jus got f ing rip off attitude seedbank


Well-Known Member
I suppose it is a good thing you are African-American. However I'm not uneducated it is a simple observation that's all.
Why is it "a good thing" that I'm African American? Do you question the validity of your thoughts before you actually post them or is this the method you employ in order to garner such little reputation on this site?
Back on track ...to the OP -- just have patience, my friend. Your seeds will come.
Just shoot an email to: [email protected] and she'll help you out.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Can't we all just be friends ;)

Kind of a fucked up comment if you ask me whulkamania! I really don't think it was necessary to question or comment on the persons race because of his grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

Stereotyping is just not cool, does not matter if your white, black, red, yellow, whatever.

I kinda feel sad for you, you claim you are educated and very well may be. I will tell you one thing though, you sure as shit are ignorant!


Well-Known Member
Damn, I got nothing against African-Americans. In fact a family member of mine is in fact African-American. I just don't know why it is so hard to type a full sentence so everyone can understand it.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I got nothing against African-Americans. In fact a family member of mine is in fact African-American. I just don't know why it is so hard to type a full sentence so everyone can understand it.
You don't understand? Really? Seriously?
Here's a test: try writing what you just wrote in French and I'll translate it for you back into English.
And ...GO


Well-Known Member
You don't understand? Really? Seriously?
Here's a test: try writing what you just wrote in French and I'll translate it for you back into English.
And ...GO
Damn, jai rien contre les African-Americans. En fait, un membre de la famille de la mine est en fait African-American. Je ne sais pas pourquoi il est si difficile de taper une phrase entiere afin que tous puissent comprendre.​


Well-Known Member
Damn, jai rien contre les African-Americans. En fait, un membre de la famille de la mine est en fait African-American. Je ne sais pas pourquoi il est si difficile de taper une phrase entiere afin que tous puissent comprendre.​
Brilliant use of Google Translator but thanks for proving my point!
In English, this reads:

"Damn, 'jai' nothing against the African-Americans. In fact, a family member of the mine is in fact African-American. I do not know why it is so difficult to type a sentence entire so that all can include understand."

Thanks for playing! :clap: :clap: :clap:

However I'm not uneducated ...
Very little evidence of that statement exists on this site.


Well-Known Member
Brilliant use of Google Translator but thanks for proving my point!
In English, this reads:

"Damn, 'jai' nothing against the African-Americans. In fact, a family member of the mine is in fact African-American. I do not know why it is so difficult to type a sentence entire so that all can include understand."

Thanks for playing! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Very little evidence of that statement exists on this site.

You told me to say it in French. You never said I could not use a Translator considering I do not even know a word of French xD


Well-Known Member
You told me to say it in French. You never said I could not use a Translator considering I do not even know a word of French xD
No matter. You've illustrated my point perfectly.
Maybe the OP doesn't know a lick of English and he used Google translator which made his statement a little more difficult to read.
If you were in his shoes, would you deem it appropriate if someone stated you must be an "African American male" because your English is not up to par? The statement you made was baseless, uneducated and contextually inappropriate.
Case closed.

Brick Top

New Member
i have money to last me for three mabye four mothn i was mad because i didnt get a email to tell me did my order go threw instead i call my card and it was 0 empty that y i was made i order seed to grow wit my family not to make a living i know a lot of youngin who smoke and was gonna spend money on weed to help me in this rough time i did nt get a email that all i dont know if my order went threw or not it say proceessing when u have 300 and then u have 0 u and not no if ur order went threw u start to panic that wat halp to me

I guess I misunderstood. Based on what you said in your first message it appeared that you were going to sell for profit to survive.

You said:

i have no job got layed off and was expecting my harvest to suport me till i get one wat should i do nobody sell weed where i stay so i cant get bag seeds
My error, I guess, for thinking you said you were going to grow so your harvest would support you until you found another job.


New Member
i agree an i am a old man i cant see these small keys but love you all even the people who think they are smart but really dumb if u was 62 and wear glasses and was higher then a kite u would misspell alot of words growing up i wasnt educated very well do to people who think like u and Stereotyping
this is rollitup.org

not a f$king spelling bee lol lol and (yo) u look at to many rap video understand that entertainment they get played and my kids are black and they talk slang alround friend but speak very well alround other

and buy the way i am white sorry if u cant understand me jus ask and i waill do my best a old WHITE man smoking pot


Well-Known Member
i agree an i am a old man i cant see these small keys but love you all even the people who think they are smart but really dumb if u was 62 and wear glasses and was higher then a kite u would misspell alot of words growing up i wasnt educated very well do to people who think like u and Stereotyping
this is rollitup.org

not a f$king spelling bee lol lol and (yo) u look at to many rap video understand that entertainment they get played and my kids are black and they talk slang alround friend but speak very well alround other

and buy the way i am white sorry if u cant understand me jus ask and i waill do my best a old WHITE man smoking pot
You story does not add up. You said your kids, then explain the photo of the little girl you had in your avatar before you changed it? What is it your granddaughter? Old picture? Another kid?

