Well-Known Member
I hope it is not because you like communal showers and wrestling with big guys to be on top...............bunk!Sometimes I wish I was a criminal.

I hope it is not because you like communal showers and wrestling with big guys to be on top...............bunk!Sometimes I wish I was a criminal.
Yes there are many benefits...Encouraging someone to commit a crime makes you an accessory...jk..I hope it is not because you like communal showers and wrestling with big guys to be on top...............bunk!![]()
guys thats enough of this cockiness shit and stop fighting. its not we cant argue. what the fuck is different between 17-18yr olds??almost nothing dont be a prick
Reported. This thread is great. We can get rid of all the underage posters because they are too stupid to not admit they are under 18..LOL.. this is very funny.. demonic1.. once again, u kill it man, LoL.. some good points.. and i'm bothered by olost cause the things this guy says.... he does'nt really know what he wants.. or what he's, theres tomany things he wants to say.... and you know the more you talk, the more you slip up, or make yourself sound like an idiot.... anyways, im a little pissed cause all this guy yaps about is other people and what not... and im 17.. underage as you would say.. but how can you even say underage?? its illegal.. so really, you midaswell be underage too.. but clearly your not... your an overaged naw i dont wana cause anymore problems.. but i just think that your a bit of a hater buddy.. and you need to do is take the time to look in the mirror once in a while...... ANYWAYS ENOUGH OF ALL OF THIS>. YOUR POSTING ON SOMEONE ELSE"S THREAD.. SO UNLESS YOU HAVE SOME HELPFULL ADVICE FOR THIS GUY.. I THINK WE SHOULD ALL STOP and yes i will.. anyways.. ilove u all.. happy gro 09 muthafuckaas!! Whooooo!yEAHH lol... sorry if i affended anyone.. thats not my intension.. just to make a bit of a stoner teenage anyways.. im ramblin... laterr all..
plastic black for everyone i know who grows,second and it depends on more than that, going back to veg after flowering does not mean instant hermi if he carefully transplanted it and have u ever heard of re-vegging? then harvesting. repeat again and again and again......and then ya could make it a mother plant thats really really really big you can grow forever with 24 hr of light. getting 1000 clones from it every 3 weeks u can have it outside just make sure there is light on it for 24 hrs doesnt need intense direct sunlight all the time for an outdoor mother at all. errrr, i just thought of something unless you're in much nicer climates than mine you will need to put it in a 5 gal bucket w/holes in bottom and bury it so it can be brought back they wont flower because its too early in the season the it is not dark for long enough. they will turn hermie fo show.
YOU need to GROW up, you obsessed, hair-splitting, ASS, YOU.
If a younger MEMBER of RIU posts an experience, why not just try to offer SOME kind positive comment on the subject?
I will talk to anyone mature enough to be knowledgeable on the subject of growing cannabus, and not get freaked out if they MIGHT be a few days shy of an arbitrary 18th birthday.
This bloody thread REALLY needs to STOP!
It's starting to make formerly respected members look really, really bad.
Good luck & good grow..............BB
EXACTLY! this is the point. All those sticking up for the young grower and how we should be advising him are probably underage also. Learn to keep your mouth's censored kiddies!If your underage you need to stop posting up that your underage and endangering our site. At least keep your mouth shut about it.
The minor registering IS the issue. I am not breaking the law! (besides being legal 215 with a garden of legal size...Cannabis in all it's forms is legal on Marklar!)o.o I cant believe I read through this entire thread... ya come on people its not him being a minor and registering thats the issue. I mean come on, mj isnt legal for any of us so restricting younger people from posting here seems kind of pointless. but yes, people under 18 need to shut their fuckin mouths so we dont get the site taken away..
Daaaaaaamn......Im new to this site and by what ive seen there are alot of people on here that are fu*ked up(idk if we can curse). I mean i see that the minor was growing in his parents house and putting his family in danger, but really?!? I know its bad but I dont think its up to you to put him down even more.....Dont be such a douche let the kid live his life(YOUR SUPPOSED TO LEARN FROM MISTAKES NOT SUICIDE!) because eventually hes going to look back on it when hes older and probably regret it who knows. Ive read alot of your post on this thread so far, and all of them look similiar, you really dont agree with him growing in his parents house but you dont have to f***ing attack him about it. And for the others saying BAN HIM!!! Get this fucking kid OUT OF HERE you were probably doing the same sh*t he was at his age so grow up and stop being such Assholes(Im on neither side btw but by what ive seen, it seems the side that wants him out of the site is more violant and mad).....I can't stand these snot nosed kids that grow in mom and dad's place. What a gigantic duche bag move. Not to mention your underage so your parents take the shit if you get busted. Not to mention the greif it would cause them and the fact their house could be siezed. Please walk in front of a train. Thank you.
Demonic1 - I said the kid could get his parents house taken away but its not likely to happen. How is that hypocritical. Its true, look at the link the other guy provided. Its not likely to happen but it can.
I cant stand these snot nosed kids that grow in mom and dad's place. What a gigantic duche bag move. Not to mention your underage so your parents take the shit if you get busted. Not to mention the greif it would cause them and the fact their house could be siezed. Please walk in front of a train. Thank you.
If your underage you need to stop posting up that your underage and endangering our site. At least keep your mouth shut about it.
DUDE! you are totally missing the point. We as a community do not want to in anyway be culpable in encouraging minors to grow, especially in their parents house, many of us are parents...of teenagers. Are there going to be minors that lie when they sign up for a membership? Of course. RIU is great, of course some enlightend underage kids are going to come here and learn at a young age how to grow great Cannabis...such is the nature of the internet. But if they are posting about living with the parents and growing...the red flag of being a minor goes up...stop doing this minors!!!!! Now coming right out and saying that you are under age is down right thick headed. They either never read the T&C of membership ( DO NOT read directions) or just stupid/cocky...Either way they put this site in jeopardy.Again, this is where I don't agree with you. You are now telling kids to lie about it. Why make marijuana cultivation dirty, hidden, not to be talked about. I just do not agree. I see nothing wrong with growing marijuana in your own home. Actually, I see nothing wrong with smoking marijuana. I repeat if a teenager is old enough to decide to smoke it, then he is old enough to grow it himself. I find it horrible that anyone should have to deal with slimy drug dealers to get some pot and have to hide it and keep it underground.
Truth..Not to mention the greif it would cause them and the fact their house could be siezed
Alos truth, it can happen but will most likely not happen but why put your parents thru that?LOL, relax. Unless your doing it for profit and your house is deemed a drug house, your most likely fine. You would probablly have to have a kids dealing out of the house with the parents knowing about it. Thats not to say that if the cops raid you, they will not make you think its all gone, because thats how they work. But its seriously a whole heap of shit when you consider the trouble for a case grow that is gunna produce fifty bucks of smoke... The worst thing could be the potential loss of reputation/career for the parents. Its just not something they deserve to be put through when they put up with all your other B.S.![]()
and..The article spelled out that the grandmother knew about the grow op which made her an accomplice.
Article says...As for reading the article, did you? I can read and spell
Really? I thought you said the article SPELLED OUT SHE KNEW..Relatives said Mrs. Hart was an unwitting accomplice who was blinded by love for her grandchildren.
"She didn't know what was going on," said her son, Wes Hart of Glendale, Ariz. "Her basement is always full of people's junk."
But investigators disputed that conclusion
Article futher gives evidence that she might not have known.. Either way the article did not spell out she knew, its spells out there is a real chance she did not know even tho she bail her son out previously.mostly behind a makeshift curtain and locked door