• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Creation vs Evolution vs Whatever Else


Active Member
See, that's the problem.If someone doesn't agree, they're spiritually "lacking." If you don't think God showed favoritism,let's look at some of his favorites..Moses, Abraham,Job,Jesus.Didn't they get some preferential treatment?I think so.Your god plays favorites, for those who don't believe in him must perish.
Your absolutely right, God sure played favorites when he let Jesus get nailed to that tree.... And when he let Moses sit in a desert for 40 years and then wouldn't let him enter the promised land. I'm so jealous. I wish I was God's favorite.

You can do better Stoney, that was weak. You were doing better when you were challenging the authenticity of the bible, that I was actually interested in, but this... I'm disappointed.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
In the Bible,he resurrected Jesus, didn't he?He certainly didn't do that for the rest of his "flock".Are you gonna follow me around threads and harass me now, blind?Take little digs here and there where you can?I could give a rat's ass if you're interested or not.Prove me wrong or get lost.Have a problem with me, take it to pms.
Your absolutely right, God sure played favorites when he let Jesus get nailed to that tree.... And when he let Moses sit in a desert for 40 years and then wouldn't let him enter the promised land. I'm so jealous. I wish I was God's favorite.

You can do better Stoney, that was weak. You were doing better when you were challenging the authenticity of the bible, that I was actually interested in, but this... I'm disappointed.


Active Member
In the Bible,he resurrected Jesus, didn't he?He certainly didn't do that for the rest of his "flock".Are you gonna follow me around threads and harass me now, blind?Take little digs here and there where you can?I could give a rat's ass if you're interested or not.Prove me wrong or get lost.Have a problem with me, take it to pms.
I happen to enjoy this section of the forum, and I'm just having fun. You're so defensive that any reply that differs from your opinion will be treated hostile instead of approaching the issue with diplomacy. I could care less about taking my little digs, but when it's that easy... I just think to myself what would Stoney Do? and I look at my bracelet, and here we are. Lighten up, this is in good fun, not a personal attack, read back through my posts, they've all been civil....ish.

Walk it off,


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, you seem to be attacking me on my character in TWO separate threads at once.I'd have to say that seems pretty hostile to me, taking the time to enter two threads I'm in and debate me on the same thing in both of them.Since you have in this thread said my argument was weak(without even addressing the argument of x15 which preceded it because it agreed with your beliefs),and in another thread said I was a hypocrite,I think it's safe to assume that you are indeed taking a swipe at me.Because you're not arguing against what I'm saying, point by point,and detailing why it's so wrong, you're attacking from two different fronts on one subject:Me personally.If you have a problem with me personally, pm me.If you think I'm wrong, do the legwork that everyone else on here does when they debate and point out which part of my arguments are faulty and detail why you think that is so.I'm not here to cater to you personally.
I happen to enjoy this section of the forum, and I'm just having fun. You're so defensive that any reply that differs from your opinion will be treated hostile instead of approaching the issue with diplomacy. I could care less about taking my little digs, but when it's that easy... I just think to myself what would Stoney Do? and I look at my bracelet, and here we are. Lighten up, this is in good fun, not a personal attack, read back through my posts, they've all been civil....ish.

Walk it off,



Active Member
Okay back to the point you made about not resurrecting the rest of the flock.. Here we go..

Christians believe that their resurrection will happen during the second coming of Christ, so it's end times Armageddon type stuff. Then basically Hell will be unleashed upon the earth and those that are deemed "worthy" will be saved and taken to salvation along with all the other departed souls that have died, that will be the resurrection of the "chosen" people which is really anyone who accepts Jesus and they all live happily ever after. You should look up some stories about end time stuff, particularly the three days of darkness. My step dad told me those stories as a kid because I wasn't originally religious. So if you believe that Jesus rose, which you don't, Then everyone else's resurrection will come once he returns, which you don't believe either. So I hope that put some perspective on the whole favorites thing, there's no such thing.. actually the people God favors usually have a ton of terrible things happen to them according to the Bible.

There are two types of Christians,

Those who believe based on fear and those who believe based on true love of God. I like to think I'm not a believer because of fear, but I'm not going to lie, eternity is a scary concept, if it wasn't God who invented that tormenting reminder then kudos to the bastard who did for scaring a whole world full of people. Those who believe based of love almost make me sick, which is sad in a way. I mean just having a deep respect for God is one thing, but people who... damn just got your reply, gimme time to finish! Moving on, people who sing Christian music at the top of their lungs and what me to hold hands and always saying God Be with You! like they're some kind of Jesus Jedi, come on that's fake.

