JigFresh's Grow 1.2 - Purple Kush clones - closet DWC - 650w hps/mh

Hey everyone,

The little clones are looking good. They are all developing nice little roots and devoleping new growth on top all the time. There are a couple lower branches that are 3" long with 5 or 6 nodes on them (is a node one leaf, or two leaf 'sets').

Here are some pics

"The growing portion at the apex of the shoot is the terminal bud of the plant, and by the continued development of this bud and its adjacent tissues, the stem increases in height. Lateral buds and leaves grow out of the stem at intervals called nodes; the intervals on the stem between the nodes are called internodes. The number of leaves that appear at a node depends on the species of plant; one leaf per node is common, but two or or more leaves may grow at the nodes of some species" ~ Britanica Online

Those roots look great. Looks like covering of the reservoirs made the difference. I tried just having two sites open on my cloner to raise the humidity in my room, but then the small amount of light that entered those two open sites stunted my clones and caused them to stop forming roots. Even the tiniest bit of light is harmful to roots. That is a good lesson learned.

Damn those clones are looking good. I was reading some threads about people getting weak clones from dispensaries but that doesn't seem to be the case for you so far. I never thought light would make a big difference, I've used clear starbucks iced cups to start a few of my seedlings and figured the shade would be ok to keep the light from the roots but never took the time to cover any of the cups to compare it. Guess I won't be doing that anymore.
btw I tried to rep you for the cloner and all that info you gave me the other night but it wouldn't let me. So I'll just say it on here, thanks.
btw I tried to rep you for the cloner and all that info you gave me the other night but it wouldn't let me. So I'll just say it on here, thanks.

Yea man i tried to rep you on here the other night for the props you gave me and the site told me i have to spread my reps around before i can give you anymore. Apparently they think i love you too much hahaha :mrgreen: .
Hey everyone,

The little clones are looking good. They are all developing nice little roots and devoleping new growth on top all the time. There are a couple lower branches that are 3" long with 5 or 6 nodes on them (is a node one leaf, or two leaf 'sets').

Here are some pics

Hey guy...your clones at 10 days look better than my plants at 31 days LOL There is a Clone Harvest Contest here on RIU beginning end of this month. Cut clones, root for 2 weeks then grow for up to 12 weeks. Winners chosen in 3 grow light categories by bud weight at end. You'd do awesome...you should really think about it. The thread is called Clone Harvest Contest & posted by DeweyCox. I'd have included a link but I have no clue how to do that GRRRRRRRR Stay well, MJ
Thanks so much for the info... I'll check it out, but I think I wouldn't qualify.

The clones were already 10 days from their cut when I bought them. Two weeks from cutting them would have been May 6.

I really wanted to enter the grow journal contest, but beleive it or not I haven't taken enough picures... they want pics at least every other day and I have missed almost 5 days sometimes. My plants were on pause and I didn't feel like I needed to keep taking pictures of the same thing.

By the way, the clones roots have just exploded. I covered the part that had still been uncovered and even that made a huge difference.

LESSON TO ALL (newbs and experienced alike):

Roots don't like even the tinest bit of light. And if they do have the tiniest bit of light on them, it makes a HUGE HUGE HUGE difference in growth.


Thanks again. Pics soon.
Thanks so much for the info... I'll check it out, but I think I wouldn't qualify.

The clones were already 10 days from their cut when I bought them. Two weeks from cutting them would have been May 6.

I really wanted to enter the grow journal contest, but beleive it or not I haven't taken enough picures... they want pics at least every other day and I have missed almost 5 days sometimes. My plants were on pause and I didn't feel like I needed to keep taking pictures of the same thing.

By the way, the clones roots have just exploded. I covered the part that had still been uncovered and even that made a huge difference.

LESSON TO ALL (newbs and experienced alike):

Roots don't like even the tinest bit of light. And if they do have the tiniest bit of light on them, it makes a HUGE HUGE HUGE difference in growth.


Thanks again. Pics soon.

Haha man i kept at you about that. Sometimes i think personal experience is the only thing that can convince me as well. I'm real thick headed sometimes :wall:.

I liked the idea of the self pruning reservoirs, with the light being the "self pruning" part but IME light, even reflected light, stunts all root growth and not just the parts of the roots that reach the light.

Your clones are going to be total monsters though. That contest is tempting. I'm all for doing it if you are.
Hi, Jig...
Posting here cause I'm just too lazy to post on other thread but I'm SOOOOO excited to see your 1st harvest!! If you don't have enough pics for RIU's grow journal contest then screw them...totally their loss. Doubtful there are many 1st grows like yours;) Your clones are looking just fabulous as well!! The clone contest you hafta cut your own clones & root them. Everyone will cut on the same day & post pics with a ruler or something so everyone has met height requirements etc... Just thought you'd do great at it....by then your clones will be ready to clone, LOL You really should enter!! Hope your day is fabulous, MJ
Hey all,

No competitions for me... I don't like rules. That's why I work for myself, and now grow my own pot. How's this for a contest... best first grow, dwc, scrog using 650watts. I think I may have won that one... and you know what I win... A TON OF POT. WOO HOOOO. I totally appreciate the support and encouragement, but like I said... I don't like having to follow everyones little rules.

