I was just wondering how often you suggest flushing my medium to get rid of excess salt build up.
What steps are involved in flushing my soil?
What is the best ph to have the water at when i am doing this?
thanks for the great post
A question if I may can you please look at my attached pic and tell me if it looks like overwatering/co2 problem? I am using a producer and hand watering I am thinking of filling the res and firing up the airstones to give the plants more co2.......any input?
And yes I am new to this we all were at one time I am just trying to learn......
UB, are you saying ph is not that important when watering your plants on a regular basis?
" Wean yourself off the charts, and grow some plants people." <<<< this is some of the best shit i ever seen on RIU, along with some of your other posts uncle! you trully are the man!!!!
I have NEVER HEARD such a thing as too much light.......EVER! and i bet 9 outta 10 folks on here will disagree, but i seen it with my own eyes.........."bleaching" is all i can say.
hey ub. i've got a problem with a few of my plants and was hoping u could diagnose it for me. i suffered root rot last grow. i sterilized and started over from seed. i'm growing in pots with perlite with a pump feeding them twice a day. i regularly check ph and nutes. temps are 15c-26c. reservoir temp was 17c but i've just (today) installed heaters to keep it around 22c. humidity varies from 25-65%. heaps of fresh air. lights about 50cm from canopy. i've been using same nutes as always but started using dr hornbys big bud and hygrozime this grow. i am using cooltubes for the first time which has cooled the room considerably. outside temps have been very cold lately. i had a big bud plant with a few curled under shade leaves. suddenly one day all the leaves were cupped. i hacked it because i found a few suspicious looking balls on it earlier. suddenly a few other plants (all different strains) have begun doing the same thing. these plants seem to be growing more vertical than the others. the buds aren't fattening or as smelly either. i've read up on ur causes of this problem (leaf curl) but i don't seem to have any of these causes. i use polycarbonate roof sheeting as my drainage tray. a mate suggested this may be breaking down and poisoning the plants. another mate (a plastic injection moulder) said this was improbable because its u.v stabilised. its stressing me out. i've been growing for many years without a problem suddenly i cant seem to get it right. i am hoping it is just cold reservoir temps and i've already fixed the problem. please help. i've attached photos of healthy and affected plants. i've posted in this thread because moisture stress seems like the most common cause. cheers
Hey UB, nice thread. Okay well I have big problems with my plants right now. I just transplanted them from a clay soil(in the ground) into pots with fox farm soil because I have to move them somewhere. I watered them once the night I transplanted them, and twice the next day. Day 2 the bottom fan leaves begin yellowing and having a crispy feel to the leaves so I know its bad. I also noticed that the top of the plants like to hang once the sun comes out and the wind starts getting stronger, but at night they rise back up. Heres some pictures of them Day 3 of the transplant: http://img37.imageshack.us/i/001vhc.jpg/ http://img20.imageshack.us/i/002ytx.jpg/ http://img34.imageshack.us/i/003hmk.jpg/ http://img106.imageshack.us/i/005i.jpg/
Now im into Day 5 and they still arent looking good, it seems as though the tops are growing okay..but the yellow just keeps coming to the next set of leaves!
Sounds like a case of transplant shock due to a loss of root mass. The leaves are "rising back up" at night because they are no longer losing alot of water thru leaf transpiration. The leaves are yellowing because there is no longer the root mass to transfer sufficient NPK. They'll recover but you need to baby them (keep them shaded from west sun and mist them) and if you put them back in the ground, bury the trunk up to first healthy leafsets. Pinch off everything below that point.
Good luck,