Brick Top

New Member
You story does not add up. You said your kids, then explain the photo of the little girl you had in your avatar before you changed it? What is it your granddaughter? Old picture? Another kid?

I had to wonder if things added up when in he said he did not place his order to grow for profit but in his first message he said he lost his job and was expecting his harvest to support him until he found another job.
Things seem to change in his story and the dots just do not connect.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about this big mess. I'm actually still confused about it all.

All I can just say is that I've had 3 successful orders from Attitude, got my seeds in like 7 or 8 days.

Good luck bro,
Goose out.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about this big mess. I'm actually still confused about it all.

All I can just say is that I've had 3 successful orders from Attitude, got my seeds in like 7 or 8 days.

Good luck bro,
Goose out.
BT is holdin his ass to the fire.lol.kiss-assnot everyone can smoke pot and function normally,lol.as far as attitude goes thier the bes customer ser. i know of. got all5 of my orders.


Well-Known Member
I had to wonder if things added up when in he said he did not place his order to grow for profit but in his first message he said he lost his job and was expecting his harvest to support him until he found another job.
Things seem to change in his story and the dots just do not connect.
I think it all basically comes down to this...

He got laid off, took his savings and bought everything he needs to grow with. Then with his last 300 he bought seeds and thought/thinks he got ripped off. He did say he wants to grow to support himself, but I believe all the money had saved up is now gone and if he loses his seed money he is screwed on getting seeds. All his money is now gone until his unemployment or social security or what ever checks start coming in, and they generally aren't enough to survive on, much less blow on seeds and or other paraphernalia. He knows its going to be awhile before he turns any profit from growing, as he has said this, but I'm guessing it all boils down to his start up money is gone and not replaceable.

Oh, and he has grandkids he is looking forward to smoking with. He can't see great and typing sucks when you can't see the key's, especially around older people.

That should pretty much sum up the whole thing right there.

He is now at the mercy of unemployment or public assistance or social security


Well-Known Member
I think it all basically comes down to this...

He got laid off, took his savings and bought everything he needs to grow with. Then with his last 300 he bought seeds and thought/thinks he got ripped off. He did say he wants to grow to support himself, but I believe all the money had saved up is now gone and if he loses his seed money he is screwed on getting seeds. All his money is now gone until his unemployment or social security or what ever checks start coming in, and they generally aren't enough to survive on, much less blow on seeds and or other paraphernalia. He knows its going to be awhile before he turns any profit from growing, as he has said this, but I'm guessing it all boils down to his start up money is gone and not replaceable.

Oh, and he has grandkids he is looking forward to smoking with. He can't see great and typing sucks when you can't see the key's, especially around older people.

That should pretty much sum up the whole thing right there.

He is now at the mercy of unemployment or public assistance or social security
i did nt read the whole thing. i can dig it. but you need to bit more wisely and seriously, plan better.it heps me out.nuthins guarantee anyway till the dinners done .


Well-Known Member
You story does not add up. You said your kids, then explain the photo of the little girl you had in your avatar before you changed it? What is it your granddaughter? Old picture? Another kid?
Your policing of linguistic skills does not add up seeing as how you, yourself have demonstrated terrible usage. :lol:


Well-Known Member
but you need to bit more wisely and seriously, plan better.it heps me out.nuthins guarantee anyway till the dinners done .


I was just trying to make this whole thread less confusing for all involved. Its not my post and I have nothing to do with it nor do I know this person. I just felt bad the guy was getting bashed/shit talkedon/attacked. I didn't think it was right and I agree his typing could have been better, but not everyone can type. I see it in older people at work a lot. The older the person usually the worse the typing and spelling in my experience. Figured if someone could translate it would help the guy out.


Well-Known Member

I was just trying to make this whole thread less confusing for all involved. Its not my post and I have nothing to do with it nor do I know this person. I just felt bad the guy was getting bashed/shit talkedon/attacked. I didn't think it was right and I agree his typing could have been better, but not everyone can type. I see it in older people at work a lot. The older the person usually the worse the typing and spelling in my experience. Figured if someone could translate it would help the guy out.
i got my own problems anyway,lol.i jus like to grow and smoke weed.lol.