Anyways, in response to above post about not going with the point by point approach, I was in the process of doing so.. I'll post again once I re-read through some of x15's posts because apparently I missed something.



Active Member
Why did I need to comment on x15's posts? All he did was comment about your God hating females stance with a bunch of bible verses. I already posted my view on that issue so responding to his posts wouldn't accomplish much.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I know all about the resurrection/Armageddon stuff, I was raised a Jehovah's witness, that's about all my mom talked about. Of course the Christian god has favorites, they're his flock.THEY are the ones supposedly worthy to inherit the earth after the Apocalypse.(As for wandering the desert for 40 years,if I'm not mistaken, Moses did that on his own because his people were whining about returning home).The reason his favorites have bad stuff happen to them is because he's a sadist,IMO.If he's omnipotent, he knows everything, and the outcome of everything.He knew Abraham(It was abe, right) would sacrifice his son for him, but made him go through the motions until just right before the deed.He knew Jesus would allow himself to be sacrificed(remember, this is if I believed he existed),and yet did it anyway.there was no logical reason for this sacrifice;it's a guilt trip that's been placed upon us.
Okay back to the point you made about not resurrecting the rest of the flock.. Here we go..

Christians believe that their resurrection will happen during the second coming of Christ, so it's end times Armageddon type stuff. Then basically Hell will be unleashed upon the earth and those that are deemed "worthy" will be saved and taken to salvation along with all the other departed souls that have died, that will be the resurrection of the "chosen" people which is really anyone who accepts Jesus and they all live happily ever after. You should look up some stories about end time stuff, particularly the three days of darkness. My step dad told me those stories as a kid because I wasn't originally religious. So if you believe that Jesus rose, which you don't, Then everyone else's resurrection will come once he returns, which you don't believe either. So I hope that put some perspective on the whole favorites thing, there's no such thing.. actually the people God favors usually have a ton of terrible things happen to them according to the Bible.
But this thread is about creationism, which is absolutely based on Christian faith, and does NOT belonmg in schools.Creationists seek to undermine the definition of science itself;just google what's going on in the Kansas school district where this crap is happening.They want to enforce ignorance in order to maintain their belief system, and ultimately, their power over humanity.It must not be allowed to happen.
There are two types of Christians,

Those who believe based on fear and those who believe based on true love of God. I like to think I'm not a believer because of fear, but I'm not going to lie, eternity is a scary concept, if it wasn't God who invented that tormenting reminder then kudos to the bastard who did for scaring a whole world full of people. Those who believe based of love almost make me sick, which is sad in a way. I mean just having a deep respect for God is one thing, but people who... damn just got your reply, gimme time to finish! Moving on, people who sing Christian music at the top of their lungs and what me to hold hands and always saying God Be with You! like they're some kind of Jesus Jedi, come on that's fake.

Anyways, in response to above post about not going with the point by point approach, I was in the process of doing so.. I'll post again once I re-read through some of x15's posts because apparently I missed something.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Because the arguments were faulty, like you said mine were.
Why did I need to comment on x15's posts? All he did was comment about your God hating females stance with a bunch of bible verses. I already posted my view on that issue so responding to his posts wouldn't accomplish much.


Active Member
I get what you mean about the whole Guilt Trip Scenario, step dad tried playing that game for years, and it worked for awhile too. There is more to religion then guilt trips. Real religion is always strongest amongst the poor, third world countries and such because they need something to believe in. In the states I feel that the religious organizations are just worried about image and money which takes away from the whole thing.

I still don't agree with your favorites concept. God would let his followers go through all kinds of torments just to prove a point. I think it was Job, correct me if I'm wrong, he had his family, farm, and health all taken away so God could win a bet against the devil to see if Job would still believe. Again, if that's favoritism, I don't want anything to do with it. Where I'm from, creationism is only taught in Private schools not in Public. If they are going to teach how the World began all sides should be represented equally and briefly.

Any Christian with common sense has embraced the fact that not everything in the Bible was without flaw, how can it be, it was written all those years ago before we had the advances in technology and science, what is common knowledge now wasn't back in the day (which was a Wednesday by the way;-)) they took what information they had and interpreted it to the best of their understanding. The message remains the same when it comes down to fundamentals, and that is the message that Christians embrace.

