Coco Growers Unite!

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
YES, it would give some base nutes to help your plants. Better when growing organic. Getting some more of that organic goodness in their.


Active Member
ok cool, i got some blueberry seeds and thinking about getting some WW and starting a all organic coco grow :)


Well-Known Member
I'm all for a coco subforum as I plan on useing it as my sole medium after my current grow. I was wondering... And this may be a stupid question. Can I start my seeds in soil and thee move to coco once they sprout. I was supposed to get to the hydro store today for my coco but had a fussy baby and can't go, got 5 afgan mazar seeds that I started germinating 2 days ago and are ready to go to medium can I start them in small cups and move in a couple days a minimal prob?
I was wondering... And this may be a stupid question. Can I start my seeds in soil and thee move to coco once they sprout. ?

yes, i start my seedlings or clones in dixie cups with miracle grow organic potting soil and once they are root bound i transplant to coco w/ perlite. i have had wonderful success using this method.


Well-Known Member
Thanks M and stanky, makes me feel better about deciding to...was able to get to the store today son I'm set...6 blocks good to go

top flight90

Active Member
just wondering if anybody is using general hydroponics nutes in the coco? if so some advise would be helpfull to wich schedule to follow.. thanks


Well-Known Member
Highyas guys...

After watching and reading and generally being impressed with the results you've all been getting with the coco medium, I've had to make the switch myself...

Being the rebel that I am...Not having coco specific nutes, and having a full supply of GH flora micro and bloom, I've been working at tailoring the 'Modified Lucas formula' I was using in pro-mix to suit the coco better...

The mix I have arrived at has reduced levels of K and P, and a slight reduction in total concentration, because I have been keeping the runoff to a minimum (only a few ounces of water come thru, just enough to let me know I'm completely saturated...

So... when I was using a modified lucas formula... my nutrient profile when growing in promix was:
N 130
P 93
K 163
Mg 64
S 43
Ca 130

By mixing 8ml/gal micro and 14ml/gal bloom and watering with plain water every other watering...

In the coco, I am now using 6ml/gal micro and 9ml/gal bloom which gives the nute profile:
N 97
P 60
K 105
Mg 41
S 27
Ca 97

adding 1 g/gal epsom salts to the solution changes the numbers for mg and s to:
Mg 67
S 61

Adjusting for the extra available potassium in the coco, the new formula puts me very close to the 'target ratio'... Phosphorous is a tad low, but I think there should be no worries there...

Nothing is too far along in flower right now, but I'll get some pics up a bit later.

I have also seen advantage in keeping the coco fairly wet, I'm guessing that the coco holds the nutes so well, that as moisture evaporates out, concentrations rise...

hope this helps
site wont let me upload tonight, but my profile pic is what i just harvested. hq pics. to be uploaded in the next week or so. ( im the other stanky. i had to make a new profile name cus i forgot the e-mail i used to set up stanky dankee.)


