first timer--anyone have feedback?


Well-Known Member
Jesse, I am TOTALLY ignorant of deficiencies and reading the leafs like that ...

But I will say that I have NEVER EVER seen a plant in nature that had 100% perfect leaves..

What that means... I don't know... but I can tell you that I can find "stains" or "dry spots" and imperfections on ALL of my plants...

I don't worry about it too much.. in fact.. not at all... if a leaf looks real bad and dried up and dead I'll just pluck it...

Sorry for being no help...



Well-Known Member
I agree LED's are the way of the future... However I also agree that we are in the present.

57 humidity shouldn't kill you, I would just make sure the air is circulating real good around the plants, that will help with the mold not starting... fans are cheaper than dehumidifiers. Plus dehumidifiers are big, they do work great though.

Sorry I don't know about the flushing.


Well-Known Member
Jesse, I am TOTALLY ignorant of deficiencies and reading the leafs like that ...

But I will say that I have NEVER EVER seen a plant in nature that had 100% perfect leaves..

What that means... I don't know... but I can tell you that I can find "stains" or "dry spots" and imperfections on ALL of my plants...

I don't worry about it too much.. in fact.. not at all... if a leaf looks real bad and dried up and dead I'll just pluck it...

Sorry for being no help...

I agree. What I am seeing is a little more systematic than just one leaf here or there. Nothing too serious. I have never flushed the soil so I figured it was time. I flushed plants 1 and 2 with first, 1 gallon of h2o with 10 ml of Clearex each. I then ran 6 gallons through each until the runoff water ph'ed about 6.3. I hope it works out well for me. We will see what they look like in the a.m.....

I did some additional manicuring and removed all of the fan leaves on plant #1 in an attempt at devegging. The budsites are getting a lot more light. I also did the same to plant #2. I am really getting excited. The hairs are starting to amber up rapidly and the trichs are starting to really stack up!

57 humidity shouldn't kill you, I would just make sure the air is circulating real good around the plants, that will help with the mold not starting... fans are cheaper than dehumidifiers. Plus dehumidifiers are big, they do work great though.

Sorry I don't know about the flushing.
I have great air circulation, just no experience with 4" thick nugs, so I am not sure. I can always run the room a little warmer during lights on. Right now I keep it at 74f day and about 65 at night. I could run 78f day which would drop the room's humidity down. I have done it in the past but settled on 74f to encourage density.

I think I got the flush down. The only two things I worry about are:

1. I didnt flush with enough water after using the Clearex, which would cause a salt buildup for the roots at the bottom.
2. The plants will become nute def before they dry out enough to be watered again.

Anyone like Weedman or SpruceZeus who does soil have an opinion? Or anyone else with knowledge??


Well-Known Member
I acutally just picked up a dehumidifier and must say it makes a world of difference. For $15 at the thrift store I couldn't be happier. My Basement has my grow plus two large open aquariums, the humidity was fast becoming a problem. Highly reccomended.

As for the flush, i wouldnt sweat it too hard. If you ran 7 gallons through each pot you shouldn't have a problem with buildup. And don't worry about lack of food, its always better to be a little underfed than overfed. I only feed my soil plants every 3rd or 4th watering, which works out to every 10 days or so. Its all good!!!

Any new photos for us?


Well-Known Member
by the time i flush my leaves are already yellowing .. (durbans pic i just took in journal)
i just run water through it slow and steady ... leave the room come back in a couple minutes ... just making sure the whole thing fills up with water then let it drain
.. as long as the water is coming out clear(not yellow) thats a good enough flush for me.
it will take at least 2 weeks for the durbans to dry out after that ... most likely will still be wet when i harvest


Well-Known Member
I acutally just picked up a dehumidifier and must say it makes a world of difference. For $15 at the thrift store I couldn't be happier. My Basement has my grow plus two large open aquariums, the humidity was fast becoming a problem. Highly reccomended.

As for the flush, i wouldnt sweat it too hard. If you ran 7 gallons through each pot you shouldn't have a problem with buildup. And don't worry about lack of food, its always better to be a little underfed than overfed. I only feed my soil plants every 3rd or 4th watering, which works out to every 10 days or so. Its all good!!!

Any new photos for us?
I am going to look into the dehumidifier and she what I can come across.

Yeah I think I flushed successfully. The plants look happy and the leaves show no signs of distress from it. Fingers crossed...

