first timer--anyone have feedback?


Well-Known Member
I have been following it myself, but I thank you much for the information!

Thanks Gypsy, once I post this message I will come and check things out!

Sorry I didn't include pics in the PM Fdd, and thank a lot for taking the time to stop by! The buds are still swelling slightly on all four of my plants, and plant 2 (pictured below) hasn't even come to a point yet (on the main cola - I did not top, just lollipopped several times over the course of the grow). Yet, I have quite a large amount of amber hairs! Well, pics are worth a thousand words, so take a look and let me know what you think! These pics are all of the same plant, and it is the least "done" looking of the 4, so keep that in mind...


So, I woke up this morning and went in to water plant #2, and what did I find????!!!!!!! Two side branches had snapped at the stem and the bud was dangling!!! :evil:

So, as you can see, I improvised with some twine a sort of system to (hopefully) keep them upright. The stem didnt TOTALLY snap, just a little worse than I do to them anyway (stem abuse leaving week 3 of flower is an offense I am guilty of). So, hopefully they will continue to develop. I guess I will know by tomorrow or the next day...

Anyway, to the pics! I included some nice shots (if I do say so myself) of the alien looking 3 headed main cola that is my plant #2. She is a HUGE bitch, no? Think I should start flushing her? If my other plants are progressing a week or two ahead of her, (and they are) think they are ready for a flushing?

Well let me know guys, pics of the other 3 plants to follow Sat or Sun, whenever they are thirsty again!!

by the looks of those i would not start flushing yet :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am going to wait on plant 2 (the plant pictured in the last update).

I am going to nute my other 3 next watering and take pics for you guys, see if you think any of them are ready for flushing.

I am going to be patient. I am a little stressed through. I have an inspection next month in the apartment where my op is at. I guess I will just have to hide them in the attic or something...


Well-Known Member
4 girls under a 1k HPS? man, i'd say those chickees are spoiled. you mentioned numbers being a factor... any plans to grow more next time around?

just to mention it, people seem to mean a lot of different things by 'flushing'. for instance, just giving them straight water as needed toward the end of the grow is also considered flushing. (rather than running excess water through the container.) and with soil it's possible to overwater... so water-logging it may not be necessary.

it looks like you'll be happy with ur results. good looking girls man.


Well-Known Member
4 girls under a 1k HPS? man, i'd say those chickees are spoiled. you mentioned numbers being a factor... any plans to grow more next time around?

just to mention it, people seem to mean a lot of different things by 'flushing'. for instance, just giving them straight water as needed toward the end of the grow is also considered flushing. (rather than running excess water through the container.) and with soil it's possible to overwater... so water-logging it may not be necessary.

it looks like you'll be happy with ur results. good looking girls man.
I have 15 total. When I started this grow I was in the middle of getting my card. I have some clones and a few younger girls flowering under the 1k also. Next grow will be 15 of some known genetics.

I plan on starting my flush when the plants dry out from their last feeding. I am planning on watering with straight h2o, but not an abnormally large amount.

Thanks a lot for the kind words.


So, I pulled plants 1, 3, and 4 today to feed. As I was taking some pics for you guys, I found a large amount of mold on the main cola of plant 3. 1/3 or perhaps a bit more has been lost. I am such an idiot. I check them all the time for mold, even though I have not been worried about it. I can't believe I fucked this up. I don't know if I spilled some water on them or what. My humidity NEVER goes over 55%, and only for a few hours in the morning.
I then did a totally thorough search of the other three plants, and found a giant mold spot just below the main cola on plant 2, that has eaten almost through the stem. As a result I have had to chop both main colas on plant 2 and 3, losing about 30 grams (wet) of moldy weed. I can't even begin to describe the sickness I am feeling right now.

As a result, I have decided to immediately starting flushing my 4 big girls. I have dropped my temps as low as I can get them by cranking up the AC, thus dropping the rh to 41%.

I am going to continue this and check them 3 times daily for more mold until harvest. What sid I do wrong? Should I be afraid of more mold simply because of its presence in my grow room? Will it spread at 41% rh??

Well I am signing off now. Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
you did right in pulling what seemed to be affected...

but you also need to do something preventative, if possible...

do some searching on what can prevent further damage, or keep the development of the mold arrested. a spray mixture for fruit trees might be in order; something that says fungicide on it. You can find a product like this at Lowe's or Home Depot in the garden section.

there might be some home-made solutions as well... like 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of water as a foliar spray... as well as in the water that you are watering with...

There's probably a few different ways to stop or slow the mold. Good luck man, keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
I have 15 total. When I started this grow I was in the middle of getting my card. I have some clones and a few younger girls flowering under the 1k also. Next grow will be 15 of some known genetics.

I plan on starting my flush when the plants dry out from their last feeding. I am planning on watering with straight h2o, but not an abnormally large amount.

Thanks a lot for the kind words.


So, I pulled plants 1, 3, and 4 today to feed. As I was taking some pics for you guys, I found a large amount of mold on the main cola of plant 3. 1/3 or perhaps a bit more has been lost. I am such an idiot. I check them all the time for mold, even though I have not been worried about it. I can't believe I fucked this up. I don't know if I spilled some water on them or what. My humidity NEVER goes over 55%, and only for a few hours in the morning.
I then did a totally thorough search of the other three plants, and found a giant mold spot just below the main cola on plant 2, that has eaten almost through the stem. As a result I have had to chop both main colas on plant 2 and 3, losing about 30 grams (wet) of moldy weed. I can't even begin to describe the sickness I am feeling right now.

