete a single term as Governor.

Yeah. Feelin' pretty solid 'bout my decision. Out of her league.

Can't wait for the press conference to give a "reason". Really, no matter how this goes... I am pretty much done here. Yeah... I will still go through the motions... but I'm really done.
Sad but true.

Beautiful Orchids...you grow them?

Yup, homegrown orch's

How could Alaskans have sold their heritage and still live in the most pristine state of the union? Drilling is safe and pretty clean these days. The vast majority of oil which ever washes ashore, is from sea bed seepage, not drilling. One need only go to Santa Barbara to know that much.
It's a dividend. Not a credit. Like, if when the "bailouts" work, and the government collects the trillions of dollars it handed out ;-), plus interest, they take all the interest they received, our interest by the way, and divide it by 300,000,000, and then, cut us a check.:lol: Instead, they'll take what "profits" they've, the gubment, realized, and throw it into a RAT HOLE (the general fund). See the difference?
Not really. The money paid to the Alaskans is a royality charged to the oil companies for using the peoples oil, then divided by population and checks are issued. I for one would like to see the same scenario applied here in the lower 48. All oil coming out of our national oil reserves should be charged a royality and divided up and checks issued. After all, just like in Alaska, that oil is coming from the peoples land, America. Foriegn oil is another matter.

A preemptive argument.
So... Palin has announced her resignation.

Couldn't even complete a single term as Governor.

Yeah. Feelin' pretty solid 'bout my decision. Out of her league.

Can't wait for the press conference to give a "reason". Really, no matter how this goes... I am pretty much done here. Yeah... I will still go through the motions... but I'm really done.

Damn you're fast; you really are a news junkie, aren't you?:clap:
i bet 3 nickels, .......................... "She did not want to waste time on "political blood sport" and cited public criticism of her actions and her family since the 2008 campaign."

doesn't sound like much of a hand.