dudes who have had adult/teen circumcision

yo i thought id ask on here since don't know were else i could ask these questions but please only give help if you've been through this mess or if you definatley know what your saying.
i just came back from the hospital and had circumcision because i had to, went ok but they had to keep me in all day and put in more stitches coz of excessive bleeding now is it ok to smoke some weed now? im not sure if it will slow down the healing process and will it be ok to smoke weed and take pain killers same day? (but not while im baked ofcourse) and also could smoking right before bed help with night erections? im not sure if should lay off weed and just take the valium and pain killers or use some weed also? please anyone i need help i really dont know what to do and very scared of the night erections i pretty much passed out just going to the hospital this morning knowing i got to deal with the aftermath sorry for writing a heap down
any experience/info would be appreciated thanks heaps in advance


Well-Known Member
Dude Firstly let me say that really blows.

My school friend went into hospital for his appendix out when he was like 17 and they circumsized him (asked for his concent when he was still half-under, 'Hygene Reasons'?), wouldn't even let him keep it afterwards.

Weed should be fine, makes pain killers work better a lot of medical users say.

However I'm not a Doctor, so this isn't medical advise. I'd do some research on the particular med's your on if I were you.


Well-Known Member
Damn.. I cant help, I just wanna say i'm sorry.. thats gotta suck... i'd take alot of them vallums to help with the night erections.. I suggest taking the meds while smoking. asfar as your erections.. damn.. I don;t kow.. just think B arthur naked before you go to bed..


Well-Known Member
I'd keep it if I were you. I'm sure your female partners will notice a difference, as well as you. Do not do it. I wish I still had mine, but unfortunately I wasn't able to communicate my desires to my physician at that time. KEEP THE SKIN!


Well-Known Member
there is no reason to get circumcised. in this day and age, you can just wash daily and solve the hygiene issue. i am still uncircumcised and have had a few girls say they liked it a lot. some dont even notice. i think its fuckin rad. haha.

as far as smoking, i wouldnt smoke the weed if it makes your heart race. if your blood starts pumping, it could burst your stitches or something. i had my wisdom teeth out and still smoked that night and was fine.


Well-Known Member
ya weed tends to higher your blood pressue and it gives me woodys sometimes.. soryr about the bad news..
um i already had it done,lol did you dudes read it properly? but ye i had phismosis and got tears on tip basically was to tight and doc said could get worse when im older so i thought might aswell get it done, i did want to keep but didn't want to suffer later years plus was done for free haha. na no jew girl made me do this lol. and to creepystevie69 as far as pain i havent really had any yet but from the research ive done ive found dudes havent complained about the pain after the 3rd day and im only on my second but so far it ok, i was lucky i only had partial erections during last night and this morning and was managable i just hope a stitch didnt come apart coz i did feel somethin like that but the pain and stuff will vary from person to person but i consider i consider myself a bit of a wimp when it come to this sorta stuff but i been ok so far and about to take salt bath so i might feel the pain in a minute. the hospital did a good job with me they put me to sleep and nurses kept helpin out, the worst bit was i had to put pressure on my dick for bout couple hours before they put stiches coz they werent sure to or not (this was after the actual surgery as i stated i had bleedin problem) oh actually the needle he put into my dick for patch up stitch after was the worst coz i was awake then and felt it. anyways alot of yanks have it done and jews they seem happy with it so hopefully il come out good.
thanks for input any help still would be great i still dont know if weed or painkillers?


DAMN BRO!! i feel your pain.... i was 13 when i had mine snipped... the foreskin hole was too small and was "holding things back"... painfully:shock::cry:.... they put some self-dissolving stitches in, and i was basically (pain wise) back to normal after about the third day....

good luck to you bro... and how old are you? if you dont mind.... i can only imagine that the older you are when you have it done, the worse it will be... due to mental aspects of the "area" ...
Thanks dude. Im 20. ye its mentally harder than physically at the moment,especially in the hospital i think i over panicked (hate hospitals) coz they were laughin at me sorta but just had a cone and feeling pretty good


Well-Known Member
hahah kinda unrelated but i remember when i was younger i got hurt and the doctors had to put a camera in me and they were going to put it through the area by my groin and when i woke up half my pubic hairs were shaved.



Active Member
there is no reason to get circumcised. in this day and age, you can just wash daily and solve the hygiene issue. i am still uncircumcised and have had a few girls say they liked it a lot. some dont even notice. i think its fuckin rad. haha.

as far as smoking, i wouldnt smoke the weed if it makes your heart race. if your blood starts pumping, it could burst your stitches or something. i had my wisdom teeth out and still smoked that night and was fine.
Same here man, I went under at like 9am and I was at a party at like 11pm hittin the bong with gauze in my mouth ;)


Well-Known Member
Its making me shiver man! That injection sounds absolutely horrible!

What do you mean by 'put pressure on my dick'??

Oh, and the salt bath..... ah bro i feel for ya..

:joint: I would smoke away! :joint:
ye the local anaesthetic the nurse dude put in after my actual surgery was the worst, felt it go in then felt go out, my dick was supposed to be still numb coz they already put local anaesthetic after while i was still asleep so i wouldnt feel any pain straight after but it had of worn off coz was few hours after. the pressure shit was fuked i had to pinch just under the head wear stiches wear and hold with pressure coz they thought that would stop bleeding but in the end it didnt and they put in the extra stitches which then i had to have that fuking needle and i felt the stitch come through but didnt hurt but just feeling it thread through was fuked. and i too hold with pressure for couple hours coz they kept comin every half hour to check if bleeding stopped. i wish they jsut did a good stitch job whilst i was still under the general anaesthetic, also i been bleeding into 4th day now but its stopped just fuking erections make it bleed a bit