What Is Anarchy??

Musical Suicide

New Member
I agree as well, but why treat it like its indestructible? Why not try and lighten the load as much as possible for it? We were not the first living things to inhabit the earth, and we wont be the last. I just think the responsible thing to do now that we know that certain gases and pollutions are bad for the earth and ozone, why just ignore them?


Well-Known Member
I agree as well, but why treat it like its indestructible? Why not try and lighten the load as much as possible for it? We were not the first living things to inhabit the earth, and we wont be the last. I just think the responsible thing to do now that we know that certain gases and pollutions are bad for the earth and ozone, why just ignore them?
Oh, yes, by all means limiting the usage of CFCs was good, but this witch hunt against CO2 is the height of stupidity imo.

Plants breathe CO2, and the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere has been radically higher than it is now with out ill effect. A greenhouse gas that has drastically more effect on the climate is Water Vapor, but you don't see politicians rushing around attacking it, because the public would laugh at their stupidity.

Just as we ought to be laughing at the attack on CO2.


Carbon dioxide is used by plants during photosynthesis to make sugars which may either be consumed again in respiration or used as the raw material to produce polysaccharides such as starch and cellulose, proteins and the wide variety of other organic compounds required for plant growth and development.

(Wait, why are we trying to kill our food sources?)

The worse effect is that it may slow human progress

CO2 is toxic in higher concentrations: 1% (10,000 ppm) will make some people feel drowsy[2]. Concentrations of 7% to 10% cause dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction, and unconsciousness within a few minutes to an hour.[3]
But right now atmospheric concentration is 387 PPM, more than 20x less than 1% (.04%).

Amounts above 5,000 ppm are considered very unhealthy, and those above about 50,000 ppm (equal to 5% by volume) are considered dangerous to animal life.[4]
Though as increased Carbon Dioxide will lead to increased plant life, then if we are truly concerned about CO2 emissions the solution is not cap & trade (which slows down industrial growth)

but perhas a tax that would be used to increase the quantity of vegetation around the world (preferably in cities where the high concentrations of asphalt, concrete, steel and glass contribute to the urban heat island effect.)

Slowing down human progress is an undesirable response to what is a readily solvable problem.


Well-Known Member
Yeah pay the owners of land in the Amazon basin to replant the forest.
You can only grow crops in that soil for a few years anyway.
I don't think that would cost all that much in the scheme of things really.
Cap in trade is BS, its just another Tax and another Wall street scheme.

Just plant some damn trees for Christ sake, Jeez WTF.
"CO2" what utter hogwash.

Now you want to keep depleted Uranium out of the drinking water,
I'm right there with you, But CO2 is totaly not even a problem.


New Member
Oh, yes, by all means limiting the usage of CFCs was good, but this witch hunt against CO2 is the height of stupidity imo.

Plants breathe CO2, and the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere has been radically higher than it is now with out ill effect. A greenhouse gas that has drastically more effect on the climate is Water Vapor, but you don't see politicians rushing around attacking it, because the public would laugh at their stupidity.

Just as we ought to be laughing at the attack on CO2.


Carbon dioxide is used by plants during photosynthesis to make sugars which may either be consumed again in respiration or used as the raw material to produce polysaccharides such as starch and cellulose, proteins and the wide variety of other organic compounds required for plant growth and development.

(Wait, why are we trying to kill our food sources?)

The worse effect is that it may slow human progress

But right now atmospheric concentration is 387 PPM, more than 20x less than 1% (.04%).

Though as increased Carbon Dioxide will lead to increased plant life, then if we are truly concerned about CO2 emissions the solution is not cap & trade (which slows down industrial growth)

but perhas a tax that would be used to increase the quantity of vegetation around the world (preferably in cities where the high concentrations of asphalt, concrete, steel and glass contribute to the urban heat island effect.)

Slowing down human progress is an undesirable response to what is a readily solvable problem.
Progress to what?? Seems to me we are going backwards. More polution, more poisenous material in our environment, more people, more automobiles, more, more, more. It's time for less.


