• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Wanna grow 10lbs every 8 weeks...


Active Member
Dude, this post alone is going to make me take another second and reiterate my last post. Your arrogance combined with ignorance IS going to land you in prison if you move forward the way you are right now.

Your right we all take risk, and always will until its legal. But theres something to minimizing that risk and being smart about it, not just accepting it and saying fuck it.

If your saying risk isn't a deterrent with your plan, you really are just being an idiot. I'll reiterate this further with a couple of points.

1. Honestly I know if I, and I think alot of other people would agree had a OP of that size going I wouldn't be on here discussing it, 99% of the people growing on here producing a couple pounds a year in there closets are way under law enforcement radar, its not worth there time to fuck with them for the most part, producing 60+ pounds a year for commercial use like your talking about however is right up there allie. You think the police man doesn't have internet?

2. Kinda goes with number 1, but I personally believe if your planning on an OP that size you should be experienced enough already that you don't need to come on here looking for tips.

3. The electric company IS going to notice and look into a residential house using $1000+ in electricity every month.

4. Your house IS going to glow like a christmas tree on a heli's thermal scan.

5. Someones going to be wondering how that loser with no job, is driving that guys sister around in a new mercedes, assuming your not stupid enough to take his sister inside and try to impress her with your giant roomfull of marijuana.

6. I can only imagine how much all that would smell but that will most definitely be an issue.

7. Taking care of all those plants is going to be a FULLTIME job.

8. Thats just the growing part, the trafficking it is a whole nother list, I'm anticipating you'll probably give me some BS response like "my friends are loyal and would never rat on me" No matter how loyal a person is or how well you know them when there looking at years in prison or giving you up your naive if you think their choosing the former.

9. Theres millions of people in prison across the country for marijuana related charges, you really think your smarter than all of them? What about your friends? If not you'll probably be counting yourself among them soon enough.

10. You realise that for whatever fucked up reason Marijuana possesion especially on the scale your talking about is no minor crime. Seriously if you got busted with your op and your friend went out and shot and killed someone on the same day, you'd probably be looking at about the same sentence, he might even be back out on the streets before you are.

Like I said earlier I'm not trying to be a downer or discourage you or hating on growing, I grow myself. I just think you need to take a bit more knowledgable approach to it if you are going to move forward because if you continue the way you are its not a matter of if but when you will get busted, so I'm just trying to save you a couple decades in prison thats all.
well said bro.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol forget growing you can go buy a badass mercedes for what this room is gonna cost you plus operating expenses


Well-Known Member
And I'll include my sisters free of charge.

Don't have any but thats besides the point.


Well-Known Member
I'm also a little confused by this statement, "money is not an issue." If that really is the case why are you cashcropping in the 1st place, theres only 3 scenarios which come to mind.

First and most likely your parents are rich you get everything handed to you and will probably live out the rest of your life this way, but for whatever reason you want more and are going to sacrifice all that for a 8x8 cell great.

Second, you've made some sort of success by yourself and developed your own networth to the point where you can drop $20 grand on a grow OP just like that, I doubt this because if it were the case you'd be smart enough to stick to your primary source of income which seems to be doing you good enough so far rather then switching to an illegal one.

Third, your not rich or from rich parents, somehow you've accumulated a decent amount of money through a lawsuit, inheritance, game show, hell if I know and now your going to spend it all on this grow OP. This suprisingly is one scenario I could understand and accept, its natural to have ambition and dream big. Just do it smart.... Don't drop all that money now, maybe start a small OP and if you like it and get a little experience you can invest the money you make from that into starting a larger scale op.

I'm just going to add this in, really this is just personal preference and would probably depend on where you live, but if I wanted to grow that much weed and was going to be selling most of it anyways so quality wasn't the biggest concern I would just get a couple hundred seeds go on like a 4 day hike into the middle of nowhere and just plant em all come back harvest time and pick whatever grew. If money isn't an issue you could even get all feminised seeds so you wouldn't have to worry about males. Say you threw down 500 fem seeds, only about 20% live to reach harvest (remember your not taking care of them AT ALL) Thats 100 plants averaging around a half pound each, there you have your 50 pounds and all you had to do was go put em in the ground and come back and harvest them.


