My 2nd attempt

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
After my dissapointing 1 outta 3

I now have wiped away my tears and rolled up my sleeves for the next try O)
7 seeds have been Selected 5 NL, 2 Mixed ( now that will be a surprise :O)

I do use a germination kit again ...Because I have to say my roots on my 1st growth was amazing in the first 2 weeks ..
So i think it warrants the extra few EUROS spend


Botanist Bob

Well-Known Member
After my dissapointing 1 outta 3

I now have wiped away my tears and rolled up my sleeves for the next try O)
7 seeds have been Selected 5 NL, 2 Mixed ( now that will be a surprise :O)

I do use a germination kit again ...Because I have to say my roots on my 1st growth was amazing in the first 2 weeks ..
So i think it warrants the extra few EUROS spend
Good luck bro, just read your first grow....... harsh!

Same thing happened to me first time.

have just started my second grow as well.

Any changes to your set up for this grow?

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement ..Lets hope this lot will have 4 or 5 females

No No changes ..
the 1st one was really a test and I only used 3 seeds hindsight i should have maybe opted for more ..
I was testing the settup and the way i have it now excellent
The 3 plants grown massive ..I guess now i have more in the same space they stay a bit smaller
I ll do the excat same steps again as I done 1st tiem around ..
Only 2 times I repotted a day too early so this I will avoid ... and I will miss one pot size this time ..

As there are so many plants this time I think I ll stop at 7ltr buckets? Not 10ltr ?(thoughts please ?)

My cool tube works and the temps stay around 25 C I am very happy tis way ..lower light more lumen :O) Very happy ..
The 2 i thrown away today had amazing root growth ..pure white! looked very healthy ..when i chopped em up and put in the bin lOl

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
3 days and already 3 are sprouting ..:O)
Very fast
I am thinking this time I will not leave them in veg for longer then 2 weeks ..?
What are the thoughts on this ?
Is 2 weeks enough ? then put in flowering ..or does it really pay waiting longer

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
flower up when females fill the room. thats my way of doing it.
Huh??? Whats that mean ? Pardon my stupidity :O)
Should I veg longer again or not ..?
How can I flower up when females fill the room...? Only in flower they reveal their sex ??

I think i wanna flower them quicker so they dont end up so big ..
I cannot have 5 or 7 plants that size ..See my 1st grow ..They are far tooo big even if i have only 3 -4 females I think it gets too busy in my cupboard ...

You see the pics ! This is what I changed in my cupboard ....Lightproof and totaly seperated germination area Up top ...Lights can be on 24/7 ..and it doesnt leak downstairs ...flower area
This is now the area for germination ..
But As there is hardly any head room I cannot leave the seedlings in there long ..
And as 1 is in flower I really am a bit screwed because I cannot veg the seedlings properly ..
Below light is set 12/12 for flowering . (as we know 1 plant is in there flowering ) .Above there is no room to grow ..(too low)
So all I can do is leave the seedlings in the top bit till they reach the light tubes ..(probably only take s a week )
then move down and flower ..
Not ideal I know but No other way ..???
In future I really want to wait with new seedlings untill flowerig below is in the last week ...mmmhhh
So.... No time or space for Veg growth on this batch ....Straight to flowering I say


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
veg em on 18/6, they will show sex faster.
if you intend to veg them in such a low space get a lot more plants in there.
take at least 15 cuttings from the mother plant (which is the big plant in your case) and with thoes you could use the light more properly.

such a quick veg time will result in small plants and very small emount of roots. if you want to use the light properly you would fill the room until you don't see the floor. smaller plants = more plants.

If I were you i'd flower even 30 plants in tall containers of 1liter.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Cheers Night claptoman ..
I ll name my 1st mother after you for all the help iam receiving ...;))))

Ur right > really could go for it and FILL the top with seedlings ...then sgrog maybee ?
easy 20-30 plats ,,,

Well I think I stick to my 7 for now and see what happens ..
Learnign as i go along :O)

I dont have a motherplant yet
the big one I have is too spindly for motherplant the leaves are really slimline .. and the thig is a monster 120cm !
So motherplant will come later ...
If i have a good female in this bunch i will take cuttings ..
I will try to get the 7 I have now and create a sog I think ..Iam reading up on...

but the problem for me stays the same ..
one is flowering 3 weeks below
the top is really really low so i cannot veg long in there ..
I changed the time to 16/8 already so i think this time maybe sex shows a bit quicker
but really after 1 week I have to move them down and then ..???Its 12/12 donw there ...So maybe I have to see what happens if i go straight(after 1 week ) to 12/12
Sh&^ really because i need another room to veg ...and another for a motherplant ...but this it too much hassle
It will ahve to work with this cupboard ..Maybe I make ONE small one for a motherplant ..but again ..I dont relalty see the need ..The seeds sprout fast and are cheap ?

You can see the changes I made to my cupboard in the pics ...
Door has been changed to have a small on at top and One big one at bottom
I took out the middle bar because tis was impractical ....moving plant around and taking out when they are a big bigger ..Much better this way ..and top is lightproof ..just too small for vegging ..
Normally this wont be a problem I just have to make sure I wait with new start untill the bottom plants are in the last week of flowering ...So I have room to straight move them down and set the light to 16/8 for veg ..