The plants are looking great... Getting to be little bushes. I'm going to start the 12/12 on Monday... I'll have to work out how I keep those girls in the dark that whole time. I think they will be in 12/12 for about a week on the bookshelf before they get to upgrade to the Princess Suite.

The roots are amazing, freaking long. I'm worried there are still tiny light leaks to them, but I kinda don't care anymore. I'm really beat from both of these grows right now. I'm excited but at the same time, I really really tired at looking at my plants. I just want to end it.... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. Less than 2 more weeks. I've made it this far.

I gave the little ones a new reservoir to bath in... they also got their first shower of liquid light. We'll see how they like it. I had kinda forgot about the sprays I had until now. Oops.

Also on the lazy front, I'm not pHing the little tubs. I know it already got me, but how's this... if anyone wants to come over and check the pH for me, you are more than welcome. I'm tired of all this stuff today.

I think I might feel better if I actually smoked something I grew... as of right now I've spent $4,000 and 5 months of my time, for future smoke. Enough already.

Sorry guys, but I'm seriously fatigued.

Pics in an hour... it's dinner time.
I've spent $4,000 ... it's dinner time.

Dam man are you sure, :confused:, thats allot and i believe i would have spent more then you since you built,DIY allot of your suff. Well one pound and you get your money back. It does suck to put allot of money up front but in the long run it pays off.

I have been doing two litte setups man for a while now so i feel you on this gets old i just want to smoke haha...i have a dub curing for three days now i totaly forgot about it dam stoner so i guess thats a good thing, i will be trying it tonight after my Pinapple Ex wares off....

I will be taking a little break and a trip or two before i start my next grow and some mods to my rooms should help keep my bed room at better temps.

Well man your first grow is going sick wish i could say my first grow went as good oh well live and learn, and if your going to throw these girls into flowering already this is going to be fun to watch this is what i plan on doing with 6 or more depending on how much your room fills up....

Question: - I know your tired of thinking about this growing, but your throwing them into flowering do you know what method your going with or just throwing them in and letting them grow?
what method your going with or just throwing them in and letting them grow?

We'll see if I have the enery to try and tie them down lst style, I'm not sure though because the stalk is pretty stiff and I don't if I can bend them without breaking them. I guess it would be like topping them if I broke it. I'm really not sure. I'm pretty sure no screen this time around.

If I'm going to lst them, should I be bending them now... is it too early... to late? thor, you told me how to do it, but didn't mention timing that I remember. I'm sure it's not like an exact science or anything, but that's where I have problems. I'm good at following instructions not so good at freestyling. Except when I rap, haha just kidding.

a little root porn for yall


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From the pics it should bend easily without breaking. I always try to start Lst by the 4th node, just lay it the ground and unfold a paper clip and bend it in half. Ypu can tell when the stem starts to 'mature' and isn't as soft. I tried to bend a 5 foot sativa before. Def waited too long and broke it in half. Lol I still got 2 o's off the plant tho.
The clones are barely recognizable. They are huge... roots have double since the pics. The one short one is seriously insane with the tight internode spacing. The two tall ones keep hitting the lights.

The whole plan of things has been thrown up in the air, becuase I've decided to use bushmaster (by humboldt county's own). Apparrently the bushmaster will make the flowers show much fater after 12/12. From what I read it takes 1-2 weeks off the total grow time. Plus with the gravity and purple maxx that should take some time off as well, I should definitely finish before the 9 week estimate....

Sooooo.... my question to you all is... should I gamble and veg longer, puhsing the 9 week end date into my vacation I'm planning. Or should I switch on schedule, not risk it, and just veg shorter??? Live dangerously or what?
Sooooo.... my question to you all is... should I gamble and veg longer, puhsing the 9 week end date into my vacation I'm planning. Or should I switch on schedule, not risk it, and just veg shorter??? Live dangerously or what?

Hmm do you already have your tickets and hotel booked ??

If you veg longer your harvets will be bigger right every one

Then agian you could setup your room to run by its self......well depending on how long your trip is going to be.

Also have the option of asking mom and dad to come by and check on the cats and the plants. They could make a trip out of it party since your gone lmao trash your house hahhaha
Its all about risk vs reward.

If they arent ready in time, you have to:

1. Cancel the vacation
2. Harvest early
3. Let the system run by itself.

So how well would 3 work? How long are you gonna be gone?

How much do you wanna risk a bigger yield for 1 and 2 and possibly a shitstorm if 3 goes bad?

The way I see it...the harvest you are about to reap will last you longer than you need to wait for this one, so why push it and stress?

What do you think?
Reward really isn't that much. My only option is 2 and that would suck. 18 day vacation, 3 is no option... and the circumstances are once in a lifetime, so no 1. I am going to stay pretty much on scedule, push things back 3 days. That still gives me a little wiggle room at the end anyways.

New question... do you guys think I should top a couple of them once? I know that is like the most ambiguous question... I still don't know what I'm going to do with training them? We are just winging this grow.
bro dont top supercrop them then you still get that big center bud thats the best thing to do imo thats how i got that plant with the 3 big buds