What Is Anarchy??


Well-Known Member
It is a matter of principle to me. Sure they (corporations) are stealing (sort of) from the masses. For me to directly steal from them, because they indirectly steal from me, in my mind is hypocritical. Taking what is not yours is wrong.

This was quoted just for reference for TBT's post, quoted below ::):

I was trying to figure out why you quoted me for this...and think you may have misunderstood me. What I wrote above in responce to the link posted to the crimethINC. was my synapses of this group after reading some of the shit on their website.

I agree with alternative ways of survival, some of which they encourage, like dumpster diving...I have not done it for years (for food at least) but I think it is rad. there is lots of good trash feeding rats in lad fills. HOWEVER! I do not condone stealing (even power!) note: I am currently hypocritically borrowing a few milk crates.

I do not condone the destruction or vandalism of private property...lest that private property be destroying public (our) land or clear cutting a forest...a community...though I have never commited such noble attrocities, I do admire some forms of eco-"terror" like freeing the dog catchers spoils or spiking forests marked for extermination with 60 penny nails...a sort of vaccination against the human logger locust.

My comments on anarchy are mostly not even my own. It is a concept that is fairly novel to me, as I have, for the most part, completely given up on the human species. They (thought on anarchy) are courtesy of Cactus Ed. Anarchy seems to require more cooperation than I am probably willing to tolerate beyond the very small comune of a couple of brothers and their families which will be my (hopefully near) future, though a lone homestead is the more likely.

So I highlighted a few things, like "That is, you are seeking a way of avoiding moral responsiblity for morally repugnant actions."
just to make sure that the "you" was not...me. If so, I might need a little clarification!


Wasn't responding to you Hayduke. I believe that you have actually put a lot of thought into the ideology you adhere to, and have examined it to determine how it fits into the model fo the world that you have built for yourself.

Maybe I quoted your post in error when I should have quoted Musical Suicide's Post. Sorry about the confusion if that was the case.


Active Member
So I'll be in my corner, "crying about how life isn't fair in your little corner wrapped in a little ball rocking back and forth while mumbling about how you could FORCE life to be fair if you were in power" as you put it so elegantly.... haha you know, when I'm not doing everything else that makes me a better human being than some internet shit starting pussy.
then again you have become that which you're talkin shit about, not i nor TBT started anything hostile, you have with you quick snapped attitude and aggressive speech. you're talking of destruction and violence but speak of love and compassion, how can you be serious?

thats like saying im gonna kill someone, but out of love, or i'll burn their house down out of compassion to them.

it simply doesn't mesh.

and idk where YOU live but i can tell you where I was raised, and it was in two of the worst cities in america, detroit and houston, unless you've been there you cant speak about them either as i have been all along the east coast, gulf coast and now west coast. i have the room to say, that those are two of the worst places to live, and they are in the sad state they are because of laziness, and wanting to be paid and taken care of for free, be it white, black, asian, or arab. it happens and its because of ppl like that which puts our gov't into question, when its really the ppl themselves.

i dont HAVE problems with our country, until a socialistic leader comes along, i work for my share, and live happily. whats your excuse for being so bitter?


Well-Known Member
without government, its no longer politics, and becomes, morals or beliefs that influence your decision.
Yeah, that is exactly what I'm trying to say.

If there is no government then there is no debate on whether a person is a Democrat or a Republican, but whether their actions are moral/ethical or immoral/unethical.

Morality is not something gotten from the state or from religion, it is the custom of societies built into tradition and enforced through voluntary adherence, which means it is subject to change in some regards, but will not yield on others.

Typically the items that it will not yield on are whether or not it is right or wrong to kill some one, right or wrong to steal from some one, right or wrong to rape some one, right or wrong to steal some one's spouse/lover/etc, right or wrong to commit polygamy, and right or wrong to enslave some one.

Don't murder, rape, kill, steal, cheat on your mate, etc, are the basics upon which society is built upon. When you can not trust your neighbor not to do these things then you have a break down of society, or the requirement that a third party be called in to enforce the morals of society (government, though it could be a corporation like anarcho-capitalism/minarchism provides for.)

