Yea it does help out ty ^^. uh oh tomorrow is update day >

or the next thursday

. Hey if you ever wanna go check out my first grow here is the link
My Grow i just started it so there isnt much.
If I have the time tomorrow I will update, if not I'll try to update it asap. I'll check your grow out dude, and I'm glad that helped you out some.
Checked out your journal.
A couple of suggestions I have for you is to get those temps at max 78 degrees and low 68 degrees. Also get yourself some mylar or panda/poly film instead of that foil. If you're on a budget, the cheapest way to do it, is to go to Walmart and get mylar gift wrap or mylar balloons, and whichever side doesn't have a lot of design on it use. That will probably help with your temps also. If the humidity drops with the temp, get yourself a cheap-o cool mist humidifier at like Walmart or Walgreens.
MG soil you're looking at a 2.5 to 3 week flush, trust me on this one lol.
Other than that the plants look happy and pretty healthy. Definitely keep me updated on your progress.
Hope this helps.