The logical reason for Jesus to be crucified that Christians believe in is, (you're gonna love this :p) to rid mankind of Original Sin and unlock the gates of heaven. Here's the catch... in order for original sin to be fully purged one must undergo the sacrament of Baptism.

In regards to God's methods of why he lets bad things happen, you will hear many Christians reply with, "We as humans do not have the capacity to understand God's reasoning." Then you will be told that only he can see the whole picture and that everything happens for a reason. That's the belief/justification for that good ol scenario. That response tends to piss me off (usually only when it comes from my step dad.)

It kind of sounds like I'm thrashing my own religion a bit, well I am. I hate hypocrites, and man my sect of Christianity sure has a bunch of em. They are more worried about everything being verbatim instead of realizing the actual importance of the attitude Jesus was taking towards tradition and rules. If your sheep is drowning on sabbath are you not going to go in after it? He pointed out all the flaws of taking everything verbatim and now we completely ignore that.

Their faults still do not change what I believe though, and I do believe in his message and do my best to live my life accordingly.. but I'm not perfect, but that's okay. Hey, It was Jesus that was hanging out with the so called Pagans and Tax collectors, so he'd feel more at home chillin with me then with some self righteous establishment anyway.

I gave you all this background so you know I am not one sided on this issue and despite my name I have thought about all of this a lot. Every question you have asked, every point so far you have brought up, I've fought and argued about for hours on end. You can call bullshit if you like, but you are not putting your stance forward on what you actually believe in. Your trying to discredit Christianity without listing valid alternatives. Where's the benefit in that? I'd rather be lead wrong then lead nowhere.



Wow I didn't noticed there was this section on the form, I just don't understand why put philosophy marijuana and religions all toghether :D

Well I used to believe so many unimaginable things for many, like:

That anything is a dream
That anything is a fruit of my mind and I could control things just by thinking
That people are being played like in a videogame by a sadistic entity or for no matters
Even that we are part of a movie were I am the main character or that I had just a role and the more good I do the more benefits I would get...
Then I had the suspect that people around me knew it and I was being tested by them for something

and every time I tried to go deeper on my thoughts PUFF everything gets confused and then I forget what I was thinking about.

Now it's all clear to me. God does not exists, it's that infinity thing, there's infinite universes and I believe life is completely senseless if not for the individuals.

But I may be wrong (:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Religion is the abdication of responsibility.If you believe everything happens for a reason, and that it's god's will,basically you're saying you're not responsible for your own actions;that everything is preordained.You're asking an invisible man to make things better for you because you've lost all hope in yourself, in the one person who truly can change your circumstances.
I get what you mean about the whole Guilt Trip Scenario, step dad tried playing that game for years, and it worked for awhile too. There is more to religion then guilt trips. Real religion is always strongest amongst the poor, third world countries and such because they need something to believe in. In the states I feel that the religious organizations are just worried about image and money which takes away from the whole thing.
Because, as I said,if god allowed these things to happen to prove a point, he's childish and spiteful-a sadist.Would you make a bet on one of your own children against an evil persona which was about to do him harm to prove he could make him angry at you because you didn't step in and help him?I hope not.Does that mean you are more merciful than this god?And if he's omnipotent, he already knew what the outcome would be, so there was no reason for him to make Job go through it.
As for creationism being taught in schools, creationism doesn't hold up to scientific scrutiny.That's why in Kansas they're trying to change the definition of what a scientific theory is.There is a clear separation of church and state, and they are trying to overcome it.They don't want the Egyptian creation beliefs taught;nor Buddhist, Wiccan, Greek...just THEIRS,which is Christian.It's not in the interest of fairness at all.
I still don't agree with your favorites concept. God would let his followers go through all kinds of torments just to prove a point. I think it was Job, correct me if I'm wrong, he had his family, farm, and health all taken away so God could win a bet against the devil to see if Job would still believe. Again, if that's favoritism, I don't want anything to do with it. Where I'm from, creationism is only taught in Private schools not in Public. If they are going to teach how the World began all sides should be represented equally and briefly.
Then it isn't the word of an omnipotent god.It is the word of men, and men of their times.It is contradictory and erroneous.It's like people thousands of years from now unearthing a copy of the wizard of oz and proclaiming that their holy book.
Any Christian with common sense has embraced the fact that not everything in the Bible was without flaw, how can it be, it was written all those years ago before we had the advances in technology and science, what is common knowledge now wasn't back in the day (which was a Wednesday by the way;-)) they took what information they had and interpreted it to the best of their understanding. The message remains the same when it comes down to fundamentals, and that is the message that Christians embrace.
Right.Join the flock,conform,be like the rest of us.Learn to fear this invisible boogeyman we tell you exists,so we can dictate your actions in this life.
The logical reason for Jesus to be crucified that Christians believe in is, (you're gonna love this :p) to rid mankind of Original Sin and unlock the gates of heaven. Here's the catch... in order for original sin to be fully purged one must undergo the sacrament of Baptism.
And if you don't have the capacity to understand an infinite being in regards to why he allows things to happen, how can you believe that those who wrote the bible had any better understanding of him or it?
In regards to God's methods of why he lets bad things happen, you will hear many Christians reply with, "We as humans do not have the capacity to understand God's reasoning." Then you will be told that only he can see the whole picture and that everything happens for a reason. That's the belief/justification for that good ol scenario. That response tends to piss me off (usually only when it comes from my step dad.)
So it's a piecemeal religion?You get to just take what you want and ignore the rest?I've seen that happen;ever heard of the guy from the "God hates fags" website?
It kind of sounds like I'm thrashing my own religion a bit, well I am. I hate hypocrites, and man my sect of Christianity sure has a bunch of em. They are more worried about everything being verbatim instead of realizing the actual importance of the attitude Jesus was taking towards tradition and rules. If your sheep is drowning on sabbath are you not going to go in after it? He pointed out all the flaws of taking everything verbatim and now we completely ignore that.