So, while government does commit evil, it is not evil in itself. It is only when it grows so big through people granting it more and more power that it becomes evil.

As Lord Acton said, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."


Well-Known Member
Whats that supposed to mean?? Are you just not understanding him? Or do you just like arguing? Human beings as a species have become the worst plague this world has yet to endure. We have destroyed more and more every year, ruining life for many, many species to date and to come. Now we can be ignorant about it, or just accept it and find a way to be less like the spider mites and white fly's that destroy our crop.

Musical Suicide

New Member
doesn't matter, open thread, open discussion.... mr. smug. haha

haha no... your really not paying attention... thats why I quoted you, you said "im not here to start a problem, but just to ask a question, why does having a different opinion, and independently thinking make ones own deductions have to mean they are brainwashed?"

and I said "im not talking to you" haha get it?


Active Member
i know i gathered that much, didnt say you WERE talking to me, it was a question based in a generality, i know who you were talkin to, and the post in reference with TBT, and i still stand by my question which has yet to be answered.

to someone who does not agree with your logic and opinion and argues with an oppositional point, how is that being brainwashed.

from what i seen it was just his argument put together by his own deductions.

Musical Suicide

New Member
maybe you should first research your own beliefs.

haha cause the dictionary can tell you how the day to day tactics and thought of real anarchism is?

I got bitter cause I started this thread, (as I said before) To meet some comrades and friends, who would like to discuss how we could show the world, (especially people like you and truth) that your idea of anarchism is completely wrong, weather or not you think anarchism is wrong, your definitions are wrong. But Insted I got a bunch of thick headed conservatives telling me, nope, your wrong, anarchism is wrong, your wrong, no, no..." haha its quite annoying.

Now, you all can sit there and pick apart everything, and twist it all around all you want. I know I am young, and have alot to learn. This world is filled with infinite knowledge, and everyday i learn more and more. Now, one thing I do know for sure, is when your lives are just rounding up to the end, and your trying to collect your little social secerity check, and hopefully your retirement fund, if you even have one, and still paying on your little house, still paying your car payment... I will be 100% self relient, growing all the food I need, able to make everything else I need, trading for what I dont have, and living amoungst the land with great friends and my love...perfectly happy. Till then, I'll work my jobs, and keep making money playing music at the bars, (cause thats fun anyways) and learning everything else I need to know how not to be like you.

Now, I really am getting tired of arguing with you conservatives, so have fun working for bare minimum your whole lives, and bringing your kids into the same deadly cycle. But dont pretend that Learning how to live fully self-relient is lazy, cause in my book its the exact oppisite. Working the same job that a monkey could do your whole life seems like a very boring, and very lazy to me.

Although i would love to keep going on, explaing how this is best for me, and "WE" cause im narssistic.. haha The fact still remains... capitalism is destroying our planet, and free thinkers will be the ones that abolish it.


Active Member
if you say so, and if monkey job you mean playing music and traveling while BEING self sufficient then yea i have a monkey's job, and lazy is sitting around doing nothing and trying to collect unemployment like so many ppl try to do, THAT is where the "other piece of my pie" is going", in theory communism and anarchism is a good nice theory, but in practical use, it'll ultimately fail, Anarchy because in order for it to work and last, there can never have BEEN a gov't but everyone has been raised around it, and human nature in most is the like the feeling of power, your intentions may be pure however others are not, america was founded in 1776, has been a capitalism since, its all this country knows works its nearing 2010 and we are still a nation and super power, other countries that have tried anarchy or communism failed, and failed fast. either it turned to a dictatorship or it failed completely.



Well-Known Member
please take your games out of my email. every reported post goes to my PRIVATE email. why are you all doing this to me?


Active Member
please take your games out of my email. every reported post goes to my PRIVATE email. why are you all doing this to me?
games? no games on my end, was just making admins aware and giving the posts that were needed to be reported is all.

sorry guess i know not to report anything :joint::shock:


Well-Known Member
cursing? in the politics section? come on. :wall:
and then you say "dick". hehheheheh

you aren't the only one doing it. :)