Well-Known Member
Progress to what?? Seems to me we are going backwards. More polution, more poisenous material in our environment, more people, more automobiles, more, more, more. It's time for less.
Well, I'll be courteous and let you move back to Africa first.

You can do with less potable water
Lower quality of Medical Care
Lower quality of Living
Fewer luxuries like Air Conditioning/Heating
More risk of getting a Disease
More risk of getting a deadly disease like Ebola/Dengue Fever or Malaria
No super markets
No paved roads

Go ahead Med, be my guest, go pursue your desire for less

Just don't try dragging any one else with you against their will.

Musical Suicide

New Member
Well, I'll be courteous and let you move back to Africa first.
Whats that supposed to mean?? Are you just not understanding him? Or do you just like arguing? Human beings as a species have become the worst plague this world has yet to endure. We have destroyed more and more every year, ruining life for many, many species to date and to come. Now we can be ignorant about it, or just accept it and find a way to be less like the spider mites and white fly's that destroy our crop.

So instead of pretending like this is your country, why don't you let America be like it was before capitalist paved the whole country, packing every single space with poverty stricken wage slaves. Oh yeah, just cause you think there's no quality of life outside your pre-manufactured home, doesnt mean people are not happy weather nor not they got a supermarket or paved roads... spoiled little bitch.


New Member
idk who brutal truth thinks he is, to determine the quality of life of those living in less-developed nations. I have friends from Sudan, Nigeria, Congo, etc who came here and didn't know what a dentist was, didn't have tv's, ate the freshest foods available from the marketplace or their own backyard, etc....all of them had payed one visit to the hospital in 13-14 years. when "sickness or disease" came around they'd often times use plant-medicine to ward it off.


Well-Known Member
idk who brutal truth thinks he is, to determine the quality of life of those living in less-developed nations. I have friends from Sudan, Nigeria, Congo, etc who came here and didn't know what a dentist was, didn't have tv's, ate the freshest foods available from the marketplace or their own backyard, etc....all of them had payed one visit to the hospital in 13-14 years. when "sickness or disease" came around they'd often times use plant-medicine to ward it off.
It's a fact that they have a worse quality of life than that of a north american, are you really going to say that the life expectancy is longer in Sudan than in America or Canada?


New Member
It's a fact that they have a worse quality of life than that of a north american, are you really going to say that the life expectancy is longer in Sudan than in America or Canada?

what does life expectancy have to do with quality of life?

anyway, getting back to quality, not quantity...

WHO SAYS we have a greater quality of life in the US? YOU? somebody else? it's an arguable statement and it goes either way

but can YOU imagine a country where virtually nobody gets cancer or heart disease?

people seem to forget that, despite being the largest economy in the world, america is one of the sickest countries too.


Well-Known Member
So I wonder why your friends from those countries came here...

Could it be that the quality of life was not as good there with all the genocide, murders, starvation, lack of clean water, etc...

I'd figure they probably don't live long enough to develop cancer, or it goes untreated and never diagnosed.

That would apply to heart disease as well.

You really could have picked a better example to make your point.


New Member
So I wonder why your friends from those countries came here...

Could it be that the quality of life was not as good there with all the genocide, murders, starvation, lack of clean water, etc...

I'd figure they probably don't live long enough to develop cancer, or it goes untreated and never diagnosed.

That would apply to heart disease as well.

You really could have picked a better example to make your point.
actually you know, its funny you say that...cuz each and every one of them, after getting a taste of america, want to go back to Africa. ONE of them had fought in the Sudanese genocide...its not like america hasnt had 20 wars in its short existance....and i love how you throw the word "murder" in there...as if it's a common occurance where my friends are from

Americans are incredibly blinded by ethnocentricity...this idea that our culture is superior and provides a higher standard of living because we have...cars, cellphones, tv's, pharmaceuticals, a surplus of genetically modified foods sprayed with all the pesticides you could ask for.

not one of my friends ever went hungry or didn't have access to clean water.

do you know anything about environmental affects on cancer and heart disease? Greater industry here in the US=MORE toxins in our environment. Pretty simple concept, wrap ur head around it


Well-Known Member
"Greater industry here in the US=MORE toxins in our environment."