As for pics, here they are! Scroll....:peace:

Yeah.. no get with the


Hey Jesse.. wanna see some bud porn? :hump:
You know I am a bud porn freak :hump:

Try mine :-)

by the time i flush my leaves are already yellowing .. (durbans pic i just took in journal)
i just run water through it slow and steady ... leave the room come back in a couple minutes ... just making sure the whole thing fills up with water then let it drain
.. as long as the water is coming out clear(not yellow) thats a good enough flush for me.
it will take at least 2 weeks for the durbans to dry out after that ... most likely will still be wet when i harvest
Well I hope mine dont take that long to dry out. I am in 2 gallon containers through, quite a bit smaller than your containers for the Durban I believe...I am not starting my final flushing, I just wanted to give them a flush because they havent had one yet. I hope to start the flush within a couple of weeks, but I am not sure how rapidly these plants are going to mature.


Ok, so as for an update. I would like to havest these sometime in the next month. I havent even checked the trichs yet. Soil guys, how long after the hairs turn amber do you ususally harvest, about?

Well the title of the .jpg says it all! Let me know what you guys think, as there is really not much to report, other than I have flushed all four plants now with good results! I plan to continue with nutes now until it's time for the final flush!



Well-Known Member
Those look great. Thanks for all the pics you can really see the plants. Do you have any big plans for the next grow?


Well-Known Member
Well I hope mine dont take that long to dry out. I am in 2 gallon containers through, quite a bit smaller than your containers for the Durban I believe...I am not starting my final flushing, I just wanted to give them a flush because they havent had one yet. I hope to start the flush within a couple of weeks, but I am not sure how rapidly these plants are going to mature.
nice buds :hug:
durbans are in a 2-ish gallon , i just checked last nite .... seem to be about half the weight after the flush ... so maybe a little less than 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
They all look real nice Jesse...


I knew you would be having some dank!


One of the things to consider after harvest...
For sure! My kief box is itching! Thanks for the kind words!

Those look great. Thanks for all the pics you can really see the plants. Do you have any big plans for the next grow?
77" X 77" X 77" grow tent
Veg under mh flower under hps
12 plants - 3 strains
White Widow| Blueberry | Violator Kush

Not too big...

nice buds :hug:
durbans are in a 2-ish gallon , i just checked last nite .... seem to be about half the weight after the flush ... so maybe a little less than 2 weeks
Really thats crazy! I flushed plant 2 on 5/12 and she will be ready to be watered by tomorrow! Ahh, the power of 1000 watts :-)


Well-Known Member
Was it something I said?
It was actually...

My kief box is itching!
All of us collectively misread this statement. We had a totally different picture in our minds, and were slightly worried for our health (as some forms of box rashes are quite contagious). However, after re-reading the prior statement in it's true context I have informed the rest of your fans that it is all a misunderstanding. Some of us even kept the receipts for the ointment we bought... hopefully we'll be able to get our money back.

Ever check out a dehumidifier? Any amber hairs yet?



Well-Known Member
It was actually...

All of us collectively misread this statement. We had a totally different picture in our minds, and were slightly worried for our health (as some forms of box rashes are quite contagious). However, after re-reading the prior statement in it's true context I have informed the rest of your fans that it is all a misunderstanding. Some of us even kept the receipts for the ointment we bought... hopefully we'll be able to get our money back.

Ever check out a dehumidifier? Any amber hairs yet?

LOL I laughed my ass off at that one Jig you are one funny guy! :-)

I never did look into a dehum though. I just cranked the AC up and dropped my daytime temps down to 73-74f, which in turn dropped my humidity to around 45% It got up to 55% today because almost every damn plant and clone was ready to be watered and there was that influence of added moisture in the air. I am not too worried about mold. I have excellent air flow and circulation in my room, above and at the base of the plants.

I have gotten quite a large amount of amber hairs now. Plant 1 has up to 75% amber hairs in some areas. It is maturing from the bottom up, as are all 4 of my big girls. She even has a nice amount of amber hairs all the way up the plant and I think she will be ready first or second.

Plant 2 still has yet to form a point on the main cola. It has three alien looking nipples that each looks like it wants to be the final tip of the bud. Maybe I will have some giant mutated fuck of a cool would that be? Plant 2 is the biggest of the 4 chubby ladies, if you all remember. She has a nice amount of amber hairs on the bottom nugs, but not much up top yet. She is starting to lean over, the big top heavy bitch ;-) I think she will be ready last.

