Thundercat's Groooooooow


Junior Creatologist
That shit sucks to hear about your 400 blowin on you man. I wish you had a 600, cuz i have like 6 bulbs for that shit, 3 MH n 3 HPS. I woulda sent you over a pair in no time brotha. The Illumalights bulbs that came with my Digital Greenhouse ballast are still burnin n bright as fuck too. Sorry bro :?

-- Update tonight. just gotta put the little one down to bed, n then im up to water the ladies. N then its downstairs to do another update on the plants, cuz they keep fuckin growin out. Theyre gonna end up bein some fuckin beasts by the time i flower dude. I keep thinkin of one picture in my head :

THATS what i dream of my shit lookin like this time around. I know itll look way different, but those fuckin monster tops im hopin will be the similarity, lol. Ill hit u up when i come back on with pics for ya dude.



Well-Known Member
Sounds sweet man. The 400w sucks, but I'm gonna call them tomorrow and try to get it replaced, maybe even upgraded we'll see. They are doing good under just the 1000w, the only plants that are really missingout are the new ww clones, and they will be ok. They were more just for as much added weight as I can get from this grow.

Otherwise all is well, and today marks the end of week 6 for the sativas. Not quite half way, and hopefully they will keep going strong, and put on some real weight soon. I have to say, they do have a nice resin coating though, getting sticky as hell. The WW is just over 5 weeks, which is supposd to be half way, and it looks like it. The main colas are almost 6inchs tall, and about 1.5-2 inchs wide with actual bud mass. I can't wait to see what the next 5 weeks have to hold. I'm gonna be watering tomorrow, and I am really thinking about just straight water, to give them a flush-a-roo, but I don't have any real reason other then I have never really flushed them. We'll see, got any opinions, should I just keep pumping the nutes?


Well-Known Member
Hey man very impressive journal. You've got some very healthy plants in there. Keep up the good work. Ill be following you all the way through harvest!!
And hey dude dont worry about the foil hat thing, there are no hard feelings at all. I miss-read the instructions. I had fun doing it, it was raining and I was sooo stooooned :blsmoke: Haha I cant wait to see the results, the anticipation is killing me!!
Anyways man good luck on your grow. Stop by and check my grow if you have some time. Its new I just started it so its not very exciting yet. But in a couple months Ill have some high quality bud porn!! The link is in my sig


Well-Known Member
SO I watered the girls today finally. They all seem pretty happy. I moved them around a bit, so I could fit the WW clones under the 1000w better, since my 400w is down. I gave the clones a dose of open sesame, since they are still just starting to flower. Then I gave all the others a full gallon of straight ph'd water. They must have been pretty dry, cus its the first time I've gotten run off from all of them. Usually only the kush gets run off from just one gallon. Well any ways, they are looking great. I'l get some pics p later this week some time, I want to give them plenty of time so you guys can see the differance. Peace TC


Junior Creatologist
Werd motherfucker - Wheres the pics?! lol, man hit me up. I dont know if you sent me that email yet or not, but if u did i didnt get it :D so LAY THE IDEA ON ME MAN!! Im fuckin chewing my arm off from boredom over here dude. There aint shit for me to do but wait n watch my shit recover n start to grow again, so between now n the time i throw up my netting, i dont got shit to do. So if you got a project for me, im all ears, believe me, lol.

Hit me up, n THROW UP SOME PICS MAN!!! your shit is sounding fuckin awesome. ill show u mine if you show me yours ;-) :hump: :shock: :neutral:

Hit me up man,



Well-Known Member
I'll go take some pics here in a bit, it seem everyone wants to see some. I'll also drop that email man, I've just been busy the last day or two.


