Question about intake/exhaust placement


Active Member
Ok, i've always kinda wondered in the back of my mind:

Does proper placement of your intake/ exhaust make a big deal in health or yield of your plant.

For now all i'm capable of managing are smaller, more stealth grow, 90% of the time in stealth grow boxes, some sort or another.

So my question is this. Would placing your intake and exhaust at different levels change aspects greatly. The basic principal is warm air rises, so my logic tells me to place exhaust at the top and intake at bottom. Well would switching it change things any, for better or worse?

Also, if you have a CO2 device of some sort, which set-up would work best?

It's a simple question that i've kinda wondered and never had the appropriate time to test. All responses are appreciated.


Active Member
So my question is this. Would placing your intake and exhaust at different levels change aspects greatly. The basic principal is warm air rises, so my logic tells me to place exhaust at the top and intake at bottom. Well would switching it change things any, for better or worse?
Your logic has not deceived you. Also if your using co2 you will want to turn off your intake/exhaust when you have it running.


Well-Known Member
i will have to agree with you as to these question are very good qusetions..i personally run my exhaust at the top..and run to intakes one at top and one at bottom..the one at top is just to kind of help push the air towards the exhaust..and the one at bottom is for well the new cool air..i also run a fan in front of one of my intakes and a fan across the room to move the air..this is the setup i run seems to work good..but if someone were to tell me that im running something wrong i would take the advice and change it..if they have good reason..


Active Member
..but if someone were to tell me that im running something wrong i would take the advice and change it..if they have good reason..
oh definitely! That's what really got this question for me going. The setups i've been using have worked well for me. Then i thought, if someone told me to take my exhaust and flip it with something or move it, and my buds will increase 10% (exaggeration) and then proved it with pictures or evidence.... well i'd LOVE to know.

I caddy corner mine (if that's proper terminology) exhaust in top left, intake in bottom right of parallel side, then a small desktop fan, with CO2 device opposite that inside. works well enough for small to medium size simple grow boxes. =)

thanks for the replies. just one grower to another. always looking out for improvements