As a result, I have decided to immediately starting flushing my 4 big girls. I have dropped my temps as low as I can get them by cranking up the AC, thus dropping the rh to 41%.

I am going to continue this and check them 3 times daily for more mold until harvest. What sid I do wrong? Should I be afraid of more mold simply because of its presence in my grow room? Will it spread at 41% rh??

Well I am signing off now. Wish me luck.
you have a pic of what that looks like ?
my rh is higher then yours ... around 60 ... havent had any mold ... maybe you need better air circulation ?


Well-Known Member

That really sucks jesse. I tried to read up on the problem, but didn't fnd anything that wasn't obvious... lower humidity, raise ventilation, don't let buds touch the soil (i know you don't do that).

Good luck with the rest of the crop.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about that Jesse...

Al B. Fuct actually uses a Sulfur Vaporizer in his op to keep mold at bay...

I don't have issues, but appearently he does, or did, and that is his solution...


Well-Known Member
you did right in pulling what seemed to be affected...

but you also need to do something preventative, if possible...

do some searching on what can prevent further damage, or keep the development of the mold arrested. a spray mixture for fruit trees might be in order; something that says fungicide on it. You can find a product like this at Lowe's or Home Depot in the garden section.

there might be some home-made solutions as well... like 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of water as a foliar spray... as well as in the water that you are watering with...

There's probably a few different ways to stop or slow the mold. Good luck man, keep us posted.
Thanks man for the helpful tips and hints. I am convinced that I spilled water/nutrient solution on the plants. I had noticed the leaves starting to look a bit nute burned the day before I discovered this. I thought that the leaves were just going all twisty as the plant waited for its next feeding. It was stupid. I even touched the leaves and they were brittle, like from the lights burning them cause they were wet. I should have investigated the area better though, because that is the only place I found any mold...Plus, on plant #2, the mold did not occur in the dense main cola, but rather the two well ventilated small nugs below it. However, the mold rotted the stem so I had to chop everything above that point. I am about 95% sure this is just my DUMB ASS!!! :spew:

you have a pic of what that looks like ?
my rh is higher then yours ... around 60 ... havent had any mold ... maybe you need better air circulation ?
I added an extra fan just to be sure....but I had two rotating fans on the plants, plus one blowing air away from I's like a hurricane in there...The plants don't get blown around or anything, but there is air moving everywhere...

That really sucks jesse. I tried to read up on the problem, but didn't fnd anything that wasn't obvious... lower humidity, raise ventilation, don't let buds touch the soil (i know you don't do that).

Good luck with the rest of the crop.
Thanks man. I think I am just dumb. Spilled on 'em.

sorry to hear about that Jesse...

Al B. Fuct actually uses a Sulfur Vaporizer in his op to keep mold at bay...

I don't have issues, but appearently he does, or did, and that is his solution...
Yeah if it continues I will have to take major steps. But plants 1 and 4 show no mold whatsoever, and trust me I did a thorough fucking check. My humidity is at 41% now, was 51% first thing in the morning for a daily high. I can't imagine I could have mold unless I spilled water on them...


Here is plant #1. My favorite barb pheno. 9" shorter than the rest.

Here's a close up of the head nug. I am starting the flush in 2-3 days. Whattaya'll think?

Plant #3, lost about 30 grams (wet) in moldy weed


This is the lid to a full sized kitchen garbage can. Almost 60 grams (wet) have been lost, not to mention the growth that would have come in the waning weeks.

I have to admit I felt almost sad enough to cry when I found this. I really hope I don't lose anymore or I don't know what I am going to do...



Well-Known Member
you have to get all the rot off or it will keep spreading. every little spot of it.
I feel like I have done this. I cut 1" below the last moldy bud and chopped everything from there up. So anything that was never touched by mold is still there and everything from the mold up is gone.


Any feedback on this??
4 x 5 x 2 Enclosure
8 plants
3 - 120 watt CFL's

I kept it simple because my budget is limited. What do you think? All of the plants were clones, 2, grapefruit diesel and grapefruit kush, the rest unknown. I used a product calle Superthrive for transplant as I do with my other plants. 5 gallon buckets each and 18 X 6 x 7 light schedule. HERE WE GO!



Well-Known Member
Any feedback on this??
Hey brolson... I'd totally give you some feedback, but this is my homeboy BigJesse's personal grow journal, where we talk all about his grow (and other stuff jesse wants to talk about).

If you go to the main page there is a section for grow journals. Up near the top right of that page is a button "New Thread"... this is where you can start your own journal... then all the riu guys can come by and address your grow.

Get a new thread going... then copy the web address for the new thread and paste it into your 'signature' (you can find that in the 'my rollitup' section). Once the link is in your sig, we can all link to it from the post above (or any post you make anywhere).

And just so you know... some people get pretty pissed of when you post in their journals only talking about your own stuff.

Welcome to Rollitup and good luck growing bro.... you are in the right place to learn a lot.