Well-Known Member
Well I went and took some pics. They turned out pretty good. first ones re of the kush, and then some of the WW, and the sativas. You should be able to tell whats what. The WW is the chunkiest of them by far. Tomorrow marks the end of week 6 for it. Technically like 4 more weeks left for it. I'll prolly let it go atleast 5 more, if not 6-7 more just for the hell of it, I'll see how it looks. Maybe I'll start to flush in 5 weeks, just give it plain water for the last 2 weeks. That would be 12 weeks on a 10 week strain, should be plenty of time to finish. The sativas still have another 7.5 weeks, but they've got alot of catching up to do. I'm hoping to get about 2-3g per stem on the sativas. I think that would get me close to a QP+ per sativa. That with the WW, WWclones, and the Kush might get me near my goal of an LB. I suppose only the next few weeks will tell for sure. I need to pick up some more big bloom, my bottles getting low, so I don't think I'll be getting any more of the solubles unfortunatly. Maybe next time I can try the other 2.

All my other clones are doing great, I didn't take any pics of them. I topped all of them at about 6-7 inchs. I'm hoping they will bush out well so I can get a ton of clones off them in another couple weeks. Theres still one of the Kush clones that is growing real slow, I might give it to a friend.

I wish I could say the mushrooms were going crazy, but They aren't. The last couple flushs have been fairly small, and I'm not really sure why. I've had a tray in the FC for about 2 weeks now and its not pinning either, I don't know why. I've got 2 more trays in the incubator I'm gonna put in the other FC tomorrow I think, hopfully they will do well. I'm pretty unhappy to say that so far the grain bags I bought have been a total bust. They have no growth in them, and look like the grain is fermenting or something. I don't know, but its pretty lame. Thankfully I saved about 2-3cc of each of the new strains I got, so I can shoot them into some jars, and maybe they will colonize for me.

Ok so the pics go like this:
1-2. kush
3. overview
4. purple power
5. WW
6. other purple power
7. big skunk
8. kush top view
9. WW cola
10. ornamental skunk bud
11. overview

Hope you guys enjoy!!


Well-Known Member
THanks Gypsy, I've been pretty happy with them so far! Your pics looked great the other day too man.

THanks little grower, I agree with the WW being dank man. Thats what I was really hoping for from this grow, something that is just incredibly dank, and I think the WW is going to impress!! Everybody slams on G-13labs, but thats where that WW came from, and it has been a great performer right from the beginning. I wish I could describe the smell she is putting off, its very destinctive, and really fruity. I can't wait to taste her in all her glory. As far as getting an lb. as long as all the sativas fatten up nicely in the next 7 weeks, I don't really think I'll be to far off that mark. These girls are pretty damn big, and there is alot of bud on them, they just need to put on some weight to go with it. I wish I had the other fox farms solubles, or some humbolts own gravity to try to add some of that weight. Well I'll catch you guys later. TC


Well-Known Member
TC those plants got soooo much weight to put on, especially if you get that 400 back in there. 448 g is a LB and running 1400w i would imagine you could meet that. plus ive seen these plants and your style of growing, so im pretty confident in you meeting that.


Well-Known Member
TC those plants got soooo much weight to put on, especially if you get that 400 back in there. 448 g is a LB and running 1400w i would imagine you could meet that. plus ive seen these plants and your style of growing, so im pretty confident in you meeting that.
I really feel the same way littlegrower, that running 1400w I should be well over that mark really. I know they have alot more weight to put on cus they are only just half way done. Thanks for the back up encouragement though, it helps, lol.

I will have the 400w up and running again tomorrow too. I got home from work today, and there was a 400w bulb on my doorstep. I called them on monday, and they told me to ship the old one back, and they would ship out a new one when I called with the tracking number on the one I was shipping. I hadn't even got my old out of the light yet, and this new one was here today, so I'm not sure what happened, I'm gonna call tomorrow and find out if I still need to ship the old one back or not, but atleast I have this one to get the light up and running again. WOohoo!! My WW clones will be loving it, thats what they are mostly under. They are already starting to get some nice flowers forming.

Also Epix, and down on wax, thanks for stoppin by the thread, always glad to have visitors!!