Yep and instead of shutting down polluters what does our very expensive EPA do?
Sells the polluter a licence to pollute, ain't America grand.

If people respected property rights pollution would stop,
Just like you can't dump your trash in my yard you can't put mercury in my drinking water.
Yes I think they should be tracked back to the source sued and made to stop.
Not sold a licence, put on the knotty list and asked nicely to "stop please."


Well-Known Member
actually you know, its funny you say that...cuz each and every one of them, after getting a taste of america, want to go back to Africa. ONE of them had fought in the Sudanese genocide...its not like america hasnt had 20 wars in its short existance....and i love how you throw the word "murder" in there...as if it's a common occurance where my friends are from

Americans are incredibly blinded by ethnocentricity...this idea that our culture is superior and provides a higher standard of living because we have...cars, cellphones, tv's, pharmaceuticals, a surplus of genetically modified foods sprayed with all the pesticides you could ask for.

not one of my friends ever went hungry or didn't have access to clean water.

do you know anything about environmental affects on cancer and heart disease? Greater industry here in the US=MORE toxins in our environment. Pretty simple concept, wrap ur head around it
In 2002 in Sudan there were an estimated 9 million cases of malaria, 44000 of which proved fatal. The burden of this easily preventable/treatable disease fell mainly on children ages 5 and under. That's a poor quality of life.

Maybe your anecdotal experience with a couple of people from Sudan tells you that people there have a good quality of life, but many people there starve to death, thousands are living in refugee camps, thousands of women have been raped, families destroyed, etc. because of the genocide going on in that country. Maybe you are not thrilled with the state of western society, but at least americans have the option of gorging themselves on burgers and burning gallons and gallons of gasoline. Many people around the world live a life that is brutish, nasty, and short.

On a side note, how exactly does one "fight in a genocide." Here is the international legal definition of genocide for reference:

"Excerpt from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (For full text click here)
"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

It's not clear to me how someone can "fight in a genocide". Genocide is completely different from the 20 wars america has had in its existence. When someone participates in a genocide, they are either attempting to systematically destroy another ethnic group, or they are being murdered. So either your friends' lives were at risk, they were abetting the murder of innocent people, or they were involved in a morally complex situation you haven't done a good job of explaining.


Well-Known Member
So your friend commited genocide?

If he did, that would explain him wanting to go back.

So would the fact that its his home.

I think(opinion) he wishes all the stuff here, could be there too.

I think health care is high on the list of quality of life.

That's something they just don't have a lot of there in Africa.


Well-Known Member
read the anarchist cookbook.

heres a website, not the book: http://www.anarchistcookbook.com/

bunch of people who think that society is going down anyways so why not destroy it now.
Sup towel.

I think it is probably a huge misconception,(that I had, and not saying that you do) that anarchy means people running wild with the strong doing as they please...lots of things being broken...chaos basically. I think this idea was perpetuated by 80's punk and things like the above mentioned book being linked to people blamed for terrible deeds.

"The anarchist community would consist (as it did in preagricultural and preindustrial [sic] times) of a voluntary association of free and independent families, self-reliant and self-supporting but bound by kinship ties and a tradition of mutual aid.

Anarchy is democracy taken seriously, as in Switzerland, where issues of national importance are decided by direct vote of all citizens. where each citizen, after his period of military training, takes his weapon home with him, to keep for life. Anarchy is democracy taken all the way, in every major sector of social life. For example, political democracy will not survive in a society which permits a few to accumulate economic power over the many. Or a society which delegates police power and military power to an elite corps of professionals. Sooner or later the professionals will take over."

"Anarchism does not mean 'no rule'; it means 'no rulers'".

From the "Theory of Anarchy", originally printed in Earth First!: The Radical Environmental Journal, reprinted in One Life at a Time Please by Edward Abbey.