Let me get this straight...you recognize the logic is faulty.You know the bible contradicts itself.You have never had any physical proof of this God...he's never spoken to you personally,nor has anyone ever proven there was a great flood, that the earth was created in 6000 years,that Jesus was an ACTUAL person...but you still choose to believe.
Their faults still do not change what I believe though, and I do believe in his message and do my best to live my life accordingly.. but I'm not perfect, but that's okay. Hey, It was Jesus that was hanging out with the so called Pagans and Tax collectors, so he'd feel more at home chillin with me then with some self righteous establishment anyway.
Who said there needs to be an alternative religion?Hedging your bets is kinda cowardly, IMO.You don't want to think of the possibility that you are merely an organism,that you're not any more special than any other mammal on this earth, so you choose to take a pill you can't quite swallow all the way just to be safe?
If there must be an alternative...how about logic, and common sense?How about demanding proof instead of accepting tradition?How about thinking for yourself, and thinking critically?
Thereason I don't present my beliefs is because I really have none.I prefer logical, tangible evidence.I know that I AM.That's all I know for certain.I know that I am the one who controls my destiny.I know that one day I will cease to exist in this form, but I will go on...because I will return to the earth, and from my carcass, plants will spring up,and worms,and gases, and things will come along and feed off of those,and continue on in their own life cycle.This I know for certain.Where my consciousness goes,I don't know.My thoughts are possible because of my brain,and the body it resides in.FACT.When my brain is gone, it's likely my thoughts will be, too.Fine.But even though I'm not recognizable as "me",I'll still go on in that I am a part of the natural cycle.That's what I believe, because that is what I KNOW to be true.
I gave you all this background so you know I am not one sided on this issue and despite my name I have thought about all of this a lot. Every question you have asked, every point so far you have brought up, I've fought and argued about for hours on end. You can call bullshit if you like, but you are not putting your stance forward on what you actually believe in. Your trying to discredit Christianity without listing valid alternatives. Where's the benefit in that? I'd rather be lead wrong then lead nowhere.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
stoney....looks like you got this multi-qoute shit wired down pretty good.. LOL.. I woudn't know where to begin dissecting the qoutes:) good job!!:)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You just copy and paste the front part......[ quote=Dr. Greenhorn;2466984 ]
Without the spaces, in front of the text you want to separate, then, at the end of the paragraph, you copy and paste this part without the spaces....[ / quote ]
stoney....looks like you got this multi-qoute shit wired down pretty good.. LOL.. I woudn't know where to begin dissecting the qoutes:) good job!!:)


Active Member
Stoney McFried said:
Religion is the abdication of responsibility.If you believe everything happens for a reason, and that it's god's will,basically you're saying you're not responsible for your own actions;that everything is preordained.You're asking an invisible man to make things better for you because you've lost all hope in yourself, in the one person who truly can change your circumstances.
Your putting a negative spin on every aspect of religion. Nothing we are doing is hurting anyone else. I do not accept that this is it and everything just happened by coincidence there's is less of a chance of that than my religion. Religion is not an abdication of responsibility there is still cause and effect. Some people take the approach that there is destiny involved and if things happen a certain way than it is "God's Will" but that is total bullshit, God gave us a free will so we can think for ourselves and decide whether we want to do what is right or wrong. Freedom of Choice.

