Coco Growers Unite!


thanks for this very informative post,

I am trying my luck at my first indoor grow, and I am using a perlite and coco peat mix.

I have one question, in your post you say that when you water you allow for run off,

should I make the water run out until the colour of the water changes to clear?

my run off water is brownish when it comes out,

Until I read your post I only allowed for a little run off.

Thanks again for this super good info for us coco growers


mr west

Well-Known Member

LOving the root action in two weeks in coco pro+ from canna, excellent top and bottom growth


Well-Known Member
diggin' ur roots west, lemme toss somethin out:
coco mix in a mesh-pot, inside a bucket of hydroton exp. clay, inside a 3 gal bucket for a drain fitting
first off would it work,
second off how many waterings for how long a day would be prime for this setup,
gimme some opinions and i'll try in help yall out too


Active Member
yeah coco soil the only soil i use i use both types pro+ and the normal and off course u add your own perlite it just dont feel right not adding perlite 2 soil now but i still prefer the normal not pro + even though both r the best the normal just seems alot lighter and better aireation specially with the perlite


Well-Known Member
Do any of you or have you cloned right into coco? I think I am going to do it next go around. The plan is to add some Rhizotonic solution to the coco, gel them babies up and put them in coco instead of rapid rooters. The moisture to air in the coco is going to let them go nuts with the rooting. Anyone?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Do any of you or have you cloned right into coco? I think I am going to do it next go around. The plan is to add some Rhizotonic solution to the coco, gel them babies up and put them in coco instead of rapid rooters. The moisture to air in the coco is going to let them go nuts with the rooting. Anyone?
I belive thats wortha go for sure, i use jifys for my clones but i used to just put em straight into compost and it worked lol. Coco should be a good start for em


Well-Known Member
Botanicare COCO COIR was sent to us by the heavens to grow bud. I have used every soil combo known. I started using a coco perlite mix until i ran out of perlite and ran a batch with strait coco. I dont care how much you water, you will not over water this mix. A 6" pot filled with coco will hold 24 - 32 oz of water. ALOT!

I water my mix down good with a strong earth worm casting tea between feedings(tea, feed, tea, feed ect..). (i think this is all the benifitial bactiria you need) I may be wrong about the tea, but not the coco. I water by hand. I tried complicated and aoutomatic and shit, but found that simple aproches with less work produces better results.
I use HOUSE & GARDEN's coco base nutes and all of thier additives, less the folair spray.

The point is , coco coir can be used for clones, plants, hydro with some hydroton or perlite mixed in, or you can pretend its soil and hand water. Did i mention clean.


Active Member
Im planning on going canna coco pro+ with A & B for my next grow (switching from BioBizz All mix). I always used light mix for starting my seedlings as the all mix can burn young plants. But. If I'm going to be using coco all the way through I wanted to ask if canna A & B for coco will burn seedlings? As coco has nothing that seedlings can feed on without adding A & B with water.

Also I wanted to ask if I can use molasess with coco?

Cheers fellas. Cant wait to get the Coco on the go.


Well-Known Member
i'm growing a couple of plants in cana coco, has anyone grown using just the canna a&b for the entire grow?
what do you folks think about using fox farms with coco? i know about the possibility of salt build up, but coco
is so easy to flush without fear of overwatering?

thanks in advance, kevin


Another question for you guys, would growing in cocopeat+perlite mix result shorter harvesting times relative to soil grows? I intend to start growing some auto AKs you think its possible to finish in 8 weeks? Thanks a million:hug:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Im planning on going canna coco pro+ with A & B for my next grow (switching from BioBizz All mix). I always used light mix for starting my seedlings as the all mix can burn young plants. But. If I'm going to be using coco all the way through I wanted to ask if canna A & B for coco will burn seedlings? As coco has nothing that seedlings can feed on without adding A & B with water.
i've had no probs using full strength A+B on my seedlings or clones in fact they frickin love it! coco nutes are alot less harsh than soil.

i'm growing a couple of plants in cana coco, has anyone grown using just the canna a&b for the entire grow?
what do you folks think about using fox farms with coco? i know about the possibility of salt build up, but coco is so easy to flush without fear of overwatering?
im using canna A+B for the full setup now even my last few in soil im mixing their A+B with Advanced nutes hammerhead just to use it up and the plants are going wild! cant comment on fox farms, sorry. and yes its nearly impossible to overwater coco!

Another question for you guys, would growing in cocopeat+perlite mix result shorter harvesting times relative to soil grows? I intend to start growing some auto AKs you think its possible to finish in 8 weeks? Thanks a million:hug:

cocopeat + perlite should have no impact on the time to grow your babies man. youll be lucky to see any auto finish in 8 weeks, yeah it says 6 week flowering on the websites and the packet but its BS for it to be finished will be 9-10 weeks really but from seed its still pretty fast



Well-Known Member
does anybody know a good secondary nutrient for a coco to hydroton top-feeding system? I will be using botanicare CNS17 coco bloom, and suggestions?


Hi guys,

Got a couple of questions, hope I am able to draw from your experience. :)

1) OK, so I finally managed to find some coco but the description says coco peat: What is the consistancy of coco peat?

2) I notice some of you use 100% coco and some cut it with perlite. Has anyone done more than 1 grow with different amounts of mixes? What would you recommend as an ideal mix for growing with an Autopot System (gravity feed: valve releases 1" of water from rez to tray and automatically tops up after it has been fully absorbed).

Hope to hear your thoughts on this.

Thank You :)


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU!

coco peat is the same consistency as youve guessed it..... peat, like soil.

coco lets water flow real easy, it dries out pretty quick, a mix of about 20-25% perlite is about average but some do a lot more.

personal preference really kiara!

happy growing!:joint:


Hi Don,

Thanks for your reply.

I'm moving to a new place in about a month so I'm busy doing all the reading I can now till then.

How is the perlite mixed with the peat? Do you put the perlite at the bottom and the peat on top or do you mix it together before putting it in the pot?

To germ the seeds, from the stores I have been to the only thing I was able to find was Jiffy pellets. As I am somewhere in Asia, ordering nutes and grow mediums online is not an option available to me.

Between the paper towel --> coco peat method or jiffy pellet --> coco peat method, which is better?

I am planning to start with an autoflowering strain, probably Lowryder 2 or Easyryder. Haven't decided yet...