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
after thinking about it, I'd say just put the large plant in a bigger pot, TRAIN IT ALOT and flower it alone. Its large enough to fill the room entirly.
lower the shelf in about 10 cm and stun the growth of the new plants until the flowering room is clear. (by using real small containers and less light)
if height in the flowering room becomes an issue, just put a new and start SCROGing.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
after thinking about it, I'd say just put the large plant in a bigger pot, TRAIN IT ALOT and flower it alone. Its large enough to fill the room entirly.
lower the shelf in about 10 cm and stun the growth of the new plants until the flowering room is clear. (by using real small containers and less light)
if height in the flowering room becomes an issue, just put a new and start SCROGing.
Right i try to answer

i cant lower the shelf
its fixed in place to ensure lightproof upper seedling area
How do i stun the growth ..Just turn light off ??(up top i have 3 tubes one 33 colour two 965 (?I THINK?)

The big plant will fill the room your right its doing it already ..
Its massive and branching out ..
The top is a bit high (close to light ....30 deg C :confused: so I dont know what to do about that ..its the top cone as well
Do u think i should fit a screeen and train all branches tpo the top ?

The seedlings once sprouted are in a small 8X8X9 Cm pot. I just keep em there till the bottom room is free ?
but this could take weeks ...
I guess I stop the seedlings right now ..take out the seeds that havnt popped ?
I dont think i should of started 2nd try already .

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
do you have different doors for each part? if so its a problem. your top cabinet is pretty much good for nothing.
you can either have one room to veg and flower or have different rooms. if you have one room you can't have plants in both stages.
i can't think of a way to keep a plant alive while stunned enough to fit in your dimentions.

if you can find somewhere to normally veg the seedling, even if for one week it will be fine, but right now...
if you can't find another place to veg I'd say go KISS (keep it simple, stupid) and just put em to flower from seed. be sure to give them enough nutrients, both high N and high P right from the beggining. Doing that will produce mini plants, but they are smokable too.
I guess that your strain (Northern Lights, right?) wouldn't get over 30cm total if you choose to flower that soon.
But you better flower them then let the burn from the lights, which you obviously can't move anywhere.

If you are really talented you could vertically veg grow in the upper shelf, but it won't be easy at all. you can't use a net so you'll have to spin and move them almost daily.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
here is what i do

I will veg them in a cardboard box with CF light ..
What colour is best 33 or 830 ?? or 1 each ?
Anyway thats the plan ....
As soon as they get too big for upstairs in the cupboard I will move them to a big Cardboard box/growbox (DIY style LoL)
..I have an idea that should work temporary ..
In future I wont have that problem i guess ..I should not start wiht a new batch untill 1 week from harvest not really a problem normally

In hindsight ....Should have waited but too late now they are all sprouted

So, ...2 weeks in box under cf then flower them . The big one wont be finished by then but then it wont matter light is 12/12 .

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
you can fix up a PC grow - its easy and handy, plus it should do fine with your dimentions.
or just a cardboard box which you can build bigger for ease of maitainance.

for veg you want a 6300-6500 k (kelvin) color. which is usually called 'daylight'. it a "blue" light.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
you can fix up a PC grow - its easy and handy, plus it should do fine with your dimentions.
or just a cardboard box which you can build bigger for ease of maitainance.

for veg you want a 6300-6500 k (kelvin) color. which is usually called 'daylight'. it a "blue" light.
I ll keep it simple
I stuff em in a cardboard box Temporary and put this in the corner or the room with 2 cf on top ..

Veg light i dont have :O(( I only have 2 830 warm white tubes but iam not too worried ..they ll be fine for a few weeks under there
I cut light to 16hr and hope they dont grow too big meanwhile ...

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
warm white isn't that effective for veg, while its pretty good to flower with.
23W cfl in the right color should cost only a few bucks, will save up some electricity and produce less heat.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
warm white isn't that effective for veg, while its pretty good to flower with.
23W cfl in the right color should cost only a few bucks, will save up some electricity and produce less heat.
Your right i ll get some coolwhite ..
But at the moment Iam happy with the setup Dont forget once runing I only need the top for 10 days to seed..then to lower parts for veg and flower . It really should be empty when i start new seeds

So all i need is a veg MH bulb ? Change bulp for veg then for flowering ..Top is really only intended for seedlings ...

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
MH is nice, make em grow fast and healthy. but it costs quite a bit and produce a lot of heat.
for your size of flowering cab I'd just get 2x45W CFL in daylight (6500k) color. way less fan power needed to keep it in the ok zone.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
mmhh i read about the heat ...For now i just have to make do but I might build in future a rigg with 2 CF so then I could interchange this with the cooltube .. Cf growing HPS Flowring ...
saves on power bill i guess

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but I haven't really got what your saying.
Are you going CFL or MH?...
but I might build in future a rigg with 2 CF so then I could interchange this with the cooltube

Menaing i get 2 CFL and make a rigg to interchange with the Cooltube ..
In some of my pic you can see th ecooltube ..Its simply attached to the top of cupboard with hooks ...Easy to take out ..So i make a rigg with CFL and interchange as need ...

No MH. i agree they create too much heat

Day 54 20/05/2009 Watered 2 with 20ml Canna Terra flores. 100%Dose

Its really really thirsty at the moment :O)))