If you read the whole thread you would see why I called him arrogant.If he's growing 10 pounds nobody will be "waiting" on the "chronic" man because nobody will be dry, and all those poor people "waiting" will no longer be "waiting" for there wonderful chronic, because they will have already have a big bag full.
Not everyone has the resources or place to grow quality herb and thats why people buy it. Weed doesn't just "magically" appear for lots of people.
If he wants to make a shit load of cash growing 10 pounds of herb, more power to him because his neck is on the line not the little guys chillin in there room smoking it.
edit: i responded before even reading your entire post. You're calling him arrogant? Telling him he WILL get busted just like you said WE on rollitup grow for our OWN pleasure. Geez, speak for yourself. 10 pounds every two months is a lot more practical then you think and there are plenty of people all around the nation doing it, without getitng busted.
lol i didn't bother reading the entire thread but either way i see where ur going with it.
your imagination is beautiful.What's with these kids who think they're Tony Montana from Scarface? They think they're going to get rich by selling an insane amount of drugs. Most of these fuckers seem to have forgotten what happens at the end of the movie; Tony Montana gets murdered in a way I'd never, ever want to experience.
This thread is still here; now everybody in the world knows about your grow room! Stop while you're ahead and delete this thread. This is your first step in being successful at growing 10 pounds. Otherwise, you should start getting the KY Jelly, some 6-inch tapers, and some kind of muscle relaxant so you can start stretching that asshole good and proper now!![]()
thats nice of you to be looking out for him... some people are crazy brave and some people are phony tough.... some dudes got big egos that need stoking. like i said it's nice you're looking out for him.1. Honestly I know if I, and I think alot of other people would agree had a OP of that size going I wouldn't be on here discussing it, 99% of the people growing on here producing a couple pounds a year in there closets are way under law enforcement radar, its not worth there time to fuck with them for the most part, producing 60+ pounds a year for commercial use like your talking about however is right up there allie. You think the police man doesn't have internet?
agreed2. Kinda goes with number 1, but I personally believe if your planning on an OP that size you should be experienced enough already that you don't need to come on here looking for tips.
NO THEY WON'T. they are in the business of SELLING power. as long as you PAY for it, on time, and watch your P's & Q's (ie no foot traffic at spot... nothing in the trash garden related, etc) you're kool and the gang.3. The electric company IS going to notice and look into a residential house using $1000+ in electricity every month.
yep. unless you get the flir resistant goods available to help lower/hide your thermal footprint. It costs cheddar, but if you're aiming for 10lbs every 60 days you're gonna pay the price to stay off the radar.4. Your house IS going to glow like a christmas tree on a heli's thermal scan.
lots of people work form home nowadays. "I build websites". nothing to worry about. as long as you don't try to go all hip hop and "floss".... no worries.5. Someones going to be wondering how that loser with no job, is driving that guys sister around in a new mercedes, assuming your not stupid enough to take his sister inside and try to impress her with your giant roomfull of marijuana.
again, there is equipment capable of taking care of all that for you. NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. some cheddar is all you need6. I can only imagine how much all that would smell but that will most definitely be an issue.
yep. best job ever. why are you coming across so "against" this to me.... whats wrong with that?7. Taking care of all those plants is going to be a FULLTIME job.
DUDE ITS CALLED LOSING THE ANKLE BITERS AND MOVING IN BULK. you don't grow 10ps to dime it out. ... unless you are fucking retarded. If you grow 10p's you know how to move 10p's in under 3 days.8. Thats just the growing part, the trafficking it is a whole nother list, I'm anticipating you'll probably give me some BS response like "my friends are loyal and would never rat on me" No matter how loyal a person is or how well you know them when there looking at years in prison or giving you up your naive if you think their choosing the former.
why do you sound scarred?9. Theres millions of people in prison across the country for marijuana related charges, you really think your smarter than all of them? What about your friends? If not you'll probably be counting yourself among them soon enough.
yep, you are scarred.10. You realise that for whatever fucked up reason Marijuana possesion especially on the scale your talking about is no minor crime. Seriously if you got busted with your op and your friend went out and shot and killed someone on the same day, you'd probably be looking at about the same sentence, he might even be back out on the streets before you are.
alll he did was ask a question.... maybe he's some super sick awesome grower asking for other folks opinions before he starts up "the same old thing" again....Like I said earlier I'm not trying to be a downer or discourage you or hating on growing, I grow myself. I just think you need to take a bit more knowledgable approach to it if you are going to move forward because if you continue the way you are its not a matter of if but when you will get busted, so I'm just trying to save you a couple decades in prison thats all.