Plant 3 is the second heaviest yielder and has the most trichs by a good amount. Very frosty. She has almost 100% amber hairs on the lower buds, and about 50% at the top, about the same as plant 1 (on top). She will most likely be ready close to plant 1.

Plant 4 has really filled out nicely and will turn out to be an impressive yielder in its own right. It has the least amber hairs but the second most trichs, so I like her just fine indeed :-) She will be ready just after plant 2, in my guesstimation.

I am wondering when I should start my flush?? I checked the trichs about a week ago and saw almost no amber, tons of cloudy, and very few clear. Maybe I should check them again...

When do you guys all start your flush relative to the doneness of the weed? Do you want until all the hairs amber, or do you go off of the trichs?

This sunday with be 70 days since the 12/12 switch and the plants seem to be heading toward the final phase, as their leaves are starting to droop and yellow slightly, and I have seen another push from the plants to swelllllll once more. I am getting massive protrusions out of the side of these nugs. I was in a hurry when I watered, but next time I take them out I will snap new pics....

So if I am at day 70, have 5% amber trichs, almost all amber hairs, do I start flushing soon, or wait until the trichs development to say, oh, 25-30% amber or more???


Well-Known Member
im really just going by the overall look of the buds, cuz the trichs never seem to amber as much as id like ... and i dont have the patience to leave a plant in there for 20 weeks to see what would happen ...
i just chopped one of the durbans that were sharing a 2 gal, the other one didnt look quite as done ... so i gave it a little more water and 2 days later ... all new white hairs coming out everywhere.
this has only gotten str8 water for 2-3weeks now (and will until i cut)... and i sampled the cut durban yesterday and it is very nice, and clean tasting :)


Well-Known Member
So you start flushing when you lose patience? :-)
I would say that is a good analysis of thngs. All I can say (knowing nothing at all about soil) is that I have been watching fdd2blk's grow right now. And he has another week to go on the plants (about) and has been flushing for almost 3 weeks now. Sorry if you have been watching it too and already know this... but fdd's a pretty good guy to take cue's from (at least as far as growing bud goes).

If you haven't you might want to check out the last few pages (the journal is like 95% people being stupid)

I hope that helps even a little bud.


Well-Known Member
I would say that is a good analysis of thngs. All I can say (knowing nothing at all about soil) is that I have been watching fdd2blk's grow right now. And he has another week to go on the plants (about) and has been flushing for almost 3 weeks now. Sorry if you have been watching it too and already know this... but fdd's a pretty good guy to take cue's from (at least as far as growing bud goes).

If you haven't you might want to check out the last few pages (the journal is like 95% people being stupid)

I hope that helps even a little bud.
I have been following it myself, but I thank you much for the information!

Thanks Gypsy, once I post this message I will come and check things out!

that's a really good question. i started flushing my stadium 3 weeks ago and they are still throwing out new growth. i wish i would have waited. i think your answer is as good as any? :joint::joint:
Sorry I didn't include pics in the PM Fdd, and thank a lot for taking the time to stop by! The buds are still swelling slightly on all four of my plants, and plant 2 (pictured below) hasn't even come to a point yet (on the main cola - I did not top, just lollipopped several times over the course of the grow). Yet, I have quite a large amount of amber hairs! Well, pics are worth a thousand words, so take a look and let me know what you think! These pics are all of the same plant, and it is the least "done" looking of the 4, so keep that in mind...


So, I woke up this morning and went in to water plant #2, and what did I find????!!!!!!! Two side branches had snapped at the stem and the bud was dangling!!! :evil:

So, as you can see, I improvised with some twine a sort of system to (hopefully) keep them upright. The stem didnt TOTALLY snap, just a little worse than I do to them anyway (stem abuse leaving week 3 of flower is an offense I am guilty of). So, hopefully they will continue to develop. I guess I will know by tomorrow or the next day...

Anyway, to the pics! I included some nice shots (if I do say so myself) of the alien looking 3 headed main cola that is my plant #2. She is a HUGE bitch, no? Think I should start flushing her? If my other plants are progressing a week or two ahead of her, (and they are) think they are ready for a flushing?

Well let me know guys, pics of the other 3 plants to follow Sat or Sun, whenever they are thirsty again!!