Active Member
You people are a bunch of small timers never gonna be shit bc you lack the balls to take risk......... And quit constantly reminding ppl that the shit is illegal.... everybody who is a member on this site knows that! " Aww you are gonna serve 10 -15 yrs and get raped" Fuck that shit! Live your worthless lives on your knees........


Well-Known Member
You sir, are too inexperienced for a 10lb grow simply by the fact your asking. If you want to grow ten pounds, grow one and learn.

Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Go buy some 1000w HPS build an aeroponic system with PVC piping, go get any high quality nutrients. Tend to your 40+ plants daily with high quality care. Then reap your work.

Like said earlier, learn from See More Buds. I don't think money is an issue for you, it is the desire to put in the time to learn what your doing.

Most of us pride ourselves as being small timers, but that doesn't mean we "lack balls." Avoiding jail is part of any grow op and by using our head doesn't mean we "lack balls." Just means we have more upstairs.

Have fun!


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with Mobone, and I personally hate the people that go into everyones grow journals listing the risk involved, the ONLY reason I'm doing it in this particular case is that you are being a fucking idiot going about all this the way you are, and your "I'm a fucking baller" attitude, thinking of how your gonna spend all that money before you even have a seed in the ground. Honestly all of your fucking pipe dreams aren't any different then any I've heard in the past from countless nobodies just like yourself.

Just like everyone else on here is telling you, if you need advice on how to grow 10 pounds of weed you shouldn't be growing 10 pounds of weed. Start small learn how to grow 1 plant before you go trying to grow 50, learn about the setup how everything works, conceptualize yourself how you would scale that up to grow your 10 pounds and go and do it.

Believe it or not I'm sure your 17 yr old brain can't quite wrap around this concept but your not smart, you don't know everything, and quite frankly I'd consider you an idiot from what I've heard from you so far, I've done all I can to try and convince you of how much of a fool your being, your obviously too greedy immature and ignorant too take to any kind of reason.
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW !!!!! what the hell is all this shit always being talked about to everyone about going to prison for a little herb !!!!! you must live in a F***D up part of the world ... parts of united states are really easy on cultivation i know someone who got caught growing 35 pounds when they busted his door and he did 5 months in jail ... thats it and he had prior felonies ... its so funny some people on here we are talking about pot not heroin people .


Well-Known Member
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW !!!!! what the hell is all this shit always being talked about to everyone about going to prison for a little herb !!!!! you must live in a F***D up part of the world ... parts of united states are really easy on cultivation i know someone who got caught growing 35 pounds when they busted his door and he did 5 months in jail ... thats it and he had prior felonies ... its so funny some people on here we are talking about pot not heroin people .
if that's the case then your friend was singing like a bird on somebody.
no there is just some states that are really soft on cultivation .. but i guess everyone has there own perspective . it also really depends on the situation and my friend knows no one else who grows so no.


Active Member
If cash is not an issue Buy a couple Roto-grows they come with all the basic stuff you need including 2 1000watt ballists and bulbs pumps rez all that crap, and they hold up to 320 small plants and are a very compact unit.....I want to get one myself the 600 watt version. I have heard many times people getting 5-10 pounds out of one harvest.....

P.S. if i was you I would keep the op small and grow over a long period of time... Orrrrr go massive but in that case I would start stretching my bum hole out in advance, cause prison is a tuff place to learn how to have ruff butt sex I would think!!!


Well-Known Member
its kinda sad to see threads like this with the LBS as the main goal.

it would be cool if you were giving it away, but it seems like if you want x amount of lbs, it is just the same as saying you need x amound of dollars.