Yeah, that would actually be a good idea. lmao!What's with these kids who think they're Tony Montana from Scarface? They think they're going to get rich by selling an insane amount of drugs. Most of these fuckers seem to have forgotten what happens at the end of the movie; Tony Montana gets murdered in a way I'd never, ever want to experience.
This thread is still here; now everybody in the world knows about your grow room! Stop while you're ahead and delete this thread. This is your first step in being successful at growing 10 pounds. Otherwise, you should start getting the KY Jelly, some 6-inch tapers, and some kind of muscle relaxant so you can start stretching that asshole good and proper now!![]()
The moment you started to degenerate into such offensive diatribe you lost all respect. BTW, I've been a teacher. You know nothing, and from my very experienced point of view - continue to act the way you are currently and you'll end up a nothing in life. This coming from a married man that lives a quite comfortable life and has achieved most everything that I've wanted.You people are a bunch of small timers never gonna be shit bc you lack the balls to take risk......... And quit constantly reminding ppl that the shit is illegal.... everybody who is a member on this site knows that! " Aww you are gonna serve 10 -15 yrs and get raped" Fuck that shit! Live your worthless lives on your knees........
No matter how big of a bulk you push weight in, all it takes it ONE person down the chain to get caught and narc. And if you're pushing 10lbs then you are either pushing to a LOT of people, or a couple people who will then be selling to either a LOT of people or a couple people, and so on and so on. My point is.... either way you look at it, moving in bulk or smaller shit, your weed is going to be spread to a LOT of people. Which means you are going to be drawing a LOT of attention. Do you get what Im trying to say because I am tired of slammming the word LOT home.DUDE ITS CALLED LOSING THE ANKLE BITERS AND MOVING IN BULK. you don't grow 10ps to dime it out. ... unless you are fucking retarded. If you grow 10p's you know how to move 10p's in under 3 days.
dude i worked a 20k HOUSE in ukiah for 9mos. RESIDENTIAL. no questions asked... house was going for 3 years before i got there, and its been going for 2 years since i did my apprenticing.
i have 2.6k in flower (3200w total) now. didnt ask the power company anything when we upgraded the box. so cal.
sounds to me like you live in a non medical marijuana friendly part of the world, and I don't, and thats why we are kind of butting heads here.
cause if i was in a non friendly place i would be cautious as you suggest.
my 2 cents....
san bernadino county is the most non friendly county for medical marijuana... well that & san diego...I live in Redlands, CA. Quite So. Cal.
how do you do that exactly?iyou guys want the opinion of a person who worked for a major pwer company as a meter reader and a turn off rep? first of all these power companies hire DOLTS, like people straigh from mcdonalds, i was trained to look for odd wiring, best part is they gave me a manuel on how to steal electricity so i could spot it, looking for cracked glass on the meter, best way to steal electricity is if you get behind the meter and "jump the phase" this will cut off half your registered incoming power, and noone can see it without pulling it off, the only issue is when the meter reader comes around, his terminal has last year's usage averages, and if your june bill is higher than june 08's then his terminal will beep and he re-enters the info just to make sure hes got it right, now if they sone somone without one of these terminals they are looking for either thievs or upgrading your service or tunr you off, you pay your bills ontime, you need to let the reader in atleast once out of 3 months or they will call, trust me these guys have tons of shit to do on the routes that they are in and out as soon as possible, most are complete derolicts and im sure you guys out west have these readers who stumble upon grow ops, and are more likely to try to jack you thank report you