JigFresh's Grow 1.2 - Purple Kush clones - closet DWC - 650w hps/mh

pretty clones, best of luck.
those dots look alot like spider mites, trust me. it will show little dots like that, about a week b4 you see webs, they need to eat, b4 they can nest, and lay eggs. get neems oil, i mix a "ready to use" spray at 50% with a teaspoon of dishsoap and a tablespoon of olive oil i spray undersides of leaves b4 the dark cycle on my lifgts, so it dont brun my leafs by magnafying the light thru the water drops.

glad to hear you are RO watering. tap is fine, if you are experienced, but to learn, and learn right, you need to remove anything you have no control over, until you learn to control better. (or get the confedance to try)

my 5 black widow cuttings are taking root now, i had the timing right, sorry you cant make it up to grab a few.
Hello everyone,

I have my 1 gal RO reservoir tuned in a bit. I raised the pH up to 5.78.


have you read up on nutriant lockout yet? i am thinking if your PH is constantly in the 5.6 to 5.78 you are blocking about 20% of your N uptake. N is only available to your little 1's at 5.8 to 6.5

every nute has its own rage where PH is too high, or too low to uptake, there is a few trace elaments that stop uptaking at 6.3, so the target range is 5.8 to 6, trust me, this lower side of PH might be your yellow leaf prob.

(it seems, all strains are a bit diff, this is general guidelines)

i cant find the chart i use to use, it shows every nute, primary, and 2nds and traces. it charts about 20 nutes, and at what PH it is available, and at what levels (too high/low) that it causes lock out.

you have done very well up to here, you have learned piles of info, now, start reading up on problems you havent had, to spot them if they ever pop up.
Hey guys... in case you didn't notice I'm a member of the site now. I've thought for a while that joining would be good to do my part and throw RIU some money.

Then I saw the announcement:


If you donate, you get membership anyways, so it's two for one. You get your name on a page of donators (if you want). Plus your name is in red and you can have any 'title' you want. There's other stuff too. Unlimited PM storage and you see who the rep point are from.
How can you guys not give RIU 5 or 10 bucks, huh?

you have done very well up to here, you have learned piles of info, now, start reading up on problems you havent had, to spot them if they ever pop up.

Ahh man... but that's hard work. I can't just sit on my ass and be the best.

Great advise. I have definitely gotten a bit complacent. I think I'm a little worn out after all the learning and doing over the past few monthes. But I think these different things that have happened are a wake up call to stay vigilant.
Hey guys... in case you didn't notice I'm a member of the site now. I've thought for a while that joining would be good to do my part and throw RIU some money.

Then I saw the announcement:


If you donate, you get membership anyways, so it's two for one. You get your name on a page of donators (if you want). Plus your name is in red and you can have any 'title' you want. There's other stuff too. Unlimited PM storage and you see who the rep point are from.
How can you guys not give RIU 5 or 10 bucks, huh?

Ahh man... but that's hard work. I can't just sit on my ass and be the best.

Great advise. I have definitely gotten a bit complacent. I think I'm a little worn out after all the learning and doing over the past few monthes. But I think these different things that have happened are a wake up call to stay vigilant.

How do u do give RIU some money?? I gave like 10$ to this one site by money order...didnt get shit!
not complacent, think of it as mother nature teaching you, a lesson. you aint no woman!!


*peeks to see if wifie heard me*

we use gages, meters, lights, fans, we fight daily to get away from that mean nasty mother nature, who throws rain at these perty girls who just asks for perfect spring days, big bosomy buds,

and they give us back so much pleasure if we treat them right.

but that mean wicked mom makes us fight uphill to do what she does normally, "naturally"

so, we must watch and learn from afar, this wicked mother who wont let us lock up these pretty girls, and give them a way happier life then this so called mother nature. we learn from afar. then we take what we learn, and hide these girls away, never to be rained on again, to only bask in the light, and so happy and radiant they are for all are personal joy now, right??

but we most remember, nature never takes days off, we have to watch our food, water, wind, light daily, the more you watch them, and stay on top of things, the less problems you get.

one thing you learned from this, we all get humbled now and then, we dust off our knees, get up, and keep working our indoor girls.

it stops being work, and more fun the more you do it. it is fun at 1st, work for the rest of the 1st year or so, then, smooth sailing. like all hobbys i seen people start, most give up, and leave half made models, and such in a box for years.

those who keep hobbying, can achieve inner peace.
I like that...

So, today I am going to start crafting the worlds shadiest dual dwc's. I have my clear 99c bins, some airtube, a few airstones, an airpump, paper clips, and dixie cups. haha, oh yeah, and some cardboard. I should be embarassed, but I'm not.

I think I'm going to cut the cups into 'netpots' to put the rockwool plugs into, then cover with cardboard to keep light off the roots. I'll cut holes in the lids for the cups and maybe used paper clips to hold the cups steady.

The airpump is a Tetra Whisper 40, I is good for a tank up to 40gal... you think it will do ok with 1.5 gallons, haha.

I'm going to put 3/4 gallon in each 'tank'.

I think the cups will be ok to peel away when I transplant. I've read about people tearing roots and such... I'm not going to do that, promise.

The plants themselves are still getting a once in 24 hours dunk in the pool... They are all reaching toward the light. No more yellow dots have appeared, so let's hope that problem has been fixed (no insects please).

The plant with the tight internode spaceing looks kinda funny, like all the new growth is just growing out of growth.... it's like there is no stem, just leaves and new growth everywhere. I really like the plants at this stage. Maybe I should raise killer clones for someone to flower... I love seeing all the buds but it makes me nervous like I"m going to mess it all up.

Thanks for reading you guys... I'll post pics later today when some 'constuction' takes place.

So, today I am going to start crafting the worlds shadiest dual dwc's. I have my clear 99c bins, some airtube, a few airstones, an airpump, paper clips, and dixie cups. haha, oh yeah, and some cardboard. I should be embarassed, but I'm not.

You've got more than enough to build some dwc's. I noticed that you didn't say that you had a way to split the air pump. Don't be embarrassed you're using only what's on hand so there's only so much you can expect. Plus it's temporary... well unless you really like what you build. Your plans sound good so do it up.

Ps. i've split an airline hose without a splitter before. I did it with the pump hose plumbed into the cap of a bottle, and then made two outlets, all the resistance for the outputs has to be the same (head heights and shit, or one output will get more flow than the other). Just incase you don't have a splitter. The bottle also serves as kind of a check valve, witch is a perk.

P.P.s. your name says weed pimp under it. You're so ballin' right now. :cool:
Im excited to see this set up. Are you planing on growing differently every time? lol. Ive heard your plans and your going to do your next grows different too. Thats so kool. Pretty soon I will be able to build any set up I want just by looking at your threads.
Love the bottle splitter. I had my wife pick up a airline kit at the same time as the pump and stones.

So here is the setup... it seems to be working well. The plants look very happy to me after a few hours of bathing. I'm going to work on it more today, to keep the light off the roots.

The last few shots are of the neighborhood wildflowers. Tulips (i think). There are all different colors of these up here gowing wild... yellow, red, purple, and pink (there may be others).

Absolutely beautiful.


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P.P.s. your name says weed pimp under it. You're so ballin' right now. :cool:

Thanks for noticing... and you are correct, ballin out of control. (so hard I had to make a video)

Ballin so hard I'm smackin people in the back of the head like Rafer Alston (tell me someone saw that).


ps. kobe is a bitch, haha.
As always jig, you are the man! I only hope my clones will look half that good in my soil set-up.
As always jig, you are the man! I only hope my clones will look half that good in my soil set-up.

They look great Jig.

Are you going to make the clear bins opaque? I think you might see better root growth if you do. IME any light on the roots of clones caused the root growth to stunt.
well, what light does, is prune your roots.

(look up a product called "spin out)

spin out makes all roots that touch sides of your pots prune itself, so, you get lots of secondary roots. a 1 Gl pot (4L) will grow plants the size a 3Gl or bigger pot will allow, because it prevents plats from root binding, or spinning out.

but a clear DWC system might be counter productive, if it prunes outside "lighted" roots, then you will get a build up of roots (vegitive matter) in your reservoir, and that will make PH fluctuate, and will make your nutes fux too.
Um, JIg? Who's Rafer Alston? Love your cloner but doesn't light hurt roots? Clones look all snug & happy;) Are you using either Hygrozime or H2O2? Any ideas about how to put up a screen in limited space (bout 4' ht) What do you do if you have a res emergency & hafta get res out? Maybe scrog would be easier done with each plant in it's own independent seperate pot with airstone & pump? Love the concept but have so many questions. LOVE the video...you are straight up pimpin' & you know what they say....PIMPIN' AIN'T EASY;) Props, MJ
great job man. Thats a professionally ghetto made set up. The plants look fantastic too. I cant wait to see those girls bud.
Um, JIg? Who's Rafer Alston?

Hey mj... Rafer Alston aka Skip to my lou is a basketball player. He became psuedo famous as a streetball player touring with the AND1 team. He eventually made it to the NBA which is pretty much unheard of, for someone with no official training making it, especially when they are in their 20's. Anyways... last night in the Magic/ Celtics game he felt that an opposing player threw an elbow at his gut, so my man Rafer slapped him like a little kid in the back of the head. I loved it.

Guess there aren't any b-ball fans on here.

And hey, I'll totally answer all your questions, I just have to run out and pick my wife up from the airport. I'm excited. We are very much in love.

Thanks for all the concern everyone... I will make the tubs light proof, I've just been really really busy. I only slept 1 hour last night after putting those dwc's together. I'll get to I promise.
Boom Chicka Wow Wow....know you're happy momma is home....it's all better now, isn't it? Relax, toke, enjoy, repeat X24 hrs & I gaurantee you'll be a different man!! It's nice to hear a man say he's in love with his wife these days.+++props Have a blast;) MJ