Stoney McFried said:
Because, as I said,if god allowed these things to happen to prove a point, he's childish and spiteful-a sadist.Would you make a bet on one of your own children against an evil persona which was about to do him harm to prove he could make him angry at you because you didn't step in and help him?I hope not.Does that mean you are more merciful than this god?And if he's omnipotent, he already knew what the outcome would be, so there was no reason for him to make Job go through it.
As for creationism being taught in schools, creationism doesn't hold up to scientific scrutiny.That's why in Kansas they're trying to change the definition of what a scientific theory is.There is a clear separation of church and state, and they are trying to overcome it.They don't want the Egyptian creation beliefs taught;nor Buddhist, Wiccan, Greek...just THEIRS,which is Christian.It's not in the interest of fairness at all.
Who says our God is loving and wouldn't hurt any of his own, I don't claim that. Throughout the entire Old Testament when people pissed him off they were killed. God has his own agenda and it will unravel as he desires, I really don't care that you find that to be spiteful/sadist, in the end it's not you that I have to answer to.

Stoney McFried said:
Then it isn't the word of an omnipotent god.It is the word of men, and men of their times.It is contradictory and erroneous.It's like people thousands of years from now unearthing a copy of the wizard of oz and proclaiming that their holy book.
It is the word of men who were said to be inspired by God. They interpreted his messages the only way they could comprehend how to. You're reaching with the Wizard of Oz statement. (Maybe Harry Potter)

Stoney McFried said:
Right.Join the flock,conform,be like the rest of us.Learn to fear this invisible boogeyman we tell you exists,so we can dictate your actions in this life.
My actions have yet to be dictated. I am still free to turn away from God whenever I like. I am choosing to believe. Call it whatever you want it still remains freedom of choice. Besides, everybody else is doing it.

Stoney McFried said:
And if you don't have the capacity to understand an infinite being in regards to why he allows things to happen, how can you believe that those who wrote the bible had any better understanding of him or it?
Well those men were said to be inspired and filled with the Holy Spirit, which is the third part of the Christian God Tripod. So their understanding was an interpretation of what God was saying to them.

Stoney McFried said:
So it's a piecemeal religion?You get to just take what you want and ignore the rest?I've seen that happen;ever heard of the guy from the "God hates fags" website?
Piecemeal huh? I never said I didn't follow all rules to the best of my abilities, I just place more emphasis on the actual message of Jesus instead of the dos and don'ts. I maintain my beliefs while allowing myself the freedom to think for myself. Citing a radical who took the message of God and turned it into something it wasn't meant to be does not impress me. People have done that throughout history.

Stoney McFried said:
Let me get this straight...you recognize the logic is faulty.You know the bible contradicts itself.You have never had any physical proof of this God...he's never spoken to you personally,nor has anyone ever proven there was a great flood, that the earth was created in 6000 years,that Jesus was an ACTUAL person...but you still choose to believe.
I was recognizing the faults of the individuals within the organization AKA the paritioners not the faults with the religion itself. You know well enough that the Faith defense will be played with the proof of God argument so why bring it up? You have no proof to discredit the existance of Jesus so saying I have no proof that he does is just a bad argument. We both can pull up tons of different sources that support and don't support his existance. We both are more than capable of coming up with reasons to disqualify each source. So after all that, yeah I still choose to believe, At least now you've got it straight.

Stoney McFried said:
Who said there needs to be an alternative religion?Hedging your bets is kinda cowardly, IMO.You don't want to think of the possibility that you are merely an organism,that you're not any more special than any other mammal on this earth, so you choose to take a pill you can't quite swallow all the way just to be safe?
If there must be an alternative...how about logic, and common sense?How about demanding proof instead of accepting tradition?How about thinking for yourself, and thinking critically?
Thereason I don't present my beliefs is because I really have none.I prefer logical, tangible evidence.I know that I AM.That's all I know for certain.I know that I am the one who controls my destiny.I know that one day I will cease to exist in this form, but I will go on...because I will return to the earth, and from my carcass, plants will spring up,and worms,and gases, and things will come along and feed off of those,and continue on in their own life cycle.This I know for certain.Where my consciousness goes,I don't know.My thoughts are possible because of my brain,and the body it resides in.FACT.When my brain is gone, it's likely my thoughts will be, too.Fine.But even though I'm not recognizable as "me",I'll still go on in that I am a part of the natural cycle.That's what I believe, because that is what I KNOW to be true.
I choose to believe because I think that I am more than an organism. I am not a mindless sheep who was brought up in the faith taught never to question what he believes. I do think for myself and make my own decisions. I do not believe that this "life cycle" was a big mysterious bang that just so happened to make us the only truly intelligent life form on the planet. You are more than welcome to be worm food if you like, but I've got bigger plans.

I understand your logic. It all comes down to faith. Without it I would be sitting the same as you. We aren't that different, I just choose to believe and you choose not to.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
ok stoney i admit its very skeptical info. you mention we would see it with infared scopes, and we have 1rs in the 80 was launch and was the first to report the presence of a large celestial body. now some think it is different things some say its a brownstar or meteor. if you go to google sky and look in bottom right of the leo constellation it is visible for you to see. for me we should all be able to see it in the sky by years end and that seeing with my own eyes with tell me the truth.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
another compelling fact is the knowledge of the sumerian and myan, plus other cultures vast knowledge of the stars. such as the one i mentioned last time. the sumerian tablet with the solar system as it is with a ten planet, and they new the color of several planets when it took our own technology till the 1930s to confirm these findings.maybe they are coincidence but its very interesting.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
But it is hurting us if a religion insists upon interfering with the education of out children.Promoting ignorance is doing harm.The catholic church covering up the rape of children is doing harm. The church burning people in medieval times for proclaiming the world was not flat was doing harm.It has held science back,women back,minorities back, for years.Who is to say where we would be if we didn't bear the yoke of superstition?And how so YOU KNOW god gave you free will? Or anything?Where is your proof outside of the Bible?Has he spoken to you directly?
Your putting a negative spin on every aspect of religion. Nothing we are doing is hurting anyone else. I do not accept that this is it and everything just happened by coincidence there's is less of a chance of that than my religion. Religion is not an abdication of responsibility there is still cause and effect. Some people take the approach that there is destiny involved and if things happen a certain way than it is "God's Will" but that is total bullshit, God gave us a free will so we can think for ourselves and decide whether we want to do what is right or wrong. Freedom of Choice.

So...it's "God's will?
Who says our God is loving and wouldn't hurt any of his own, I don't claim that. Throughout the entire Old Testament when people pissed him off they were killed. God has his own agenda and it will unravel as he desires, I really don't care that you find that to be spiteful/sadist, in the end it's not you that I have to answer to.

Now you're just arguing semantics by panning my choice of booki.SUbstitute whatever title you like, the end result of the argument is the same.
It is the word of men who were said to be inspired by God. They interpreted his messages the only way they could comprehend how to. You're reaching with the Wizard of Oz statement. (Maybe Harry Potter)

Then believe.Just leave my children's education OUT of it.
My actions have yet to be dictated. I am still free to turn away from God whenever I like. I am choosing to believe. Call it whatever you want it still remains freedom of choice. Besides, everybody else is doing it.

"Were said to be?"Who said?Them? Who else?
Well those men were said to be inspired and filled with the Holy Spirit, which is the third part of the Christian God Tripod. So their understanding was an interpretation of what God was saying to them.

Yes people have done that throughout history.Creationism is another incarnation of just that.Here's a handy pocket list of some of the do's and don't of the bible.Amusing, but true.Please don't tell me Jesus was all about love;he preached on many occasions the exact messages of his father.http://exchristian.net/pics/wallet bible1.pdf
http://exchristian.net/pics/wallet bible2.pdf
Piecemeal huh? I never said I didn't follow all rules to the best of my abilities, I just place more emphasis on the actual message of Jesus instead of the dos and don'ts. I maintain my beliefs while allowing myself the freedom to think for myself. Citing a radical who took the message of God and turned it into something it wasn't meant to be does not impress me. People have done that throughout history.