Well-Known Member
site wont let me upload tonight, but my profile pic is what i just harvested. hq pics. to be uploaded in the next week or so. ( im the other stanky. i had to make a new profile name cus i forgot the e-mail i used to set up stanky dankee.)
That looks nice( the harvest) what's the yeild?
Gots a coco question. I have some clones that are in soil in 2 gal pots and I'd like to switch the medium out to coco as much as I can and replace them in the 2 gals their in right now. The clones have rooted and grown 1-1 1/2 inches since planting 1 week+ ago so theve rooted well. I have lots coco and pearlite and a fair ammount of time this weekend. I want as smooth a transition as possible... Thanks stank
That looks nice( the harvest) what's the yeild?
Gots a coco question. I have some clones that are in soil in 2 gal pots and I'd like to switch the medium out to coco as much as I can and replace them in the 2 gals their in right now. The clones have rooted and grown 1-1 1/2 inches since planting 1 week+ ago so theve rooted well. I have lots coco and pearlite and a fair ammount of time this weekend. I want as smooth a transition as possible... Thanks stank
Thanks, they are still wet, so i dont know exactly how much i will yield yet. I estimated it at 2 oz. per plant dry or 6 oz. total. As for transplanting you could transplant to 5 gallon buckets or use a large plastic storage container. and put all of your clones in it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, they are still wet, so i dont know exactly how much i will yield yet. I estimated it at 2 oz. per plant dry or 6 oz. total. As for transplanting you could transplant to 5 gallon buckets or use a large plastic storage container. and put all of your clones in it.
That's cool on it harvest . Enjoy the smoke... Dry here n mine are a oil aways. So I take it that it's not really feasible to switch the "soil" and keep the same pots without stunting growth. I did pick up 8 30 gal containers recently( stumbled on a sale at walmart) so it saying possibly fill the container with coco and create a semi cloner/ growth station
That's cool on it harvest . Enjoy the smoke... Dry here n mine are a oil aways. So I take it that it's not really feasible to switch the "soil" and keep the same pots without stunting growth. I did pick up 8 30 gal containers recently( stumbled on a sale at walmart) so it saying possibly fill the container with coco and create a semi cloner/ growth station
yeah, they will grow well in one of those 30 gallon containers filled with coco and perlite. Make sure you have some nutrients that are coco/ soil nutrients . i used botanicare pureblend pro (veg and flower) and liquid karma during flower, and Berry Sweet with water to flush. good luck.


Well-Known Member
yeah, they will grow well in one of those 30 gallon containers filled with coco and perlite. Make sure you have some nutrients that are coco/ soil nutrients . i used botanicare pureblend pro (veg and flower) and liquid karma during flower, and Berry Sweet with water to flush. good luck.
That's awsome I actually have the botanicare grow and bloom and I'm liking it so far for my afgans.

I prob shoulda just asked this directly... Can I remove the excess soil from arround the roots to eliminate as much of the soil as possible?
That's awsome I actually have the botanicare grow and bloom and I'm liking it so far for my afgans.

I prob shoulda just asked this directly... Can I remove the excess soil from arround the roots to eliminate as much of the soil as possible?
i would asume you could, just make sure you cover the roots well when you transplant. you might get a little shock at first, but after that you should be good to go.


Well-Known Member
Man the difference is nicght and day I was growing in soil for a year an I'll never go back it's soooo easy and I love the ammount of oxygen that get to the roots every time you water it suck the air down with it... I'm actually going to look into gas injection in the coco cause it's so permeable. If you want to cut down on work then you want a self feeding system on a timer bc if not and u hand water and dont have a runnoff system then you'll be lugging lotsa water to them and away when they drain. As far as the algae Im no pro but I to know that from working on golf courses that alge comes from the water source bc all the big ponds you see usually feed the pumpstation andvthe irrigation. Alge settles in the pond or water source and is translocated via watering. Plus coco is inert I believe so I don't think it would be very succeptable to it.. Good luck hope u switch


Active Member
Have we found a good US source for the rio coco products yet? And also, since they come pre-washed from the manufacturer, do they STILL have to be flushed again and again with pH neutral water to get the TDS down? I read a much earlier post documenting one guy's TDS numbers measuring the runoff from his first flush of a number of leading coir products, including Canna, where the salt levels were SUPER-high. I'd like to start with a product that involves the least amount of labor for initial setup. Can the pre-washed Rio Coco products be used right out of the box?


Have we found a good US source for the rio coco products yet? And also, since they come pre-washed from the manufacturer, do they STILL have to be flushed again and again with pH neutral water to get the TDS down? I read a much earlier post documenting one guy's TDS numbers measuring the runoff from his first flush of a number of leading coir products, including Canna, where the salt levels were SUPER-high. I'd like to start with a product that involves the least amount of labor for initial setup. Can the pre-washed Rio Coco products be used right out of the box?
hey there ramban.i cant talk about pesifics because i am not in the states and the products you receive will be completely different than what i get.saying that i think you can never flush to much no matter what the product may say & what they have all ready done to it,secondly why take the risk that someone may not do there job properly or the company may just be talking out of there arse,chargeing more for so called pre-washed coco.

wash it, wash it some more your plants will luv u for it. :peace: