Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
LOl, thanks gypsy, hopefully Fdd agrees, I'd love to win a new glass piece. Thats the prize, one of his homemade glass pieces.


Well-Known Member
Well I don't know how much of it is mark up or not. I think that if I had bought one through my mom vs. the internet I could get it cheaper since she is a dealer, but I'm sure it would still be a couple hundo. The systems work though, and I guess its hard to put a price on pure air to breath. They are marketed towards people if indoor air quality issues, smokers, and people with allergies.

Whats a carbon filter cost that will clean 3000 square feet? THen the blower to move the air through the carbon filter. Seems like it would add up to a couple hundred bucks in the end. THen you only get what 2 years out of it? With this machine, I'll get yeeeaaarrsss of use out of it, and the only maitenance is to rinse out the one filter element, and replace this special glass plate inside if it ever cracks, and that only costs like 10-15 bucks I think. Any way, seems like a great investment in my book, for how good of a job its doing. I'm hoping my brother will sell it to me for like 200, I keep forgeting to ask him.


Well-Known Member
it says this thing does ozone ? but is that because of ionic filter ? or is it different ?

i bought a hepa ionic one for like 60 that was decent but not enough for my room... but it didnt say anything about ozone

i see small uv ozone gens go for like 130 .. and i was considering that as well but then i herd about the health risks and kinda scared me away.

either way 500$ can buy a big carbon filter , powerful fan, and a ozone gen no prob ....


Well-Known Member
The ozone is only dangerous is large amounts. People say all kinds of shit aoubt ozone, but its mostly because they don't understand it. Ozone is simply an activated oxygen molecule. Oxygen is O2, and ozone is O3, and is created naturally during thunderstorms. My basement smells the way it does outside right after a big storm, that clean fresh smell, but not really a smell if you know what I mean. The only thing about this vs a carbon filter is that the carbon filter doesn't last forever, that filter will only last a couple years, this machine never has to be replaced, just cleaned every so often. I'm mostly into it cus for the time being it is free, and in the future if I do buy it, it will be far less then retail value :) .


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't doubt it, it works pretty good.

So my girls are looking very happy, they seem to be loving the nutes from the other day. The WW is bulking up very nicely, as are a couple of the sativas. The little widows are forming some flowers, as is that other purple power clone that is just kinda chillin down under neither everything else. ITs not gonna get any major buds on it I'm sure, but I didn't have anything else to do with it at the time, it was the first clone I took, so I just stuck it into flower. All my other clones are also looking great, most of the WW are about 5-6 inchs tall, and my kush are between 3-5. There are 2 of them in particular that I think are gonna be the mothers for the next grow, but I might just let them all grow, and clone the hell out of all of them. The next step is going to be once they are big enough to take as many clones as I can, and get them rooted and secure so that when I move they are about the size my current clones are. Except instead of having 12 total, I'll have about 50 hopefully. This will give me enough to get a good start for the next grow. I'll save a couple as moms, and flower the rest out asap.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm kinda pissed, or atleast I was till I finally smoked. Lol, first time in the last 4 days. Any way my 400w mh blew up today. Don't know why, or when but I came home from work, and it was out. I havn't taken it out of the hood yet, but you can see a broken spot on it. It didn't actually explode, it just blew out. I have no clue why, everything else is working fine. So I'm gonna call HTG tomorrow, cus I think there is a 1 year warrenty on the bulb. I might look at my money, and see if I can spring for the cha ching bloom addative too, and have them send it all at once. I will have skipped over the beastie blooms, but I'll wait a couple more weeks and use the cha ching as par the fox farms schedule. We'll see I don't really know if I can swing the extra cash. I'm wondering if its really worth it? Well hopefully the 400w will get here by next friday, so I can get it back up and running. It was providing most of the light for the WW clones, and one of the skunks. Well I'll talk to you guys later on, I'll prolly wait till like monday to take pics I think I'm off work then. :Peace: TC


Well-Known Member
Ya seriously I actually forgot that shit happened to you man. Its pretty lame, but I'll get over it. Atleast it wasn't the 1000w, lol (knock on wood)


Well-Known Member
Ok so I watched like the first half of that, why was I watching it? Seemed kinda sad and depressing, better question why were you watching it gypsy? lol


Well-Known Member
I must be crazier than I

I just really like the 28mm Project and the "photo graffiti" of artist JR... but I guess most of that is in the second

The World can be a sad place sometimes... but it is also joyful... usually to to an equivalent degree....



Well-Known Member
I agree deeply gypsy the world can be a very sad place. Thats something that I really think most of the people in this country tend to not look at. Its easy to get so caught up in our lives to not even think about all those people who have it so hard. I find it pretty amazing when I have watched things about people in those parts of the word how happy, and I mean truely happy some of them are. They are able to find pure joy in some of the littlest things in life, becuase they know how bad it really can be. Americans have no grasp on that sort of thing. Even some of our hobos have it better then some people in other countries.