Plenty of proof.There is no historical record of him.Period.None that cannot be proved a forgery.The ROMANS WERE METICULOUS RECORD KEEPERS.There is no mention of Jesus being executed by Pontius Pilate by the Romans.The only proof any crationists can ever cite is the bible.And using the bible to prove the validity of the bible is kinda silly.
I was recognizing the faults of the individuals within the organization AKA the paritioners not the faults with the religion itself. You know well enough that the Faith defense will be played with the proof of God argument so why bring it up? You have no proof to discredit the existance of Jesus so saying I have no proof that he does is just a bad argument. We both can pull up tons of different sources that support and don't support his existance. We both are more than capable of coming up with reasons to disqualify each source. So after all that, yeah I still choose to believe, At least now you've got it straight.

So, if the big bang never happened,who created god?Did he just arrive out of nothing?According to creationsists, that simply can't happen, at least when they're referring to the Big Bang.So it has to apply to a creator as well.
I choose to believe because I think that I am more than an organism. I am not a mindless sheep who was brought up in the faith taught never to question what he believes. I do think for myself and make my own decisions. I do not believe that this "life cycle" was a big mysterious bang that just so happened to make us the only truly intelligent life form on the planet. You are more than welcome to be worm food if you like, but I've got bigger plans.
Did you used to be Tronica?
I understand your logic. It all comes down to faith. Without it I would be sitting the same as you. We aren't that different, I just choose to believe and you choose not to.
I'm sorry, I simply don't believe it.If it were supposed to be here in 2012, as everyone says,we'd already be noticing it's gravitational effects.There's always an end of times scenaria every few years, and I've never believed any of them,because they're full of holes.:peace:
ok stoney i admit its very spectile info. you mention we would see it with infared scopes, and we have 1rs in the 80 was launch and was the first to report the presence of a large celestial body. now some think it is different things some say its a brownstar or meteor. if you go to google sky and look in bottom right of the leo constellation it is visible for you to see. for me we should all be able to see it in the sky by years end and that seeing with my own eyes with tell me the truth.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Their calenders ended at 2012 simply because they stopped counting.It would start over, something mathematical, gives me a headache, it's easily googled.:peace:
another compelling fact is the knowledge of the sumerian and myan, plus other cultures vast knowledge of the stars. such as the one i mentioned last time. the sumerian tablet with the solar system as it is with a ten planet, and they new the color of several planets when it took our own technology till the 1930s to confirm these findings.maybe they are coincidence but its very interesting.


Well-Known Member
See, that's the problem.If someone doesn't agree, they're spiritually "lacking." If you don't think God showed favoritism,let's look at some of his favorites..Moses, Abraham,Job,Jesus.Didn't they get some preferential treatment?I think so.Your god plays favorites, for those who don't believe in him must perish.
[SIZE=+1][FONT=Times, Times New Roman, Serif][SIZE=+0]Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons...[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]​
[SIZE=+1][FONT=Times, Times New Roman, Serif][SIZE=+0]Deut. 10:17 For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward...[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]​
[SIZE=+1][FONT=Times, Times New Roman, Serif][SIZE=+0]Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]​
[SIZE=+1][FONT=Times, Times New Roman, Serif][SIZE=+0]Galatians 2:6 But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man's person:) for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me... (cf. Eph. 6:9, Col. 3:25, 1 Peter 1:17)

[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Some examples of favoritism.
Exodus 20:5-6 (also Dt 5:9-10) [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Leviticus 26:43b-45 [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]They will pay for their sins because they rejected my laws and abhorred my decrees. Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the Lord their God. But for their sake I will remember the covenant with their ancestors whom I brought out of Egypt in the sight of the nations to be their God. [/FONT]

[SIZE=+1][FONT=Times, Times New Roman, Serif][SIZE=+0]

Nope, I haven't been trumped yet. And I do think you are welove1.:peace:

hey, stoney :)

just wanted to say that the premise of the bible (new testament) is to achieve agape love. never are we to lord over our wives, neighbors, travelers...but instead we are commanded to be servants to our wives, neighbors, travelers, esteeming others better than oneself.

"No one shows greater love than when he lays down his life for his friends."
- john 15:13

"...if any be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new..."
- II Corinthians 5:17

it's all about love — the new operating system :)

peace :)