Has anyone seen that ape from the canna nutes adds talking all that math on youtube? About how 'x' amount of lights will equal 'x' amount of oz for each plant times this times that divided by that.

You DO need to do math but keep the money out of it. If you don't have enought to rent a pad and pay for eletric, the LAST thing on your mind should be growing.

Grow for the fun of it not the dollars, when I was 18 i was worried about growing to pay rent, and relying on each plant to harvest so much, now with my new setup I havent harvested too much, not even enought to puff on till more was ready, BUT, I learned pretty much everything I need to know about setting up a grow room, any size (not giant) a bunch of methods, ventalation, nutrition, what eqipment is good.

If you are in it for the long haul then knowlage should be your main concer not dollars.

Not dissing just ranting.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Im not even sure how i found this thread, but I wish I hadnt..theres alot of agro vibes from alot of people...if he wants to grow that much let him. If he gets caught its on him, and he might have taken the PD spot off someone else for a little while. In the USA they arent strict in all states. California being one of them. Ive seen people getting off with little (weeks) or no jail time for crazy (things you dont discuss on the INTERNET!) busts. Seriously....craaaazy. So he can take the info from this site and use it, to grow, or to get busted. Kids will be kids. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Anybody who wants to grow 10 pounds of weed every 8 weeks should definately not post it on a public website such as this one. I mean fuck man this thread alone is enough to incriminate the hell out of the original poster. Finding incriminating evidence on this guy is as simple as going to google, typing "grow10 pounds of marijuana", and printing out this thread and filing it in the EVIDENCE file!

Here is your first step in growing 10 pounds of weed: delete this thread and erase the paper trail already being created as we speak!!


Well-Known Member
wow. :wall: (even tho this is an old thread, I will still put in my 2 cents)

I'm sorry but I would have to agree with most others.

You're crazy if you think you will be growing 10 lbs in
ONE house without getting busted.

I'm sorry, but we growers on this site are not into growing
weed to make money, we are doing it because we want

to grow our own quality weed and not worry about when
the "chronic" man will come around again. We do it because

its awesome to reap the benefits of your grow and have it be
better than anything you've ever smoked before.

We do it so we don't have to spend $300 on 1 oz of good shit.

We do it because its a hobby we enjoying doing.

Some of the growers on RIU do sell some of their harvest, but not to
make a profit, but to simply make back what they spent on their set up.

So many people on here give away weed to friends because
its no big deal to give a friend a few grams for free after you've just

harvested 3 ounces.

But you are just into it purely for money, which I think is wrong.

If you grow, I believe you should grow because you love quality mary jane
and just want to spread the "green" love around.

Don't grow to try and be a big time dealer.

We are just trying to let you know that if you really are going
to try this, you WILL get busted. If you don't get busted,

the smell will probably leak out and you will end up getting robbed.


Because you're not in it for fun, or for your own smoke, but to try and
get rich.

Don't be so arrogant. We are trying to help you by telling you if you
go thru with this, that you will get caught very quickly. That much

electricity, water, and heat will make someone think wth is going on
at your grow house.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but we growers on this site are not into growing
weed to make money, we are doing it because we want to grow our own quality weed and not worry about when
the "chronic" man will come around again. .
If he's growing 10 pounds nobody will be "waiting" on the "chronic" man because nobody will be dry, and all those poor people "waiting" will no longer be "waiting" for there wonderful chronic, because they will have already have a big bag full.

Not everyone has the resources or place to grow quality herb and thats why people buy it. Weed doesn't just "magically" appear for lots of people.

If he wants to make a shit load of cash growing 10 pounds of herb, more power to him because his neck is on the line not the little guys chillin in there room smoking it.

edit: i responded before even reading your entire post. You're calling him arrogant? Telling him he WILL get busted just like you said WE on rollitup grow for our OWN pleasure. Geez, speak for yourself. 10 pounds every two months is a lot more practical then you think and there are plenty of people all around the nation doing it, without getitng busted.