Well-Known Member
haha i just did it outside!got a damn lightburn spot in my eye!
LOL.. gotta have some

haha i just did it outside!got a damn lightburn spot in my eye!
yea man it really works,try it,,its kool!I just went and bought a magnifying glass a moment ago, gonna give this a shot!
I did yesterday. Whew, I was blazed all day! HAHA!!!yea man it really works,try it,,its kool!
just give me a lil time bro thats exactly to the T what im trying to do and will accomplish,,especially with good friends like you DL and roseman that have EXPERIENCE!if you aint got that,thier advice aint shit to me unless they can prove it!Bunk Fox?!?!?
That doesn't sound too
I love my perpetual man...
I think that every personal grower should do it this way...
Not necessarily SOG, with short plants... just having the harvest staggered so you a always about to harvest, even on harvest
I mean, I just jarred a batch and I am already looking at the next
It's kinda like.. "there's 2 seasons in Alaska, Winter and NEXT Winter...
Same on my garden, 2 seasons.. Harvest and NEXT
A person with 4 plants could harvest one every two weeks...
8 plants one a
Have I said that I love having a perpetual harvest?
Cheers everyone..!!!
You'll get there...
Remember when I started?
With an Aerogarden inside of a hotel nightstand..?!?!?!
We all "grow with our grows"... just gotta have a little
Cheers Bro!!!
good work m8 ! congrats.
How many plants again ?